Magic is a Cosmic Force
to Design Your Reality
Play in the realm of pure magic with childlike curiosity
Dissolve illusion, fear and manipulation that prevent you from experiencing true Magic in your life
Explore Magic as the energy of Divine Science for creation
What is True Magic?
You may also immediately think about terms that have been used throughout history to talk about how magic is “bad” as people have abused their power to take advantage of others. This is not magic – this is manipulation and there is a HUGE difference.”
“We do not look at or connect with any of those energies when we talk about magic here at Life Harmonized. When you notice the usage of magic in my teachings, guidance or journeys, I am always referring to the highest level of Divine Creation and often a mysterious Cosmic Force and science that we, from this level of consciousness, often do not understand.”
~ Mashhur Anam, Founder of Life Harmonized
So what is Magic?
that we can imagine
Magic is Not Illusion
Restore Your Inner Magic to rise above illusion and align with the cosmic force of creation.
Magic is Not Manipulation
Restore Your Inner Magic to bring order to chaos.
Magic is the Divine Science of Creation
These are actually references to the Magic of creation – it is Divine Science.
From our current level of consciousness, we may not understand how the Divine Science of Magic works and creates. Through the ages, the knowledge about Magic as the Divine Science of creation was lost and Magic became associated with fear.
Restore Your Inner Magic to detach from fear and align with the Divine Science of creation.
Magic is Divine Purity
Unlock Your Inner Magic to increase the flow of Divine purity in your life.
A Brand New Holographic Program
Restore Your Inner Magic
Let’s go beyond the limitations and restrictions of the physical world and traditional teachings.
Shift your awareness to look at Magic with a new level of awareness
and experience a flow of Magical energies in your life.
As you begin to use the Holographic program Restore Your Inner Magic, you will give your body, your energy field and your consciousness a tune-up to open up to receiving the cosmic force of Divine Magic in your everyday life.
Magic is simply science that we don’t yet fully understand. As you raise your vibration and expand your consciousness, new and enhanced science and technology will be a part of your everyday life.
The Holographic program Restore Your Inner Magic allows you to bring in that vibration now so that you can begin to operate from a state of Magic consciousness, enhance your life and help create rapid transformation on the planet.
In this Holographic Program, you will discover:
Magic and Miracles as a Way of Being
As you make Magic a part of your daily life, you will begin to change your perception about the world and the Universe. You will also initiate a process to bring back a stronger flow of Magic and Miracles on the planet.
Magic as a Substance for Creation
All you need is childlike curiosity and playtime to open yourself up more to Magic and Miracles through this program.
The Magic Super-Vortex
The Magic Super-Vortex is your connection or gateway to access a stronger flow of Divine or Cosmic Magic. As you connect with it on a regular basis, you can begin to access more magical energies for creation and manifestation. Allow Magic and Miracles to be a part of your daily life.
How to Create from Mind Magic and Heart Magic
Make Magic a part of your daily life. Explore the purity of Magic. Help bring order to chaos. Make your life more beautiful. Embody a stronger flow of cosmic Magic and help make the Earth more Magical too.
What is Included?
MP3 Audio:
The Holographic program Restore Your Inner Magic comes with an installation and activation MP3 track that gives you access to calling in and using the Holographic program with an activation command.
MP3 Audio:
You will also receive a Magic Super-Vortex journey (MP3) to integrate, attract and embody a stronger flow of cosmic Magic in your life. You can use it as a meditation or play it in the background or while you sleep to make Magic and Miracles a bigger part of your life.
In addition, you will receive a PDF guide to help you understand how to use the Holographic program in more detail.
Why is it Necessary to Bring More Magic & Miracles Into Your Life Now?
Let’s choose to play in the field of Divine Magic with childlike curiosity and make the world magical again.
Are you ready to Restore Your Inner Magic?
To honor our Soul-journeys and to bring more magic in our lives, I have created a
Special Magic Party Ticket for only $34.*
If you are having any difficulty with the Magic Ticket button, please click here.
* This special offer is available for a limited time as the Restore Your Inner Magic program is $88. So make sure to get your Special Magic Party Ticket while you can.
About Mashhur Anam
Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.