Design Your Future and New Reality with Star Frequency Infused 12-Chakra Projection

Learn an Ancient Egyptian Technique for Harnessing Singularity Energies into Your Chakras for Healing, Prosperity and Opening Cosmic Gateways to the Wonders of Higher Levels of Consciousness.

Learn a Chakra Breathing Process to Harness Solar and Cosmic Energies

Begin Using Chakra Projection of Energy to Heal, Receive and Manifest

Prepare Your Mind and Body for Your Next Phase of Soul-Alignment

Combine the 12-Chakra Projection with 7th Dimensional Sound Frequencies

Begin an Ancient Powerful Practice to Unlock New Doorways for Inner Evolution, Chakra Healing, Chakra Manifestation and Vision & Reality Projection – Energized with Holographic Techniques and Star Vibration

Are you ready to rise above global “chaos”, get back up and begin a new journey with a new level of awareness?

One person can make a big difference when the energy and vision is strong enough.  Regardless of what happened over the last few years, it is your cosmic time to get back up, tune into new energies of creation, connect with new models for the future and design a new life that will satisfy your heart’s desires.

By learning the Chakra Projection technique, you can expedite your personal growth, Soul-vibration alignment, ability to transform and heal and create a bigger difference on Earth.

Begin using your Chakras as vortex energies providing connections to healing, abundance, love, inner joy, prosperity, vision alignment and exploring different levels of consciousness.

Learn to project cosmic frequencies and dimensional energies to shape your world.

Spiritual Alchemy – Resilience is a process of self-mastery to design the physical plane with 12-Chakra Projection and cosmic frequencies

Who are you at your core?
Who or what influences you to make most of your decisions?
What will bring deep inner satisfaction for you?
How can you rise above your surroundings and ascend to a higher standard of living and being?

One of the extraordinary advantages of this program is beginning a process to heal your soul’s journey and strengthen your cosmic connections. Whether you’re just beginning your journey into spirituality or you’ve been on your path for years, Spiritual Alchemy will help you experience detaching from your everyday life and challenges and connect with high frequencies and cosmic power sources.

Raise your vibration and learn to play a bigger role during humanity’s greatest transition.  Become a healing and energizing vortex on Earth and empower yourself and others.  Play a role that your heart desires.

You are in charge of your reality!  Use Holographic techniques to actively enhance and design your world.


Integrate a Holographic Orion Shield – Your Personal Power Vortex

Imagine the Orion Shield as your personal power vortex.  It helps you to filter out non-beneficial energy and information and strengthen your inner light and connection. It is your new vessel and vehicle to explore consciousness, focus on your vision, amplify energy, strengthen the influence of Holographic tools and star energies and so much more.

As a part of the Spiritual Alchemy – Resilience, you will receive an integration and activation of the Orion Shield.  You can turn it on anytime (preferably each morning) and be surrounded by a strong vortex of cosmic light, sacred geometry and energy that empowers you.  Allow the Orion Shield to filter out energy and information that cause disharmony and agitation.

Use the Orion Shield as your personal power vortex and vehicle for cosmic traveling.


Spiritual Alchemy – Resilience Preview Class + Journey

Attend the preview of Spiritual Alchemy – Resilience!  Learn more about:

  • 12-Chakra Synergy Breathing
  • 12-Chakra Vortex Energies and Harnessing Star Frequencies to Design 3-D Reality
  • 12-Chakra Projection for Manifestation
  • Building up Energy in Your Chakras and Distributing them for Organ Healing
  • Creating an Advanced Integrated Network Using 12-Chakras
  • Accessing 7 Dimensional Energies with Your 12 Chakras
  • Plugging into Different Solutions with Chakras
  • 8-12 Minutes of Practice for Designing Reality
  • And more…

Also, join a power-meditation/journey for an energy detox and healing of your field plus connecting to the Spiritual Alchemy combined consciousness that created 10 years of magic for the global Life Harmonized community.


Benefits of Attending Spiritual Alchemy – Resilience:

Strengthen your 12 major Chakras with Solar and Cosmic frequencies

Infuse 7-Dimensional sound vibration into your Chakras to manifest

Use a 12-Chakra Projection technique to speed up healing and manifestation

Integrate higher cosmic frequencies for growth and manifestation

Create your heart, mind and 3rd eye coherence

Attract more inner peace, bliss, joy, love, harmony and abundance

Learn to project multidimensional energies to manifest your vision

Enhance your life and help others, humanity and Earth

Learn to use a Chakra Breathing technique practiced in ancient Egypt and other civilizations

Integrate the energies of some Power Stars into your Chakras for vision projection

Explore & Expand Your Own Consciousness – Receive Healing with 12-Chakra Synergy Breathing and Design Your World with 12-Chakra Projection.

You will receive immediate access to the program:

  • Videos and audios of each class (download or stream online)
  • Meditation/journey/activation track from each class (without background music)
  • Meditation/journey/activation track from each class with energy encoded background music
  • Membership page with details and resources
  • Individual and 12-Chakra simultaneous Vortex Projection and Synergy Projection techniques in the practice tracks for your 8-12 minutes of daily practice after you complete the program



What is the 12-Chakra Synergy Breathing?

Learn a technique of breathing through your Chakras, one-by-one.  You will practice the process with 12 major Chakras individually and collectively throughout the program to enhance your Chakra Synergy Breathing skills.

The 12-Chakra Synergy Breathing process can be used for healing, infusing love and joy into your life, increasing and opening up the flow of abundance and awakening to a deeper cosmic consciousness.

You will learn the 12-Chakra Synergy Breathing process practiced in some of our ancient civilizations.  You will learn to expand and enhance the process with Solar energy breathing and some of the power stars energy breathing.

Harness pure potential energy into the central Chakra crystal and use it for manifestation.


What is the 12-Chakra Projection for Manifestation?

You will learn to use a 12-Chakra Projection process for manifestation of your heart’s desires.  Explore harnessing vortex energies into your Chakras for specific ideas and vision.

Use it to navigate through different levels of consciousness, send information through time, bring solutions from your future and more.

During the 12-day exploration, you will practice the steps to strengthen your connection, hold your vision more efficiently and project the energies of your heart’s desires for manifestation with speed.


What is the 7th Dimensional Sound Vibration and Why Use It with the Chakras?

Sound is one of the power sources for rapid transformation and creation.  The 7th dimensional energies are quite different than the other higher dimensions.  You may perceive it as waves or as very high vibrational sound energies.

By connecting with the 7th Dimension, you access the realm of knowledge, sound vibration of creation and the energies of pure potentials.

During the program, you will infuse 7D sound vibration into your major Chakras and use the Chakra Projection and Manifestation technique to design and enhance your life, career, business and your world.  Explore possibilities.



Chakras are Your Energetic Gateways Where Matter and Consciousness Meet

Since the ancient times, Chakras have been considered as gateways where matter and consciousness meet. The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to a wheel or a disk. That’s why Chakras are often depicted as swirling wheels—the energy centers of your body.   

Traditionally, most teachings talk about the 7 primary Chakras or energy centers for your body and energetic field.

Very few teachings mention about the second level of 5 spiritual Chakras that need to be energized and awakened next.  These Chakras exist to regulate and process higher vibrational and cosmic information, allowing you to move beyond the physical.


Shape Your Reality with 12-Chakra Projection of Energy

When energy and information flows through them without resistance, they give you the power to shape your reality.

The 5 higher spiritual Chakras help you to align with and strengthen your Soul vision, higher purpose, cosmic creation energy, higher intuition, ESP and more.  When these higher Chakras are active and you are connected to them fully, you have “opened” them. 

Through the powerful technique of 12-Chakra Breathing and Projection of your vision, you will have more control over designing your reality and open yourself to the wonders of this universe.

As you continue to practice the powerful Chakra technique and strengthen your major Chakras, you can even go beyond the primary 12.

Wouldn’t it be fun to operate more from this space?


The Basics of the 12 Major Chakras to Design Your Physical World

The Root Chakra:  Located at the base of your spine.  Connected to your foundation, strength, grounding on Earth, career and money.

The Sacral Chakra:  Located in the lower abdomen area.  Connected to love, relationship, feelings of belonging.

The Solar Plexus Chakra:  Located around the navel area near the upper abdomen.  Connected to creativity, personal power, self-worth, self-esteem and confidence.

The Heart Chakra:  Located at the center of the chest.  Connected to unconditional love, joy, inner peace, sense of purpose, healing and compassion.

The Throat Chakra:  Located in the throat area.  Connected to communication, expression and truth.

The Third Eye Chakra:  Located at the center of your brain in the pineal gland region.  Connected to intuition, inner guidance, vision, big picture, spiritual wisdom and stronger cosmic energies.

The Crown Chakra:  Located at the top of your head around the crown area.  Connected to higher cosmic energies, divine, spirituality, willingness to help at a global scale.

The Origin (8th) Chakra:  Located below your feet.  Connected to understanding your foundation, your origin and who you are.

The Alignment (9th) Chakra:  Located above your crown.  Connected to the Power Star Alcyone, enhance joy frequencies, higher purpose.

The Memory (10th) Chakra:  Located above your ninth or the Alignment Chakra.  Connected to the Andromeda Galaxy, your Soul-journey path, accessing your galactic memories and a higher order of understanding the physical plane. 

The Harmony (11th) Chakra:  Located above the tenth or the Memory Chakra.  Connected to the constellation of Orion or the Power Star Sirius based on your Soul-journey to Earth.  It connects you with the vibration of harmony and collaboration at a cosmic level.

The Golden (12th) Chakra:  Located above the eleventh or the Harmony Chakra.  Connected to a greater cosmic consciousness, the unified field and brings the ability for rapid manifestation and alchemy on the physical plane.

Awaken Your 12 Chakras - Life Harmonized

The Benefits of Star Frequency Infusion into Your Chakras

When you use the ancient sacred process of strengthening and energizing your Chakras and amplify everything by harnessing star energies, you will start opening up a lot more options for you.

Imagine harnessing healing powers from the Healing Star Maia, magic and miracles from the Orion’s Belt, strength, courage and empowerment from the Royal Star Regulus and more!

You will learn to project harnessed star energies using your 12 major Chakras for healing, abundance, prosperity, creativity, inner power, helping humanity and Earth, enhancing your career and business and more.

Explore designing and enhancing the 3-D Plane with star vibration.  Possibilities are endless.

Manifest using sound - Mashhur Anam - Life Harmonized

Ancient Sacred Process of Life Designing with Sound Frequencies

Humanity has lost connection with the true potential of sound frequencies.  Sound is not only for speaking and music, it is broader than what most people imagine.

There are ancient stories about healing through sounds, moving stones and objects using sounds, creating with sounds and more.  Sound creates sacred geometry.

Sound harmonics can help you create stronger vibrational alignment with your ideas, heart’s desires and intention when you learn to tune-in.

During the program, you will also integrating the 7th dimensional energies of sound harmonics into your 12 Chakras.  It will help you to harness and project energies of pure potentials for manifestation.

Learn to access and harness the energies of the “unseen world” and convert that energy into physical reality with the help of 12-Chakra projection.  Reshape your life and reshape your world.


Extensive Practice of 12-Chakra Synergy Breathing and Projection with the Sun and Alcyone

The Spiritual Alchemy – Resilience is a very hands-on and practical program.  In the first few days, you will practice the 12-Chakra Synergy Breathing with Solar frequencies and Alcyone (the power star in Pleiades that energizes our Sun) frequencies.

When you begin your practice of a few minutes with each Chakra, you get to know them, their energy and your feelings toward them.  You can also unlock information and memory they hold that need your attention.

By practicing Synergy Breathing and Projection with the rays of the Sun and the Power Star Alcyone, you will enhance your skills to focus, receive and project the vibration of your ideas, vision and heart’s desires.


Integrate Frequencies of the Power Stars into Your 12 Chakras

During the 12 days of exploration and practice, you will infuse energy, sound and information from some of the Power Stars that are influencing us now in big ways.  You will practice 12-Chakra Breathing, Expanding and Projection techniques using these cosmic sources of power.

Power Star Vega:  Considered to be one of the most important stars by many civilizations, it is a repository of knowledge, new ideas and possibilities.

Healing Star Maia:  Use healing frequencies for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.

The Orion’s Belt:  Design your future and career and enhance your vision by projecting the energies of cosmic magic.

North Star Polaris:  Learn to project the vibration to receive guidance, hope and direction.

Royal Star Regulus:  The Royal Star Regulus helps you with strength, courage, wisdom and empowerment for your path, career, business and your life.

The Orion Nebula:  The Orion Nebula is known as a stellar nursery. New stars and planets are born here.  The Orion Nebula is connected to the energies of creation, magic and miracles.

Harness the energies of cosmic magic from the Orion Nebula.  Infuse the energies into your future and your career, business and life.  Take more responsibility to help humanity and Earth.  Amplify the waves of new creation energies throughout the planet.


Daily Energy Encoded Background Music for the Meditation/Journey Tracks

After each class, in addition to the video, full audio mp3 track and the meditation/activation/journey mp3 track, you will also receive a background music encoded activation/journey track.  You can play them online or download them and play on your phone/computer.

For each meditation/journey/processing track, the background music will be energized and programmed with the information and activity from that day to help you integrate more with high-vibe music.

You can use the music encoded journeys at night for soothing night-time integration.  You can also play them at home during the day to boost the energies and connect more with your higher cosmic vision and higher dimensional information.

Claim your birthright and embody stellar energies
to create a passionate and purpose filled life.

During the Spiritual Alchemy™ 12-day program you will begin a process to let go of the old paradigm and tap into the infinite possibilities in front of you.  As you journey into the cosmos, you awaken your inner explorer who experiences life with the delight and joy of constant discovery. When we combine the knowledge from science, technology and spirituality, we understand both our origins and our potential.

The atoms in your body were created at the heart of different stars. As the stars go supernova, a physical energy burst creates the energies and structures, which come together to form the galaxies, solar systems, planets, and rocks. The stars give birth to the building blocks of all living beings, our environments, our physical world, and the essence of our consciousness.

We each carry messages from the stars, and when you align with your core stellar information, life becomes more purposeful and magical. Let us journey into the cosmos and begin to awaken your core messages. Claim your birthright and embody stellar energies to create a passionate and purpose filled life.

Harness cosmic energies for exponential growth, life-design on the 3-D plane and a higher level of spiritual awakening.

During the 12-days of Spiritual Alchemy – Resilience program, you will explore accessing different higher dimensional energies, integrate holographic Star Tetrahedron, connect with powerful stars, nebula and vortex energies and practice your skills during the daily journeys.

The next few years are years of rapid transformation, Soul-alignment and exponential growth.  As you operate from a higher level of consciousness and learn to harness the power of the stars, you can create a strong foundation for your life and achieve the type of success that you desire.

Now is the time to tune into new solutions.  Using 12-Chakra Projection, achieve results that seemed “impossible” in the past! 

Together, let’s create alchemy on Earth, while you create your own stellar life.

With the Spiritual Alchemy – Resilience Program You Will Receive: 


12 experiential video classes.  Each day’s class includes brief information, guided meditations/journeys and group Q&A sessions.  You can go through the program in 12 days giving you a massive vibration boost or you can watch and practice at your own pace.

The Orion Shield Activation to help you with Astral and Cosmic travel and create your personal power vortex

12 full class downloadable audio (mp3) and video (mp4) recordings

12 MP3 separated meditation/journeys from each class for you to listen to anytime to meditate, create success, design reality, transform your life and more

12 MP3 separated meditation/journey tracks with background music energized with each day’s activation

Learn the 12-Chakra Synergy Breathing and Projection Technique to manifest

And that’s not all!  You also receive access to a private Spiritual Alchemy™ Facebook group where you can share your experiences, ask questions and become a part of the Life Harmonized Stellar community

Are you ready to integrate cosmic power sources into your Chakras?

Are you ready to create fulfillment in life with purpose alignment?

Are you excited about learning ancient techniques and accessing higher dimensional and cosmic frequencies to enhance and design your life and help Earth?

No One Else Can Design Your Life and Your Reality.  It is up to YOU!

Join us for the 12 days of cosmic exploration to go deeper into your consciousness expansion, align more with your cosmic vision, allow your life on Earth to become more and more magical for you and help humanity and Earth.


About Mashhur Anam

Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.