Welcome to Our 7-Day Exploration to Unlock a Stronger Flow of Joy in Your Life!

Let’s dive into exploring possibilities to create more joy in your life for the next 7 days.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to:

Have fun doing the exercises and show up and be accountable
Use the Facebook private group to share your ideas and experiences.  Empower others and allow the community to uplift you!
Think about joyful solutions for all areas of your life – no justification is necessary
Go WILD with your imagination – expect the Universe to deliver joyful and magical solutions to you. This way, you can raise your thresholds or upper limits around allowing Joy into your life.
Begin to look at the world in a different way. Regardless of what’s happening, detach from the “problems” or “situations”, take a mental step back, breathe in and ask: What Joyful and Magical Solution Can I Receive Now?

Focus: Have a focus to create a higher standard of living a more joy-filled
life during these 7 days.

What are the top 3 areas/priorities in your life where you wish to attract more Joy?

Play with Joy!

“Living in a state of joy is your Divine birthright. The flow of joy helps to open hearts, allow new solutions and raises hope for a better future.  Joy helps you to align more with your Soul-vibration.

When the cells in your body are joyful, you experience healing and love.  When you experience true bliss, you manifest faster from a state of joy without resistance and create ripples of hope for the entire planet.”

~ Mashhur Anam, Founder of Life Harmonized

Program Overview:

Return to Joy is designed to be completed over a 7 day period (or longer depending on your schedule). It is broken into 7 days/parts – each with its own class that you can experience via video.  All information for each day (access details, bonus videos, daily exercises) can be found under that day’s section by clicking on a particular day (Day 1, Day 2, etc.) on the navigation bar across the top of this page.

Please begin by reading everything on this page. We do recommend you complete the program once in order and then feel free to play with or watch/listen to any portion of the program going forward. Focus on being playful to attract more fun, joy and magic in your life!

Any questions, please post in our Private Facebook group (link below) or email support@lifeharmonized.com.


Day 1: Shift Your Energy to Allow Joy

On Day 1, begin your journey to create more joy by letting go of resistance. You will receive an overview of the program and also experience a guided journey/meditation/processing to help you dissolve resistance and fear around attracting more Joy in your life.

Day 2: Bring Joy to Your Financial World

On Day 2, explore giving your financial world a boost with a stronger flow of Joy. You will learn about the importance of creating from the vibration of joy and experience a powerful, guided journey.

Day 3: Bring Joy to Your Relationships

On Day 3, play with the energies of joy for your relationships (all kinds of relationships).  Joy can diffuse angry or upsetting situations more easily than other energies.  Experience a guided journey to boost your relationships with joy.

Day 4: Bring Joy to the World

On Day 4, let’s go global!  Humanity needs your help.  Earth needs your help.  Become an agent of joy and learn to spread ripples of joy to the entire planet.  Experience a guided journey for global healing with joy.

Day 5: Bring Joy to Your Body for Healing

On Day 5, learn to infuse the energies of joy into your cells and organs to initiate healing.  Experience a guided journey to boost your health and wellness with joy.

Day 6: Bring Joy to Your Life Purpose

On Day 6, play with the energies of joy to align more with your Soul journey and your purpose in life.  Allow information to unfold step-by-step as you tune into joy.  Experience a guided journey to infuse joy into your life-purpose.

Day 7: Tune-in to Cosmic Joy

On Day 7, go COSMIC!  Play with the energies of star consciousness to bring more joy into your life, your purpose and on Earth.  Experience a guided journey to connect with stellar consciousness.

First – we have a special gift for you!

A Holographic Matrix Encoded Image of a Return to Joy – please download a high resolution version here. This image is encoded with many layers of holographic matrices to help you allow a stronger flow of Joy in your life.

What is a Matrix Imprint?  It is a Holographically programmed image with its own multidimensional environment where the image is “alive” and interactive.  Gently gaze at the image or jump inside it and experience a 3-dimensional environment through your mind/feelings/awareness.

This Matrix Imprint is programmed with waves of Joy.  The individual stars are connected to a number of different important star consciousness for our consciousness evolution.  The image also sends out ripples of Joy through the entire planet when you tune into it.  Use the Matrix Imprint on a regular basis to tune-in to a stronger flow of Joy.

You can stare at the image and allow the energies from the image to spiral through you and your cells, atoms, DNA, Chakras and Meridians. You can then close your eyes for a few minutes and allow the process to continue. Do this short and fun exercise a few times a day. Something deep inside will begin to shift for you.

Your Private Facebook Group Access

Access our Private Facebook group here.*

Questions, answers, suggestions, guidelines and surprises will be posted in this group of joy makers!

Important:  *To ensure that everyone in the FB group is registered for the program, please also email your FB name to support@lifeharmonized.com if it is different than the name you used to register for the program or you only used your first name when signing up. If we cannot verify that you are registered for the Return to Joy program, we will decline your request to join the FB group.

Connect with your existing friends to explore joy or make a bunch of new friends and help each other bring more joy into your lives.  Collaborate to help humanity and Earth.

Help Spread the Word!

Would you like to see everyone play with Joy? How will the Earth change when that occurs? Instead of wars and harsh words, we will travel, have more fun, create more collaboration, rise above the hunger for power, control and domination…and life will simply be more JOYFUL!

So please share the opt-in page URL and help others find and sign up for the program so that they can receive all the benefits too. Spread the word on Facebook and other social media sites. The more of us who play, the more joy and magic we can all create together!

Let’s Play BIG with JOY!

These pages are your resource to play with joy. Watch the magical videos or listen to the audios and complete the daily exercises. After you complete the program, please come back often, review and continue to practice. As you practice more, you will unlock your mind to allow more joyful and magical options into your life. You will also enhance your skills to manifest more easily from a state of joy.

If you notice any resistance coming up:
Sometimes when you have the potential to go through HUGE inner shifts like you can with this program, inner resistance can show up and try and stop you from starting or completing the 7 days. Please do not let those old patterns win and take you back to your old limits and comfort zones. Instead, realize that the resistance may be coming up for you to break through it and move forward. Then things can be magical and fun again!

Practice, have fun, explore magic and create a joy-filled life for yourself, those you love and help the planet!

About Mashhur Anam

Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.