Crystalline Matrix Activation,
Healing and Reconfiguration Program
The next big breakthrough on your spiritual quest is YOU.
Enhance your spiritual foundation, allow your consciousness to expand infinitely,
and lay the groundwork for your transformation
to a higher plane of existence with no holding back
Consider It Your Spiritual Skeleton
Much like our skeleton supports all our systems and serves as the foundation for our physical life, the Crystalline Matrix is the foundation for our next level of existence.
This matrix is formed using a Fibonacci sequence (similar to the spirals you see in nature – the ratio that creates the natural spirals is a part of the Universal creation and expansion energy) and sacred geometry. There are major crystal points on our head, heart, hands, feet, chakras and meridians. Each cell of your body has a central crystal structure and around it forms your personal crystalline matrix using the Fibonacci geometric ratio.
Upgrade Your System to Uplevel Your Consciousness
Your Crystalline Matrix acts as a holographic data storage medium – holding memory like a computer hard drive. It contains information passed down through generations, and like any hard drive it has a data storage limit.
But like all limitations that don’t serve you, your Crystalline Matrix is just waiting to be transformed, enhanced and expanded.
As our crystals integrate more cosmic information and a stronger light matrix, the physical body can maintain a much higher vibration. It’s like upgrading your computer hard drive from 20 GB to 1 TB. You can install more complex, expansive programs – programs that you couldn’t access before.
As we expand our consciousness and raise our vibration to move toward the 5th Dimension, our crystalline structure will get stronger to hold more light and multidimensional information. By being part of this program, you can expedite your journey into a multidimensional environment.
Healing and Reconfiguration
Your current Crystalline Matrix energy level can take you to a certain point. Beyond that level of consciousness, if you want to integrate a stronger light matrix, higher dimensional information, and eventually transition to a higher plane of existence with no holding back, you need to have a foundation that can support that new level of information.
You will:
Release non-beneficial, harmful or limiting programs and information that you have stored in your body.
Release stored trauma, pain, shame, guilt and betrayal that has happened in your lifetime or in your ancestry.
Release deep core crystal memory blocks that prevent you from achieving your highest purpose and the highest level of your consciousness.
Harmonize the points of your connection to earth’s crystalline grid, enhancing your energy field with the energy of creation.
Begin a process to open up memories of other timelines of your soul-journey and unlock your potential.
Deep cleanse and harmonize the crystals in your head, hands, heart, feet, chakras and meridians for health, vitality and spiritual alignment.
Raise your crystalline vibration to hold a 5th dimensional light matrix to operate from a state of higher consciousness and design a joyful life.
Activation and Integration
Once you’ve raised your foundation, your Crystalline Matrix is ready to receive new and beneficial programming. Students have found (especially returning students seeking further activation) they notice major shifts, different levels of awareness, daily annoyances no longer bothering them, a deep sense of inner peace, the ability to access higher levels of information, and having a stronger influence in their work with clients and colleagues.
You will:
Activate all major crystal points in your body and your energy field – so your matrix performs fully for you.
Integrate a new light matrix for a 5th dimensional vibration – enhancing the the energy of unconditional love, joy, harmony and abundance in your crystals and at a cellular level.
Allow the kundalini energy to flow in a harmonious way.
Install “enhanced software” on your newly upgraded Crystalline Matrix – bit by bit, the physical body and your field is enhanced to anchor in a new level of awareness and expanded consciousness.
Each time you experience these processes, your matrix receives the enhancements it can handle, continually moving you higher on your path to operating beyond our normal way of thinking and being.
You will also receive your current crystalline matrix energy level measurement before and after the class. This measurement will be done by professional consultants using a scale that is used in Feng Shui and many other modalities for measurement of energetic vibration and evaluation of changes.
Join us as we come together to expand our consciousness and integrate the next level of crystalline energy.
The Crystalline Matrix Activation, Healing and Reconfiguration is a 2-part online program. The process runs for 8 days energetically, in the background. The dates below are to start and complete the process. For the entire 8 days, you stay in the energy of the Crystalline Matrix Activation program.
Dates of Program
Part 1 – Saturday, April 19th, 2025 at 8:00 am Pacific / 11:00 am Eastern / 3:00 pm UTC
Part 2 – Saturday, April 26th, 2025 at 8:00 am Pacific / 11:00 am Eastern / 3:00 pm UTC
Enlightened Awakening and a New Vibration of Abundance
2025 is the year of the Wood Snake energies in the powerful global system of Feng Shui. It is a year for grounding cosmic frequencies and etheric energies floating with possibilities for the future.
2025 is a powerful year to take energetic action (mental projection, meditation, crystalline projection, inner healing, raising your vibration and more) and physical action (starting to do more for your future, humanity and Earth, using non-toxic products, eating & drinking healthy, doing more things in your daily life that increases your inner joy) to expand your personal and spiritual growth. Unlock your ability to harness cosmic and higher dimensional frequencies connected to your Soul-Path and higher purpose. Witness the positive impact on your life, career, business, purpose, and more as you tune-in and receive.
Experience Deep Personal Healing of Your Crystalline Matrix for Your Earth Timeline! Expand to Humanity’s Healing and for the Planet!
All of us and humanity as a whole are now going through very deep inner healing. However, humans are stubborn. So, the process generally begins with personal and global issues, understanding and recognizing that we are going into a downward spiral and then having the willingness and taking action to do something to change.
Join the very special Crystalline Matrix for April where we will dive into the energy and information stored deep into your body’s crystals:
- Explore deep detox and healing of your Crystalline Matrix
- Release and transform suppressed energy, emotions, trauma that continue to connect you with old patterns and old issues
- Bring healing to life experiences that were passed down to you from your previous generations – your Crystalline Matrix stores a lot of the information or connects you to the energy. Begin to dissolve them for connecting with higher vibration of a new global flow
- Bring frequency healing for your life-journey. Flush-out deep and suppressed energy and information causing limitations and disharmony in your life
- Push yourself and humanity upwards
- Energize your future journey through Earth’s timeline more awakening, healing and enlightening
- Help humanity and Earth significantly by shifting your energy and distributing higher vibration to others
- Experience a deep healing frequency mixtures from nature, the Sun, the Healing Star Maia, the Royal Empowering Star Regulus and more
The Importance of Crystalline Matrix Activation, Healing and Enhancements
When your vibration is high enough, you can rise above a lot of personal and global issues more easily. When more people on the planet can raise their vibration just by 3%-6%, we will see a lot more changes that will benefit us and the planet.
That’s why Crystalline Matrix has always been a very important class. It’s very different than everything else you have experienced. By connecting with the frequencies of abundance, prosperity, magic and miracles, you can raise your vibration and help raise the global vibration to attract empowering solution for our and humanity’s future.
During the 8-days of Crystalline Matrix, you will focus on integrating and using the deep healing frequency mixture for personal healing, humanity’s healing, your Earth Timeline healing and more. Expand your consciousness and tune into higher vibrational energies to enhance your and humanity’s future with new possibilities.
Experience Energy Infused Liquid Crystal Frequency Bath for Future Possibilities and Higher Dimensional Alignment!
During the program, you will experience an integration of cosmic frequencies in your Crystalline Chamber for rapid growth and expansion of consciousness. You will also enter a liquid crystal sphere for frequency bath infused with the energies from elements of nature, the Sun, the Healing Star Maia, the Royal Empowering Star Regulus and more.
Enhance your cellular and crystalline vibration to hold a stronger flow of abundance, prosperity and alignment energies as you energize your path and future. Tune into the energies using your Crystalline Matrix.
Join the Crystalline Matrix program for a New Pathway to Elevated Consciousness.
A Crossroad of Our Consciousness Evolution
We are at a crossroads of our consciousness evolution. Changes are happening rapidly and often. We are confused – wondering what happened, how and where we are headed – and sometimes we need to make big changes in life.
What’s next? How will you fine-tune your vision and your journey?
The energy infusion from the Orion’s Belt for rapid growth, abundance and magic & miracles for the new global energies is here to assist you!
Case Studies:
There were two measurements done to monitor the change of crystalline energy levels by a professional consultant using a specific scale before and after each time the program has been offered.
Measurements from May 2022 program for the first time attendees
Average of the group before the class (adults): 13,358
Average of the group after the class (adults): 314,042
Measurements from May 2022 program for ALL attendees*
Average of the group before the class (adults & kids): 285,348,742
Average of the group after the class (adults & kids): 304,358,755
* Includes participants who attended the program many times. Each time, the Crystalline Matrix energy level goes up.
Measurements from December 2024 program for the first time attendees
Average of the group before the class (adults & kids): 12,656
Average of the group after the class (adults & kids): 410,000
Measurements from December 2024 program for ALL attendees*
Average of ALL participants before the class (adults & kids): 521,878,280 *
Average of ALL participants after the class (adults & kids): 556,853,085 *
* Includes participants who attended the program many times, so the average is very high compared to the first timers. After participating in each program, the Crystalline Matrix energy level goes up.
The calls will be recorded. You can listen to the replay if you cannot attend live. Your additional family members will receive the same benefit even without attending or listening to the program.
The Crystalline Matrix Activation, Healing and Reconfiguration Process
The before and after measurements represent how your Crystalline Matrix has been cleansed and reconfigured to hold a higher vibration and information. This process is very important as we go through life. Each of us represents a connection to the earth’s crystalline grid. As we raise our consciousness and our vibration, hold more energy and purify our personal fields, we help the planet to download and hold more energy and information. We experience less resistance and more harmony globally. We also integrate a stronger 5th dimensional light matrix and ascension vibration. When ready, you will receive more information and hold more light to help you transition to the 5th dimension.
This is an essential process for people on the planet to completely cleanse and purify their Crystalline Matrix and move beyond our normal 3D space-time. For those of us who are preparing our energy fields, the process becomes easier. Through this process, you are releasing and transforming density stored in your Crystalline Matrix throughout your soul’s journey – not just for this lifetime.
The very first time this program was offered, most people had a Crystalline Matrix energy level between 300-700. As more and more people experience the Crystalline Matrix process, the group averages are increasing as we are helping the planetary grid and all life on earth to hold a stronger light matrix. Currently, most people start between a 3000-5000 Crystalline Matrix energy level on the same scale.
Why it is Important to Activate Your Crystalline Matrix
Earth and humanity have started to receive a shower of high vibrational cosmic energies. More cosmic frequencies will come from some of the Supernovas, Red Giants and other stars and constellations to help humanity awaken to new possibilities.
2023 through 2026 are major years of inner transformation and exponential growth to redesign and enhance your life and your future. When your vibration increases, you can integrate stronger cosmic energy and expand your level of consciousness. As you strengthen your Crystalline Matrix, your cells can absorb more light and vibrate at a higher level. You start a process to harmonize your history and earth timeline. As you continue to reconfigure your Crystalline Matrix to hold a 5th dimensional vibration, you harmonize your process of ascension into a multidimensional environment.
Registration Includes Family Members Too
Because of the importance of this class for our global shift, one registration will include up to 5 additional immediate family members living in the same home/household with you (this includes your spouse/partner, mother/father and your children). After your payment, you will be redirected to an online registration form to enter your details for the program.
Repeating the Crystalline Matrix Process for Enhancements
The majority of the participants who take this class, repeat the Crystalline Matrix Activation, Healing and Reconfiguration Program for faster personal and spiritual growth. If you are repeating the process, please use your special repeat link that has been emailed to you. If you cannot find the email, please email with your last Crystalline Matrix registration receipt to receive your special registration link.
Crystalline Matrix Preview Class – Introduction, Journey and Q&A
Each Crystalline Matrix program is different. Below, you can watch a previous CM preview to receive a bio-energetic detox and enhancements of your Crystalline Matrix with the Himalayan Mountain energy matrix, infused with the energies from the Orion’s Belt. This special mountain range anchors information and energy for consciousness evolution on Earth.
Watch and experience the journey and processing to tune into your Crystalline Matrix, the Himalayan Mountain Range energies and running a bio-energetic detox. Note: The video is from a previous Crystalline Matrix Preview class.
Crystalline Matrix Activation, Healing and Enhancement Program
Regular price $498
Register today for $249
“I am simply astounded at how my energy has shifted since the recent Crystalline Matrix Activation, Healing and Reconfiguration. There’s no doubt I’m carrying a higher vibration. I have more joy, harmony, abundance and energy than I have ever had! Issues that in the past would drain my energy, simply bounce off me.”
~ Diane B., Georgia, USA
“Some 2.5 years ago we started to listen to Mashhur and our spiritual journey took off. Today while listening to the Crystalline Matrix recording a light breeze was blowing outside, as soon as the recording started the wind stopped, then all the different birds started singing until we stopped the recording. We feel that life is now full of abundance, love, joy and harmony. Thank you.”
~ John S., Australia
“I have experienced this program multiple times over the past three years and during that time I have undergone a transformation in nearly all areas of my life. I could list many external things that have changed and improved, but the most profound changes are the ones within me. For the first time in my life I am happy, confident, and have clarity about who I am and where I am going. I now accept and love myself. I feel younger, healthier and have more energy than I can ever remember. I love my life!!!”
~ Judy T, Cleveland OH, USA
“Amazing experience …this class is a must for all those who want to be crystal clean … The process goes deep and it feels good to know that I am better equipped to take control of my life… Now having solutions, options and better vibes and connections to create from a place of neutrality…feels good to raise the vibes of family members.”
~ Abigail S., Trinidad and Tobago
“I have attended Crystalline Matrix program several times and my life flows harmoniously. To me it seems that I am able to quickly resolve issues that come up and I flow to the next project.”
~ Joni Oregon City USA
“Mashhur’s programs are always enlightening, rewarding and fulfilling. The Crystalline Matrix is especially informative because the attendees receive a before and after reading!! It is always fascinating!!”
~ Chelle D., Phoenix, AZ, USA
“This is my 4th Crystalline Matrix Activation class and after each I have observed a subtle shift in my perception and experience of life and find that I am more “in the flow”. When I look at the physical world around me, I am struck by the beauty in everything and I have a great respect and love for all life and Nature. I am very healthy — I hardly, if ever, get sick any more and if I do it is gone within 2 days. And when challenges arise, I find I can deal with them more easily, peacefully and in a more detached manner. The biggest take away I have had is, I understand that everything I experience I have created and if I don’t like what I’ve created, I can always change it to something else by asking “what would I rather have or experience instead?” and then work with the stars to bring that vision into manifestation. I highly recommend this class to anyone who is on a journey of awakening, remembering and expansion.”
~ Nancy L. Garrison, NY USA
About Mashhur Anam
Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.