The Year of the Wood Snake is a time of grounding the etheric energies and options that were brought by the cosmic Dragon Year. A crystal-clear vision, followed by innovative ideas and inner awakening will energize and uplift you for success, abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life.
2025 is also a powerful year to let go of the old world and start fresh. You can learn some new skills for the future. Do not dwell in the past anymore. Dive into the energies of the future.
Take action to pursue your dreams, express your individuality and unlock your potential. Your vision and focus will attract your path for your future from many possible options.
The Feng Shui cycle of the Year of the Snake combined with the primary influencing element for this year, Wood, makes 2025 the Year of the Wood Snake. The Year of the Snake also brings in a softer Yin energy compared to a stronger Yang energy of the Dragon Year.
The Year of the Wood Snake brings in calmer, steadier and grounding energies compared to the 2024’s Year of the Dragon. The Dragon Year energies brought a tremendous number of options and frequencies for our personal and global advancement. In the Year of the Snake, it is most important for us to develop a crystal-clear vision for the year and future and tune into the beneficial energies that will empower us.
We must pick what we need from the supermarket of energies by developing a crystal-clear vision.
The Snake represents intuition, wisdom and strategy. 2025, the Year of the Wood Snake, brings in a rare combination of the Snake’s grounding power and the element Wood’s energy of growth and creativity.
The Year of the Wood Snake in Feng Shui is expected to be a time of growth, transformation, and creativity.
The Wood element adds flexibility, creativity, and growth to the Snake’s traits, making it a good year to focus on planning and transformation.
In 2025, we are diving deeper into the Fire Element as the new 20-year Period-9 Feng Shui energetic cycle fully became last year. Period-9 brings in a lot of Fire element to the flow of energy in your home, office, business and to the entire world for rapid inner and global changes, transforming old ways of doing things and create innovative approaches to solving our challenges.
Holographic Feng Shui helps you to harness the energies of the year and program your home, office, career and business to create rapid success and abundance without the need to purchase and fill up your home and office with physical items for activations and cures that connect with specific beneficial energies.
When your home and office/business are in harmony and the energy of the WOOD SNAKE can flow harmoniously, you can receive a 30%-40% extra boost to make your life easier, find your passion, renew your vision and mission and open up a stronger flow of inner awakening, abundance, purpose alignment and collaboration energies. Otherwise, you need to put a lot of extra effort to compensate for energetic changes.
2025 is the year of the Yin Wood Snake. The energy of Yin Wood years helps bring resolution and resilience. Our collective positive focus is necessary to attract great solutions and seeing some of the global issues eased.
Yin Wood Years also bring steady growth, especially with regards to finances. It is important to evaluate your options carefully, avoid unnecessary spending, simplify your life and focus on investment options that can bring you long-term benefits.
In 2025, you may experience more changes in your identity, values, beliefs and goals, as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and vision alignment while going through massive global changes at the same time. Be curious, focus on the best-case scenario and explore possibilities.
Develop a focused vision around your heart's desires. Use Holographic tools and spin vortex energies daily for 10 minutes to strengthen your connection.
Choose your priorities for the year. Stay on your path. Do not let yourself be discouraged or distracted because of setbacks or global issues.
Constantly focus on receiving creative solutions and achieving results with ease and grace. Take enough rest and balance your life.
Use Feng Shui Holograms and Energy of the 5 Elements to Create Rapid Success, Abundance and Prosperity in 2025
When your space holds higher vibration and you strive toward achieving your vision, the 2025 WOOD SNAKE energies will empower you. Identify and heal your past challenges. Choose to start fresh. The world is starting fresh – why not you?
Each of the 5 elements bring in specific energy. They are like battery sources for your personal field and reality. Wood energy years are great for creating growth for your vision.
Tune more into your birth year element or if you have your detailed birth chart, tune into your beneficial elements. Imagine your empowering elements spiraling through you and energizing you for success, abundance, prosperity and healing.
Focus on setting up or enhancing your foundation for creating success, abundance and wealth. Allow the WOOD SNAKE Feng Shui Holograms to help you create new possibilities that align more with your life-purpose.
The Annual Flying Stars Activation for 2025 – Reprogram Your Home/Office for Abundance and Prosperity
The Flying Star formula holds immense power in the flow of energy in Feng Shui. As we begin each year, one of our main tasks is to analyze the Flying Star chart for the year. The Flying Star chart reveals which areas are favorable, which require remedies, and the strength of both positive and negative influences.
The Flying Stars represent a time-tested ancient Feng Shui formula with very specific calculations and analysis, which is used by Feng Shui masters for residences and businesses to optimize the flow of success, abundance, prosperity, wellness, relationships, higher vision alignment and luck.
The influence of the Flying Stars brings in different types of energy and information for your home and office. When the energies empower you, it is easier for you to create more abundance. When the energies weaken you or create limitations or roadblocks, they introduce struggle and disharmony for a household or a business.
Holographic Feng Shui setup of your home, office, business or other properties activate or energize the positive Flying Stars to amplify the energies of abundance and prosperity.
Unlike traditional Feng Shui, you do not need to move furniture around or paint your home or fill up your home, office or business with new activations and cures each year. Holographic Feng Shui reprograms your space and adds frequencies of activations and cures.
Your will learn more details in the Flying Stars section below.
Major Changes for Flying Stars in Period-9 (2024-2043)
Feng Shui “Periods” are 20-year cycles creating massive changes in how the energy flows. These 20 years, known as Feng Shui Period-9 will be dominated by the Flying Star energy #9 which is connected to the Fire element energy. The waves of Period-9 Fire Cycle have been coming to us for the last 4/5 years, bringing sudden changes in our lifestyles and careers.
The Biggest Change – Fire Element Flying Star #9:
The Flying Star #9 is becoming the new Wealth Star and the Most Power Energy for the next 20 years!
What is in this area of your home, office or business?
Another Big Change – Earth Element Flying Star #2:
The negative Flying Star #2 carrying Mishap/Illness energy is losing its charge. The influence of the Period-9 energies are converting it from Negative to a new POSITIVE Flying Star. The power will increase over the next couple of years. The #2 Flying Star energy is still very weak and needs to be harmonized (old components) and then activated (new components) for your benefits.
What is in this area of your home, office or business?
One More Big Change – Wood Element Flying Star #4:
The positive Flying Star #4 carrying Relationships and Education energies is losing its positive charge and becoming a negative Flying Star that needs to be healed to improve those sectors. Major changes in 20-year cycle often shift the energies of different Flying Stars.
What is in this area of your home, office or business?
The Holographic Feng Shui setup for your home, office or business programs your property and environment for success by activating the positive Flying Stars and reprogramming and healing the negative Flying Stars. Unlike traditional Feng Shui, you do not need to move furniture around or paint your home or fill up your home, office or business with new activations and cures each year.
Disrupting Energies that Need Transformation in 2025 Known as
Tai Sui, Year Breaker and 3 Killings Energies
These energies rotate each year. It is important to harmonize and heal these frequencies causing disruptions.
Tai Sui (Grand Duke): In Feng Shui, Tai Sui (Grand Duke) is a particular type of energy that causes chaotic interference unless it is harmonized. The position of Tai Sui in 2025 is at SOUTHEAST 3 ranging from 142.6 to 157.5 degrees.
Sui Po, the Year Breaker: Directly opposite from Tai Sui, there is another disrupting energy called the Year Breaker. The energetic influence in 2025 is in the NORTHWEST 3 ranging from 322.6 to 337.5 degrees.
3 Killings Energies: The 3-Killings energies imply disruption, misfortune or challenges around of good name/career, wealth and health. These energies need to be harmonized. In 2025, the 3 Killings energies are in the East sector.
Feng Shui calculates and harmonizes the flow of energy and information. When the flow is empowering, the energies can be activated and amplified for benefits. When the flow is disruptive or causing challenges, the energies need to be cured, healed or transformed for abundance, good relationships, growth and healing.
Holographic Feng Shui includes all the reprogramming and placements of codes, geometry, frequency and energetic objects to amplify or change the vibration.
Are you ready to take advantage of the 2025 cycle of energies and create more success in your life?
By reprogramming your space with 2025 Holographic Feng Shui, you can:
Bring a breath of fresh energy – develop a crystal-clear vision in 2025
Focus on rapid inner growth – meditate, take classes, read books
Use Holographic tools to dissolve past issues – create more success
Receive clarity about the next phase of your life and send clear signals to the Universe
Focus on creating long-term and meaningful relationships and friendships
Take action steps to align more with your life-purpose and help Earth
Amplify abundance with 10-minutes of daily focused vision
Start building a solid and aligned foundation for future prosperity
Dream big and envision your abundant world
Signup today to setup Holographic Feng Shui for your home and office or business. No need to redecorate your space for success. Activations and cures with codes, geometry, colors, frequency and objects are applied to your property using higher dimensional connections.
Take advantage of the WOOD SNAKE year to empower you for success, abundance and prosperity in your life and career.
Choose the New RESIDENTIAL Option if this is your first Feng Shui setup for a property that is 2000 square feet or under.
If your home is greater than 2000 square feet, please select from the options below.
For homes between:
2001 – 2500 sq. ft., click here
Choose the RESIDENTIAL Upgrade Option if you are upgrading an existing setup at the same address up to 3500 sq. ft.
If your home is greater than 3500 square feet, please select from the options below.
For homes between:
3501 – 4000 sq. ft., click here
4001 – 4500 sq. ft., click here
4501 – 5000 sq. ft., click here
If your home is larger than the options listed above, please contact for a custom quote.
Choose the New BUSINESS Option if this is your first Feng Shui Hologram setup for a specific office space, building or business location that is 1000 sq. ft. or under.
If your location is greater than 1000 square feet, please select from the options below.
For business locations between:
Choose the BUSINESS Upgrade Option if you are upgrading an existing setup at the same location for an office or business that is up to 1000 sq. ft.
If your location is greater than 1000 square feet, please select from the options below.
For business locations between:
Your business can be an office space, retail space, farmland, a factory, hotel, resort, commercial building, etc.
If your business location is larger than the options listed, please contact for a custom quote.
Holographic Feng Shui Preview:
Join a Power Transition Energy Integration from Wood Dragon to Wood Snake!
Join a special celebration and energy integration for the transition of Wood Dragon to Wood Snake.
Let’s graciously say goodbye to the Wood Dragon for bringing in all the etheric solutions and possibilities for the next 12 years and welcome the Wood Snake for starting the energy grounding process. It’s important to develop a Crystal-Clear Vision/Focus this year to harness the etheric options and bring them into your 3-D reality.
LIVE Class and Frequency Integration – Recorded DURING the Change from Dragon to Snake Frequencies.
Energy integration begins at 7:46 minutes.
Learn More About Space Clearing – Energize your home, office and business with Space Clearing
Space Clearing process begins at 18:26 minutes.
Holographic Feng Shui Without Moving Furniture:
Harness the Power of the WOOD SNAKE Year
About Feng Shui
Feng (wind) and Shui (water) is the art of having Qi or cosmic energy flowing through your environment to create harmony. Many thousands of years ago, the knowledge of Feng Shui came from the Eastern Asia. There were great scholars and scientists and ancient physicists who figured out about the flows of energy in a year, the changing cycles, the influence of the elements on your life, career and business and how different types of flow can cause harmony or disharmony in your life.
As a result, they created guidelines for us to figure out what vibration (through objects, colors and geometric placement) can help us to harmonize the flow all around us by efficiently designing your environment.
When your home, office and business environments support higher vibration for your growth and your vision, you can manifest your heart’s desires more easily.
Without Holographic Feng Shui on your property, your body, mind and energy field need to constantly battle with the energy of your environment to make things go your way which can make you work 30%-40% harder to achieve the results that you desire.
The 2025 Holographic Feng Shui Setup Empowers You for Your Future
The Year of the WOOD SNAKE 2025 is a necessary time to develop a focused vision for your priorities. Identify and heal your relationship with finances. Create 5 priorities for the year that will empower you in big ways. Take creative actions to achieve them. Meditate with vortex energies and star frequencies to raise your vibration to manifest faster.
2025 is the perfect time to focus on your personal and professional growth. Whether you want to get ahead in your career, find your soulmate or become the best version of yourself, the power of the Wood Snake is in your favor. You will discover you have an extra boost of resilience and elegance to assist you in handling any challenges.
What is your mission on Earth? What can you do to align more with your higher purpose? You can tune into cosmic energies and guidance more easily when your space is programmed with high vibration with Holographic Feng Shui.
Does your home or business have stress lines, entities or any negative vortex?
If you live or work in an environment that holds lower vibration, stress lines, or negative vortices, your productivity goes down significantly. Create your power space by setting up Holographic Feng Shui. The advanced technology helps you to receive the benefits of traditional Space Feng Shui and the not so well-known Time Feng Shui.
Are you ready to fully utilize these energies for the benefit of your life and the planet? Having the WOOD SNAKE Feng Shui Holograms setup for you can help you reach your goals more easily, have more inner peace, and bring out your hidden gifts with the support of your home/office and environment.
- Are you moving toward making the vision of your ideal life a reality?
- Do you have a clear picture of what you desire?
- Do you want to build new momentum to move forward more quickly than you have before?
Create the most optimal environment for your personal and spiritual growth by having the WOOD SNAKE Feng Shui holograms set up for you and/or your business.
Do you know that major organizations and even Las Vegas casinos (such as the Bellagio, Aria, etc.) spend mega amounts of money each year to setup Feng Shui to attract more profit?
How Does Holographic Feng Shui for Your Home/Business Help You?
Feng Shui helps you to reshape your environment and your surroundings so that you can anchor the energies of the year, the elements and other forces and calculations that are a part of Feng Shui.
Traditional Feng Shui is performed by physically changing your environment. You remove objects, redecorate spaces, bring in new objects, add new colors, place cures to shift the energies of “negative Flying Stars”, use objects to activate the energies of “positive Flying Stars” and a lot more.
The biggest challenge is not that traditional Feng Shui has a lot of limitations, but that your physical space may have a lot more limitations on how much you can do.
Holographic Feng Shui brings in the wisdom and calculations of traditional Feng Shui models with one major difference! Holographic Feng Shui can be set up remotely WITHOUT having to move any objects, or change your door, or repaint your home/business, or change directions, or place activations or cures all over your home, office, business, practice area, factory or corporate buildings.
In setting up Holographic Feng Shui, calculations, space rotations, cures, activations, etc. are added to a property within the hologram – remotely. They become a part of the property and help you reshape your environment without all the traditional heavy lifting and physical changes. This way, you can spend less time remodeling your space and more time focusing on manifesting your vision.
What Most People Don’t Know About Feng Shui
There are two major types of Feng Shui – Space and Time:
Space Feng Shui
Space Feng Shui primarily deals with arrangements of furniture, objects and facing or working with directions. This is what most people think of Feng Shui – but this accounts for only 10% of what’s possible.
General Space Feng Shui recommends you face your good directions and avoid your “bad directions” when you work and sleep. This needs to be done for each person in the home to have a good Feng Shui for everyone. This is based on your personal magnetic alignment with Earth.
A big part of Space Feng Shui is the direction your front door faces. If that happens to be one of your positive directions, great. Otherwise, it is considered a bad home for you. Many Feng Shui consultants advise people with a front door facing a bad direction to use a side door to enter. They will even recommend changing the physical front door or moving to a different property. How energy comes into your home of business needs to support you. Otherwise you can run into a lot of disharmony.
Changing the structure of your home or business can be an expensive or impossible task. With Life Harmonized’s Holographic Feng Shui, the Space Feng Shui Hologram harmonizes your front door direction, activates your empowering directions, neutralizes the weakening directions and you don’t even need to move your bed and furniture – let alone your front door.
The Forgotten 90% of Advanced Space Feng Shui
There is another side of Space Feng Shui that few Feng Shui practitioners have the training to setup. Although these examples may not be well-known, they are powerful energetic influences:
Harmonizing negative vortexes (downward spiraling energy that can deplete your energy and abundance) – if your bedroom, home or office has a negative vortex, they can simply drain your energy and you will feel like you can’t seem to move forward, feel stressed, get agitated easily and can miss opportunities to learn, grow and attract abundance
Neutralizing Hartmann and Curry Grids and Ley lines – the intersection of the negative Hartmann and negative Curry Grids can make an entire home negative when they fall on a primary electric outlet that has a negative charge
Harmonizing Empty Lines – they create a void and lack of willingness and weaken your energy field
Neutralizing Geopathic stress lines– they cause interference, weaken your energy field and create confusion and limitations
Harmonizing Temple Lines (0, 90, 180, 270, 360 degrees) that prevent relationships – in the old days, Temples were built facing these degrees to prevent relationships
The Space Feng Shui hologram neutralizes these stress lines and negative vortexes and helps to enhance your lifestyle
Time Feng Shui and Flying Stars
Each Chinese New Year (they are connected to energetic changes of cycles) brings different types of Flying Stars at different directions that need to be harmonized or activated.
Life Harmonized’s Holographic Feng Shui setup will:
Activate the #1 Flying Star in the SOUTH-EAST for attracting success, abundance and rapid solutions. The Flying Star #1 is connected to the Water element. This area and the #1 Flying Star is extra powerful during the 2025 WOOD SNAKE year.
Harmonize the #2 Flying Star in the CENTER and carries energy to transform mishap and illness. However, the #2 Flying Star is in a transition phase in 2025 under Period-9 Fire Cycle influence and becoming more positive. The Flying Star #2 is connected to the Earth element. With Holographic Feng Shui enhancements, #2 Flying Star is first healed, and then activated with new energy for health and wellness.
Harmonize the #3 Flying Star in the NORTH-WEST to prevent or heal conflicts or disputes in family, work and business. The Flying Star #3 is connected to the Wood element. With Holographic Feng Shui enhancements, you can convert conflict energy into collaboration energy.
Heal and activate the #4 Flying Star in the WEST for relationships, romance, family, wisdom and growth. The Flying Star #4 is connected to the Wood element. The #4 Flying Star is losing is positive charge under the influence of Period-9 Fire Cycle, which can cause relationship issues. Holographic Feng Shui activates the beneficial #4 energies and brings healing to the changing negative #4 Star energy.
Tai Sui (Grand Duke) is at SOUTH-EAST 3 ranging from 142.6 to 157.5 degrees.
Sui Po, the Year Breaker energy is in the NORTH-WEST 3 ranging from 322.6 to 337.5 degrees.
3 Killings Energies are in the East. They imply disruption, misfortune or challenges around of good name/career, wealth and health. These energies need to be harmonized with Wood Snake Holograms for prosperity.
MUST harmonize the #5 Flying Star in the NORTH-EAST to prevent and heal loss or disaster energies. The #5 Flying Star is connected to the Earth element. This particular dense energy is considered to be the worst in Feng Shui and can cause all kinds of disharmony. With Wood Snake Holographic Feng Shui enhancements, you can convert the #5 Flying Star area from loss to gain and attract success.
Activate the #6 Flying Star in the SOUTH for luck, career, new solutions and good fortune. The Flying Star #6 is connected to the Metal element. Program your space this year with the beneficial energies of the #6 Flying Star for Luck and Possibilities in your career or business.
Harmonize the #7 Flying Star in the NORTH to heal the energies of misfortune, challenges and disharmony. Flying Star #7 is connected to the Metal element. With WOOD SNAKE Holographic Feng Shui enhancements, you can convert the energy of misfortune into fortune in 2025.
Activate the #8 Flying Star in the SOUTH-WEST for long term relationship, wealth, prosperity, success and happiness. The Flying Star #8 is connected to the Earth element.
Activate the #9 Flying Star in the EAST to have good fortune, new prospects, benefit your marriage or personal and business relationships. The Flying Star #9 is connected to the Fire element and is becoming the most powerful Star in Period-9 until 2043.
Measurement and Report Examples:
Below are some examples of before and after measurements.
A home in London, UK
A home in Auckland, New Zealand
A home in New Mexico, USA
A home in Portugal
A home in Puerto Rico
Based on the flow of the energy and your magnetic orientation to Earth (from your date of birth) there are 4 directions that empower you and 4 directions that weaken your energy field. That’s why you may have heard about needing to change the position of your bed, office, furniture, which door to use to enter the house, which direction to face when you sleep and so much more in the traditional Space Feng Shui.
Holographic Feng Shui setup removes the need for all of those restrictions so you can focus on your vision and designing your future.
Using Holograms for Space and Time Feng Shui and Flying Stars
Traditional methods do not have adequate solutions for many aspects of Feng Shui (such as Temple Lines and Empty lines).
With the help of advanced Holographic Feng Shui, now you can have your home, office, business, industry or farmland setup without making any expensive and time-consuming physical changes to your property. Upgrade the “energetic operating system” of your home and business without any extra effort.
The Year of the WOOD SNAKE Feng Shui package includes:
- * A foundational Space Feng Shui Hologram
- * An advanced Space Feng Shui Hologram
- * A yearly Time Feng Shui and Flying Stars Hologram (related to the energetic changes brought by the Chinese New Year)
- * A 20-year Period Time Feng Shui and Flying Stars Hologram
Holographic Feng Shui is setup all over the world for residences, rental properties, businesses, warehouses, farmlands, schools, corporate offices and industries.
You will receive remote Feng Shui Holograms setup that are unique and personalized for your property once you provide your property details by filling out a form and uploading pictures of your property after placing your order.
If your home, office or business environment does not support you, it becomes difficult for you to embody and maintain abundance, good relationships, inner fulfillment, good health and collaboration energies. Feng Shui is more popular in Asia and Europe and is seen as an essential part of success for companies and organizations. Most large companies use different forms of Feng Shui for their space and logo.
The 2025 WOOD SNAKE Holographic Feng Shui package includes the following remote setup:
Item 1: Space Feng Shui Hologram for the WOOD SNAKE Year
The Foundation and Advanced Space Feng Shui Holograms setup help to harmonize home, office and business locations to enhance the positive effects and neutralize the negative effects of the energetic cycles:
- Cleanses, purifies and harmonizes your property (home, home-office, office, business)
- Neutralizes all negative Geopathic stress lines, Hartmann grid, Curry grid, Karmic lines, Interference lines & personal zones
- Neutralizes negative vortexes and converts them into positive vortexes
- Activates good directional Feng Shui for the location
- Neutralizes, blocks and heals wormholes for the area
- Neutralizes all subliminal messages that are not beneficial and not done on purpose by people living in the property for self benefit in a harmonious way
- Neutralizes and cures all empty lines and temple lines
- Transformation automatically adapts when further enhancements are needed
Item 2: Time Feng Shui Holograms for the WOOD SNAKE Year
The Time Feng Shui Holograms help to harmonize the WOOD SNAKE year energetic cycle for residence and business properties to increase the flow of success, abundance and prosperity and transform resistance and disharmony.
- When the Holograms are setup, they harmonize the property and strengthen the beneficial energies for individuals born on any of the twelve Chinese animal years such as rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig
- The Holograms harmonize the effect of wood, fire, earth, metal and water elements (both yin and yang) for 2025 for individuals and their properties for each animal year
- The program has built-in logic to account for all 60 combinations (12 animals times 5 elements). It creates a profile of what is beneficial for each person living in the program enclosed area and enhances the energy. It also creates a profile of what is not beneficial for each person living in the program enclosed area and neutralizes the energy
- Activates positive stars for the months & year
- Neutralizes negative stars for the months & year
- The setup enhances the benefits that are brought by the Year of the WOOD SNAKE
- The setup neutralizes or reduces drawbacks that come with the Year of the WOOD SNAKE
- It applies good Feng Shui and neutralizes negative energy and enhances positive energy for the WOOD SNAKE year for individuals and properties in the area where the program has been applied
- The setup calculates for anything else and enhances what is positive, neutralizes what is negative and creates the highest amount of harmony and prosperity for the area where the program has been applied
- Encloses the area in sacred geometry for the highest benefit of all
Item 3: Healing and Clearing Entities and Attachments in 2025
Properties can have lots of entities and spirits attached.
- Your property and a one-mile area around your property will go through an entity healing and clearing process
- Trapped physical, emotional and mental forms will be released
- Lessons will be integrated for these entities and spirits so that they have no need to stay and they can go back to purity and where they belong
Item 4: Energetic Deep Detox of the Property in 2025
Your property will go through an energetic deep cleansing process.
- Your property and a one-mile area around your property will go through an energetic deep cleansing to raise the vibration
- It will help your home/business and objects in your home/business to hold a higher vibration and support your path
Item 5: Energetic Structural Alignment of Your Area in 2025
This process helps your home or property to hold a higher vibration to attract new solutions.
- An energetic structural alignment process will be applied to your property and a one-mile area around your property
- Raise the vibration of the area and attract creativity
- Allow your property to support your vision
The Year of the WOOD SNAKE Holographic Feng Shui Package Includes:
- WOOD SNAKE 2025 Space Feng Shui Hologram setup ($498 for up to 2,000 SQ Ft Residential / 1,000 Sq Ft Business)
- WOOD SNAKE 2025 Time Feng Shui Hologram Setup ($498 for up to 2,000 SQ Ft Residential / 1,000 Sq Ft Business)
- Time Feng Shui 20-Year Period Flying Stars Hologram Setup ($498 for up to 2,000 SQ Ft Residential / 1,000 Sq Ft Business)
- Clearing and healing entities and attachments ($88)
- Energetic deep cleansing of the property ($88)
- Structural alignment of the area so it can hold more energy ($88)
- Total Setup Package Value: $1758
The Holographic Feng Shui Packages are based on the size (square footage) of your residence, property, office, business location or land (acres).
Choose the New RESIDENTIAL Option if this is your first Feng Shui setup for a property that is 2000 square feet or under.
If your home is greater than 2000 square feet, please select from the options below.
For homes between:
2001 – 2500 sq. ft., click here
Choose the RESIDENTIAL Upgrade Option if you are upgrading an existing setup at the same address up to 3500 sq. ft.
If your home is greater than 3500 square feet, please select from the options below.
For homes between:
3501 – 4000 sq. ft., click here
4001 – 4500 sq. ft., click here
4501 – 5000 sq. ft., click here
If your home is larger than the options listed above, please contact for a custom quote.
Choose the New BUSINESS Option if this is your first Feng Shui Hologram setup for a specific office space, building or business location that is 1000 sq. ft. or under.
For business locations between:
Choose the BUSINESS Upgrade Option if you are upgrading an existing setup at the same location for an office or business that is up to 1000 sq. ft.
For business locations between:
Your business can be an office space, retail space, farmland, a factory, hotel, resort, commercial building, etc.
If your business location is larger than the options listed, please contact for a custom quote.
Placing Your Order:
- Please submit the full address of the property (no PO Boxes – you are not setting up Holographic Feng Shui for a post office) to setup 2025 WOOD SNAKE Holographic Feng Shui on the page you are directed to after you place your order. Please make sure to attach the images of your property after you order by using the form!
- If you cannot attach the images, please email a picture of the front of your home/office and building. The images will be added to the Feng Shui profile of your property and will be used for before and after measurements.
- PLEASE VERIFY THAT YOUR ADDRESS SHOWS UP CORRECTLY ON ONLINE MAPS in case Mashhur needs to look at the energy flow of a larger area. Otherwise you can send a correct screenshot to
How long does it take?
Each Holographic Feng Shui order is individually processed. Between January and April, there is an initial setup queue as most orders are placed during that period. Generally, starting mid-April setup is done with in 7-10 business days.
All Holographic Feng Shui setups are done by Mashhur Anam. One of our professional Feng Shui consultants will do a before and after measurement of your property remotely and you will receive a detailed report and an explanation guide. One order is valid for one location.
“We participated in the Feng Shui holograms setup for our hotel business, and we saw immediate results. Our sales went up 20% YTD, which is a rare thing in our industry. Our positive energy alignment is so strong that random guests are stopping by to lodge with us. Let the magic of Feng Shui holograms change your reality.”
~ Sharmeen, MO, USA
“I am still marveling at what a difference the Feng Shui program made in my life… My living space feels soooo different, I always keep it clean now because it feels energetically off not to do so. My noisy neighbors have been quiet as proverbial church mice for weeks! Ah-mazing!! My business continues to grow in fun and expansive ways! My clients are also noticing something different and are commenting on how much they like the feel and energy of my home. And here’s the real kicker – after having 4 temple lines removed (which block relationships) things are definitely changing in that area of my life too! So fun! I’m so very grateful I finally did this! Thanks Mashhur for this truly magical offering!”
~ Karolyn M., Washington, USA
“I had purchased your Feng Shui program last year for the first time. I was used to doing the yearly and monthly cures and activations, and that can take a lot of time, money and preparations to do that. Plus sometimes I would get home in the evening after work and it was time consuming and maybe was tired or was not on my high flying disk the way I would like to be, being in a state of joy for the energy work to reflect that. What a wonderful idea to do it the way Mashhur puts it together for us! Even earlier in the year, before I ever knew about Mashhur, I said to my friend Sandy, I wish this could be done a more creative way, as if by magic!!!!! There has to be another way! Well, it showed up in the Fall of 2012 when I first learned of Mashhur. It was not the first program I purchased from him. Yet gradually I started to use the tools and things were shifting for me. I also do dowsing, which helps detect geopathic stress, interference lines, negative vortex’s etc. So months after I had Mashhur activate for the year of the snake, I was thinking to dowse my bedroom where there was a lot geopathic stress lines. And surprised and grateful there was no stress lines detected then. Now that was Magic to me. So thanks Mashhur and your team who do this transformative work, I am grateful to you all.”
~ Deborah R., Florida, USA
“We have been using Mashhur’s tools and programs since mid-2012 and have benefited from them all. Last year, we purchased the Year of the Water Snake. The Feng Shui package does exactly what Mashhur describes: it balances and harmonizes energies, bringing more joy, peace, and inner calm. We appreciate Mashhur’s integrity, sincerity, and generosity of spirit, which infuse all his products.”
~ Peter & Jo-Anne B., Winnipeg, Canada
“Last April I purchased the Wood Horse Feng Shui program. Visitors to my home immediately sense the higher vibration and walk around in awe, saying “Wow”. With deep appreciation for all you are and do.”
~ Diane B., Georgia, USA
“I originally tried the Feng Shui package for my business last year during a typical slow period. I was so amazed and super excited to experience so many changes after the process was complete. Long lost clients began reaching out to me and booking appointments. New clients started coming in from referrals. Everything started to hum along effortlessly. I am so blown away by the changes in abundance and forward momentum just by trying the Feng Shui package. I am ever so grateful to have had this strategic business awakening for my practice. Several months later I ordered a Feng Shui package for my house before I listed it for sale. Originally I was advised by my real estate agent to keep my expectations low because of the geographically undesirable area, the unpopular time of year and the depressed market. My house sold in 5 days and for a good price. Needless to say my real estate agent was absolutely speechless by the sale and the speed at which it occurred. I knew it was a result of the Feng Shui package. Having had these two undeniable experiences, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to purchase a Feng Shui package for my new home as well. So without hesitation I had that work done too. I am thrilled to report I have never been happier in a home. Not to mention my move and settling in to a different city was fun and easy. As a commitment to both my business and myself I will absolutely continue with the Feng Shui work annually. From my heart, thank you Mashhur, you and your talents are amazing!!!”
~ Lauren S., Washington, USA
“I have noticed several things that have shifted since you worked on my property. My trees, bushes and grass are all much healthier and my lemon and orange trees have the most blossoms and bees than they have ever had since I have been here 11 years now. I took my old 2005 mini van in for an oil change and a complete check up and there was absolutely nothing that needed repairs and it has been over a year since I had done anything for it. I have received several new clients and an offer to speak at the YMCA and on a podcast and I can definitely feel the shift in a prosperity energy around my business and how I am feeling more prosperous in general. I’ve been dragging my feet for years to create a workshop or classes and this last week I have outlined and planned a three week class that I am going to give in June.
I am sure there are more magical things that I will be reporting on in the future. For now, I would just like to thank you again for bringing your work out and helping so many people.”
~ Susan T., California, USA
About Mashhur Anam
Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives.
Mashhur is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years, curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it.
He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.
Although these tools and programs are complex in nature, Mashhur’s programs allow anyone from any background to incorporate them into their daily lives.
He founded Life Harmonized so that all people could access these powerful technologies to raise the consciousness and vibration of the world. He and his team of fellow manifestors, dreamers and reality-benders love to serve their clients in achieving their desires.