Reprogram and Restructure the Matrix in 2022
Disrupt the Old Models and Integrate New Solutions
Morpheus: “What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” ~The Matrix, 1999.
Neo: “I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin. I’m going to hang up this phone, and then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you..” ~The Matrix, 1999.
The previous quotes are from the very famous movie, The Matrix (1999), which brought some new concepts for the human mind.
What is a Matrix?
In science and mathematics, a matrix refers to a data-set or all relevant information connected to a particular system or process.
When you see the word “Matrix” in any of the Life Harmonized programs, the reference is about relevant energy and information connected to something specific about you (or the planet). For example, your Abundance Matrix (information that creates the flow of abundance you experience in life), your Relationship Matrix (information that creates the flow of relationships you experience in life), etc.
The movie, The Matrix, was about the information that constructed the world most people experienced. It was also about a global Matrix governed by power, control and illusion of free will that very few people ever questioned.
The movie actually helped humanity open up to new levels of thinking which lead to the advancement of many new technologies and even breakthroughs in developing the mind and achieving new levels of awareness. Some of the information got imprinted in the collective consciousness as hundreds of millions of people watched the movie (building a collective field with mass).
What is the Significance of Reprogram the Matrix Class Now?
After 22 years, a brand new movie “Matrix Resurrection” was released on 12/22/21. It stirred up many issues about the old matrix of power, control, illusions and ruling the world. Please note that you are not being asked to watch the movie – just be aware of a huge ripple being inserted in the collective.
Since you are here on this page, you already know about many global issues that are dysfunctional and need to be broken down and replaced. You may have watched yourself or many people getting stuck in different patterns that are difficult to break free from to move forward.
When humanity is plugged into certain beliefs about reality, life, education, income, money, relationships, health & wellness, aging, limitations and many other things, unconsciously most people accept many scenarios and do not know how to break free from the old paradigm and access something new.
The massive group consciousness about “The Matrix” gives us a huge opportunity to take initiatives to break down and dissolve the old matrix and limiting belief system and begin a process to access new and better options for the future.
Join us to cause an intentional “system-glitch” of the old Matrix and help bring new solutions for our future.
Dismantle the Old Matrix and Restructure Our Future
On a powerful day of the December Solstice, reboot personal and global options for the future.
Identify the old Matrix governing the flow of information and events globally and impacting your life in every way
- Disrupt the old Matrix using holographic processes – allow people to begin questioning and help open their minds
- Begin a process to dissolve the old Matrix and insert truth and transparency programs into it for humanity
- Interrupt the old Matrix circuits of non-beneficial global flow of events
- Help integrate new possibilities for a different reality options for global empowerment
- Connect the enhancements with the process of self-realization, liberation, clearing out past resistance and stepping into something new that aligns with your Soul-vibration
- Redirect high frequency data and information toward Earth to change the flow of events for creating new possibilities for all
- Reprogram global circuits for 2022 to help humanity rise, be empowered and align more with higher cosmic vision
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Continue to use the journey and processing to integrate the information at a deeper level. Please continue to use the HR-Circuits on a regular basis.
Help yourself and help humanity rise.
Are You Ready to Reprogram the Matrix in 2022?
The potentials and the energies are here. Let’s take action and move forward. End the year by giving yourself and your world a power boost. We have our own choices. It is up to each of us to walk the path as no one else can explore your own journey.
Prioritize Your Life-Journey!
Join Us and Explore Possibilities!