Welcome to More Cosmic Magic!

You made it! Congratulations!

Thank you for completing the quiz and finding out which star unlocks your hidden potential. On this page, you will find additional tips, guidance and moving forward steps.

About Your PDF Guide

Your PDF Star Guide has been encoded with the energy matrix of the star that helps you to unlock your hidden potential. Let’s call that star your Personal Power Star.

That means, this is not just a simple digital file that you are used to reading – each page, each word, each letter, the banner, the constellation watermark, the logo – everything is encoded with holographic energy matrices from your Personal Power Star.

You can open the PDF daily and simply scan through it. As you look at the pages and the images, imagine, visualize, notice and feel that the energies from your Personal Power Star are coming out of the PDF and spiraling through you to help you raise your vibration, experience inner healing and transformation, to come up with ideas, receive solutions and increase the flow of love, joy, harmony, abundance, collaboration and creativity in your life.

From time to time, you can simply “jump inside” the PDF (imagine that’s a whole new Universe) and explore the cosmic energies. The more you connect and use the PDF, the stronger the energies will become for you.

About Your MP3 Star Track

Similarly, the MP3 track and the guided journey is also encoded with the energy matrices of your Personal Power Star. There is a direct interactive link to your star. So you will not outgrow the track.

Each time you listen consciously, play it in the background when you are at your home/office or play it at night when you sleep, you will absorb more energy and information from the star.

You can also play the track in a repeat loop all night long when you sleep. The volume can be very low – you can even mute it! You will still receive the benefits.

Simply connect with the track and the star from your heart, make a wish and allow the Universe to help you reshape your reality in your favor.

How Often Should You Use the PDF Guide and the MP3 Track?

As often as you want – daily, at night, weekly – you create your own exploration schedule. If you have a family, play it in the background while you focus on more harmony, collaboration and magical connection for the whole family.

How Will You Notice the Shift in Energy?

We each have our own way to release, transform, integrate and embody. If you notice old patterns or suppressed feelings or emotions coming up, simply notice it without getting judgmental or needing to analyze it. They may come up to the surface as they get transformed and flushed out of your reality.

The more you play and explore with your Personal Power Star, the faster you will notice the flow of cosmic energies in your life and your ability to manifest will get stronger.

Do You Want to Go Deeper as a Part of the Life Harmonized Community?

Simply notice what you are attracted to besides the stars. Scan the Products and Programs pages and allow your heart’s energy to guide you.

Explore Cosmic Creation with Us

Each month, we explore a star, planet, nebula or other cosmic body/being. It happens the first Sunday of each month.

Come and join us to expand your consciousness, connect with cosmic forces, learn how to harness the power of the stars and notice how they help you manifest your priorities, goals and vision!

Learn more about this month’s Cosmic Creation here.

Become a Member of Our M3 Power Series

The M3 Power Series helps you to move fast and take actions to attract solutions and success in your life. You have 2 levels to choose from:

  • Magic Explorer – includes a monthly Inner Transformation Class, access to our Magic Library downloads and a 10% discount on online programs
  • Magic Engineer – this level automatically includes the monthly Cosmic Creation classes in addition to everything in the Magic Explorer level. You will also receive a monthly image that is encoded for a specific focus.

By exploring the M3 Power Series, you can focus on a topic with the whole M3 community each month and create faster inner shifts.

Learn more about the M3 Power Series here.

Join Our Free Monthly Abundance Calls  

And please make sure to join our Monthly Abundance Calls – they are special gifts for you. They happen the first weekday of each month.

About Mashhur Anam

Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.