Going Forward
Where do you go from here?
Today, you begin a brand new journey to step-by-step add more JOY into your life.
Schedule an hour each week for your life!
Please continue to explore opening up your heart even more by going through the JOY journeys each month. You can schedule an hour a week to focus on using some of the journeys, the JOY Matrix Imprint and playing with the $2.1 Billion idea. In your mind and in your heart, continue to design your joyful life on a joyful and collaborative Earth.
As you play more and have more fun, your brain, body and being will get used to a stronger vibration of JOY. When that happens, it will become your new operating standard.
Your exploration and integration of these higher vibrational energies (such as from the guided journeys) will help you, people around you and the planet. The more you tune into those energies, the more you will help humanity and the Earth.
This is a critical time for all of us to come together to anchor and embody a stronger vibration of possibilities, abundance, love, harmony, collaboration, joy, magic and miracles for the World. As you tune into these energies and continue to unlock possibilities in your mind, you will make a significant difference to help the collective consciousness.
Please stay connected via our weekly emails (if you didn’t opt-in already!). Also, make sure to checkout our Weekly Magic Tips that are generally sent on Fridays and play with the exercises and ideas.
And certainly do remember to play with the stars – they will continue to unlock so much for you and for your Soul-journey and Soul-vision.
Thank you for going on this magical and joy-filled journey with us!