Redefine Abundance
Reprogram Your Central Nervous System
Upgrade the “definition files” in your spinal cord carrying generational memories of limitations
What do success, abundance and prosperity mean to you?
How did you develop those beliefs?
What did your parents, grandparents and previous generations teach you about abundance?
What upper limits do you have around finances, receiving and being in abundance?
Where did the upper limits come from?
You are an advanced super-computer.
Just like computers, you have your own operating systems inherited from your parents, who inherited from their parents and so on…
Your inherited operating system gives you a foundation, full of definition files telling your system what to do and how to function. As you live your life your experiences add or enhance information for your operating system – just like installing new software.
Many of your definition files are stored in your Central Nervous System, especially in your spinal cord.
It is important to focus on energetic detox and reprogramming of generational memories and instructions in your spinal cord to raise your abundance vibration and redefine abundance for your personal operating system.
Why? It will make life easier for you. When you upgrade your definition files, similar to upgrading your phone or computer, you can have more memory, faster processing power and more storage (using technology reference).
For you, it translates into a stronger flow of abundance, manifesting faster and being able to receive more. Otherwise you can work hard but money goes out or you struggle to maintain the flow of abundance in your life.
Why are Sensitive Data and Definition Files Stored in the Spinal Cord?
Imagine a computer server room for a high tech company. Those are high security facilities few people have access to because those rooms and servers contain a lot of sensitive data. Those server rooms are the backbones of the companies.
In a similar way, your spinal column is the backbone for you. The spinal cord is holds a lot of very sensitive data instructions for your personal operating system. Most people are not aware of this functionality of the spinal cord.
Imagine your brain as the center for running all of your processes. When data is sent from your brain through the spinal cord, information is analyzed in Nano-seconds and decisions are made for you. Your body and mind receive instructions about what you can do and what you cannot do. Outcomes from your past and from your previous generations are also presented and analyzed during the process to help your brain make a decision fast.
That’s why you often repeat the same things again and again just like some of your ancestors even though it’s not the best option for you. The instruction and definition files in your spinal cord tell you subconsciously what to do and what not to do. Your brain and your body generally do not question those instructions.
Many of your upper limits about money, abundance, receiving, love and healing are also stored there. If your spinal cord holds definition files with limitations and restrictions, it takes you longer to achieve results.
That’s why it is important to upgrade your definition files so that you can achieve more success faster.
As the world is rapidly changing, it is the perfect time to upgrade your definition files.
Give yourself a tune-up.
What will You Experience During the Program?
The program is designed to transmit holographic scanning data through your brain and your Central Nervous System to analyze the information you store in your operating system. Then your system will receive higher vibrational abundance programs communicating with your current definition files to enhance and upgrade them.
As you go through the process during the class, your brain and spinal cord will process more and more data files bringing them instructions to increase the flow of abundance so you can raise your abundance vibration.
How Will the Program Help You?
- Experience a detox for your system to let go of outdated definition files for abundance
- Generate healing energies for financial challenges that you faced in life
- Learn about limiting or harmful Definition Files that are stored in your body, especially on your spinal cord
- Begin to rewrite your generational definition files to increase the flow of abundance in your life
- Heal challenges you inherited around money, success, abundance and prosperity
- Uninstall suppressed or hidden memories passed down by your previous generations that limit your success in life
- Reprogram limiting beliefs that you accepted to be true and valid
- Integrate a stronger matrix of abundance
- And more…
Duration: 1 hour class with 40 minutes of guided journey and processing
Special Offer: The Redefine Abundance – Reprogram Your CNS is $88. We understand many of our members and people all over the world are going through major changes in life, family, career and business. Our vision is to empower you and help you focus more on creative solutions, abundance and new possibilities. You can register for a special offer of $39.