Living in a state of Joy is your Divine birthright.
and feel pure bliss
from a state of energetic joy
radiate happiness
Now, can you picture a baby smiling, giggling and playing with you? How does that energy make you feel? Don’t you want to cherish that moment forever?
Imagine there is only happiness, only contentment. You are that giggling baby – safe, protected, fed, loved, and full of perfect joy. Every desire is fulfilled before you are even aware you have a need.
From this place of perfect peace, manifestation happens
without thought – pure joy continues pure joy.
Living in this state of joy is your divine birthright. Too often we get stuck in unhappiness and pain; too many times we have lost hope in the face of difficulty.
But we contain the divine memory and capacity for joy deep within us. It is waiting inside to be unlocked and set free.
Joy is one of the most powerful vibrations that we can hold! It instantly raises your playful energy. Not only does it help you feel happy in everything you do and in all your interactions with others, Joy helps you send your wishes out into the Universe in a way that attracts solutions faster and easier.
Raise your vibration of joy!
Experience true bliss as you manifest faster
and create ripples of hope for the entire planet.
Of feeling like there is nothing you can do to make a difference?
Do you often feel caught up in these energies and start to lose hope yourself?
Would you like to help neutralize all of these energies for yourself and the world?
Would you love to manifest with speed (for yourself and the collective)
from a state of pure, radiant Joy?
Well, you are in luck because a brand new Holographic program
Unlock Your Inner Joy is here to help you align with a
stronger flow of joy and share it with world!
Joy is the Power Behind Opening Up to Unlimited Possibilities
The flow of joy helps you to break stagnant energies, fear, hopelessness and worries about your future.
Joy is the antidote for a lot of government and corporate policies!
Today’s world is filled with disharmony, issues and challenges—and new ones are popping up every day. When you are more aligned and in your higher consciousness, you may feel no one around you is listening or seeing the truth. You may notice that groups with ill intentions are destroying our home – Earth! You may see the kind of world you want, but not know how to bring it about.
Joy is the energy that can break these cycles! Joy helps you become more aware and open up to allowing more love and healing in your life!
Joy attracts enhanced communication and collaboration. When you operate from joy, you open yourself up to seeing new solutions and possibilities that you may have missed before.
When you are high in joy,
you send out ripples of energy that help others!
Do you wish to feel more joy in your life, for your and for the planet?
Do you feel that you have disconnected from joy because of external situations or what you see happening on Earth today?
Are you now ready to unlock your inner joy and share it with the world?
A brand new Holographic program Unlock Your Inner Joy is here to help you align with a stronger flow
of cosmic joy!
The Holographic program Unlock Your Inner Joy is here to help you raise your vibration of joy. It helps you to quickly run the energies of joy through your field, your body and you mind whenever you want to give yourself a boost of joy.
From a state of enhanced joy, you can live a more empowered life and allow manifestation to happen with more ease. And you can share these energies with those around you and the world!
A Joy Vortex Meditation
Unlock Your Inner Joy also comes with a 15-minute Joy Vortex Meditation. This powerful meditation gives you a boost of joy from the Holographic program plus the collective joy vibration of Earth, the elements, Nature and the Cosmos. Give yourself an infusion of joy with the Joy Vortex Meditation.
You can play it in the background at a low volume while you are home or in your office or while you sleep. Allow your body and your cells to integrate the energy matrix of joy from the Joy Vortex Meditation.
The Power of Joy Activates Your
Unlimited Future and Heals Our Planet
By using the Unlock Your Inner Joy Holographic program, you give your body and mind a boost of joy.
You deserve pure bliss – and you can experience joy beyond your imagining!
Strengthen your inner joy!
Prepare yourself for magic!
Achieve success!
Enhance your business or career!
Increase your mental clarity and focus!
More Ease:
Enhance communication!
What is a Holographic Program?
A Holographic program is a consciousness based executable program or “download” that instructs your human operating system to transform issues that are causing challenges in your life and bring in solutions to enhance your life. They help you to design your reality faster and with more ease.
A Holographic program is not a computer program – it is a form of technology that enhances your consciousness and helps you design your life and your world from an enhanced state.
Scientific explanation: The Holographic programs are built with interactive modules and transformative algorithms to analyze your current state, identify challenges and resistance, define new parameters to move forward and align and use these transformative algorithms to reprogram the source code behind your every day life.
The explanation in every day terms: Holographic programs are advanced consciousness-based technology. When you utilize them you can change the information that creates your current reality and design a new reality faster. They’re simple to use with an activation command (which you receive with the program so you can call it in anytime).
How Does Unlock Your Inner Joy Work?
When you activate it, the Unlock Your Inner Joy Holographic program runs through you and gives you a boost of joy. It helps you move through blocks or resistance patterns that prevent you from experiencing and holding a higher vibration of joy. Unlock Your Inner Joy helps you open up a stronger flow of joy energies and feel better in every area of your life.
Once you activate Unlock Your Inner Joy:
What Will You Receive?
Video and MP3 Activation and Installation Track (this gives you access to simply “run” the Holographic program any time)
Joy Vortex Meditation Track - Use it to infuse a high-energy Joy Vortex in your life and for your ideas, goals and visions
PDF Guide to use the program and combine other Holographic tools
Why is it Necessary to Bring More Joy to Earth?
When we bring in and restore a stronger flow of joy for the planet, many systems, governments and companies will be required to make changes in how they operate on Earth because the global increase of joy energies will raise our living, collaboration and communication standards.
As you begin to collectively bring in and anchor more joy in your life and on Earth, you will play a big role in the expansion of consciousness and helping people around you to live from joy.
Let’s choose to play with the energies of joy with childlike curiosity and make your world more joyful.
Are you ready to Unlock Your Inner Joy?
About Mashhur Anam
Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced under- standing of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.