Generational Healing:
Money, Abundance & Financial Success


Write Your Own Financial Destiny

Heal Challenges You Inherited Around Money and Success

Reprogram Your Generational Blueprints for Financial Success and Abundance



The Generational Healing for Money, Abundance and Financial Success program is designed to help you access, transform and rewrite 4 major types of Financial Blueprints:

Your Generational (Family) Financial Blueprint

You inherit your Generational Financial Blueprint from your ancestors, with the direct lineage of 3-5 generations before you holding the strongest influence. This Financial Blueprint is a result of their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, life experiences, and success and failure patterns around money and financial abundance or lack of it.

Your Parental Financial Blueprint

Your Parental Financial Blueprint is a direct result of what your parents experienced and passed down to you through your genes.  It contains their thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, fear, worry, life experiences, success patterns, failure patterns, and lack, limitations or abundance around money and finances.

Your Environmental Financial Blueprint

Your Environmental Financial Blueprint is created during your childhood and young adulthood based on your interaction and experiences with those around you. It is made up of what you heard consciously or in the background during other people’s conversations, listening to arguments around money or bills, other people commenting about money based on their belief system (such as keeping money is harder than making money) and the ideas your formed about money based on what you noticed around you. 

If you have adopted parents, their teachings, guidance, comments and experiences help shape your Environmental Financial Blueprint.  When you go to school/college, your experience of other students coming from different family financial backgrounds, differing access to levels of educational institutions and your own judgment about self-value and worthiness play a big role in shaping your Environmental Financial Blueprint.

Your Personal Financial Blueprint

Your Personal Financial Blueprint is created based on your own life experience and patterns of success, failures and beliefs around money, success and financial abundance.  Based on your achievements, you strengthen different parts of your Personal Financial Blueprint.  Each time you miss accomplishing a task or a goal and doubt yourself, your Personal Financial Blueprint gets weaker.  If you have more thoughts and feelings around lack and limitations than abundance and possibility; if you focus on things that are not working; if you review and replay in your head situations that did not work out for you, then you lower your abundance vibration and imprint that lack and limitation onto your Personal Financial Blueprint.

  • How are some of these blueprints running your life?
  • Are you empowered or financially hurt by your Generational, Parental, Environmental or Personal Financial Blueprint?
  • Do you feel that you are doing all that you can but somehow not making progress?
  • How would your life change when you can rewrite some of these blueprints and subconscious core memories and belief systems?
  • How much more would you accomplish?

Are you ready to change your Financial Blueprints and create abundance?


Are You Ready to Heal Inherited Generational Financial Challenges and Rewrite Those Blueprints?

Your experiences shape your world. Your beliefs help you to create your reality.

Your memories of what happened, how things happened, what you have been taught and what you have observed while growing up provide you with information that shapes your experiences and creates the path you are currently following.

Generational Healing for Money, Abundance and Financial SuccessWhen you change your relationship to these experiences, heal your memories, change your thought process and rewrite your blueprints, you can achieve success faster and you can focus on your higher purpose and your vision for your life.

  • Manifest your goals and visions more easily
  • Empower yourself to write your own financial future
  • Achieve more financial success in your life
  • Increase your income and save more
  • Attract more fun and excitement in your life
  • Release generational or parental burdens around money and success
  • Operate from a higher level of consciousness
  • Be fulfilled in life and increase your inner peace
  • Break free from limitations placed by your previous generations


How Will Generational Healing for Money, Abundance and Financial Success Help You Enhance Your Future?

By taking part in this program you will:

  • Transform non-beneficial Generational, Parental, Environmental or Personal Financial Blueprints to create and attract success and abundance
  • Access suppressed or hidden memories of your past to dissolve and heal them
  • Isolate and diffuse anger, judgment, shame, guilt, betrayal and abuse around money, success and finances that your parents may have experienced when you were in the womb
  • Transform some of your core subconscious abundance blocks to create financial success now
  • Reprogram limiting beliefs that you accepted to be true and valid in the first 7 years of your life and add beneficial instructions to your childhood timeline
  • Experience going back to 2 years before you were born to help reprogram your financial success through your parents
  • Integrate a stronger matrix of abundance in the womb during your physical, emotional and mental development
  • As you reprogram the womb, you create a ripple effect in time to enhance your life now
  • Experience guided processes to access your past timeline to create rapid changes for your life now
  • Learn to continue the process on your own to keep reshaping your reality
  • Receive instructions on how to use holographic tools and an energy matrix of the stars to change your past and enhance your life



Regular Price:  $697

Your 4 Types of Financial Blueprints Influence Different Areas of Your Life and Your Financial Thresholds!

Your Physical Financial Threshold

What is your physical financial comfort zone?  What type of home or apartment do you live in?  Do you love it?  What do you drive?  What type of clothes do you wear?  What type of justification do you have around spending money for yourself?  Do you live comfortably with your income?  What type of physical environment is within your comfort zone?  Can you physically receive and handle 10% more income?  20% more?  30% more?  Where do you draw a line?  What is too much for you?

If you do not raise your Physical Financial Threshold, you will not be able to keep the money you earn regardless of your income. Somehow, money will leave you, your expenses will increase and you can experience debt.

Your Emotional Financial Threshold

How do you feel about money and your financial success and abundance?  Do you feel or experience lack and limitations around money?  Do you have guilty feelings about spending money on yourself?  Do you feel uncomfortable or bad when you purchase products or services to enhance your life?  Do you prevent yourself from doing so? 

Unless you change your Emotional Financial Threshold, you will not feel good about yourself and therefore worthy of financial abundance.  When that happens, you will subconsciously feel unworthy of having a joyful and abundant lifestyle.

Your Mental Financial Threshold

What type of thought processes do you have around money, success and abundance?  Do you over analyze or overthink regarding money?  Do you send out thoughts that are empowering for you?  Do you focus on abundance and what you would love to manifest?  Or do you constantly think about lack and limitation and what is not working in your life?  Do you often worry about money, your future or retirement? 

Without raising your Mental Financial Threshold, you will repel money and success.  You may experience going 1 step forward and 2 steps back.  Thoughts about money, finances and abundance may trigger anxiety and fear.

Your Spiritual Financial Threshold

What type of relationship do you create around money and spirituality?  Do you unconsciously want to escape from dealing with money?  Do you think, feel or believe that financial abundance can take you away from spirituality and your path and higher purpose?  Do you struggle connecting wealthy people with spirituality?

Your Spiritual Financial Threshold creates resistance in receiving financial abundance.  You may want to focus more on helping or saving others instead of taking care of your own needs and you can get comfortable in experiencing lack or limitations around money. 

If you have a low Spiritual Financial Threshold, you can get comfortable in experiencing lack or limitations around money. You may do a lot of work on yourself to attract more clients or provide products or services for others, but experience difficulty in bringing out your gifts & talents, charging others for your services, or creating success in your life.


Why Do Your Early Years Affect You So Much Now?

The First 7 Years of Your Life – Reprogram Your Environmental Financial Blueprint

If you go back to the first 7 years of your life and think about your parents, grandparents and the people who were around you – how did they influence you?

Generational Healing for Money, Abundance and Financial SuccessScientifically-speaking, 80% of who we become is directly influenced by our imprinted memories, beliefs and experiences in the first 7 years of our lives. Why the first 7 years? Because during this time, children do not have an information filter and all information goes directly in the brain and in the subconscious with very little chance of rejecting anything that is not beneficial or harmful.

  • What type of comments or arguments did you hear growing up?  These shaped a big part of your communication, self-love, acceptance, worthiness and your point of view around money and financial abundance
  • Did you experience or notice any type of physical, emotional or verbal abuse during your first 7 years that are related to money or the lack of it?
  • Did you experience your mother or a mother figure needing to do everything for everyone and not receiving what she deserves?
  • Did you notice your father or a male figure controlling the money in the family or having to struggle to make ends meet?

There are many things that you may have experienced in your childhood, especially in the first 7 years that connected money, abundance or success to fear, anger, judgment, breaking up a family, moving away from a familiar environment and more.  Subconsciously you will push financial success away from you to avoid the pain.

  • Are you attracted to the same type of business or romantic partner over and over again?
  • Do you create success but cannot maintain it?
  • Do you experience a lack of fulfillment?
  • Even though you do a lot of spiritual work, do you tend to go backward when you create major success?
  • When you achieve success and create abundance does something seem to “go wrong” that costs you money?

These patterns are repeating over and over again because in your subconscious and in your human operating system, you have hidden files or programs that define your success capabilities, how much success you can achieve, what type of income you can attract, how much you can save and more.

Are these subconscious programs and success definitions working for you?  Would you like to fine tune what is working and change what is not working for you?  How about removing some of the hidden, automatic, non-beneficial programs from your subconscious and your belief systems?

Is it time to break these cycles and patterns of lack that were caused by very deep core subconscious beliefs and generational programming from your parents, grandparents or other caregivers? After all, some of their programming came from their previous generations.

Are you ready to change the cycle for yourself and the future generations of your family?  


Going Beyond the First 7 Years – Healing Experiences of Lack or Limitations in the Womb

What was the initial reaction of your parents around pregnancy?  If they were in a survival mode, it would create worthiness issues in you.  What type of experiences did your mother go through around money and  finances when you were in the womb? These experiences are even more powerful as they became encoded in your DNA as you were still developing.

  • How much do you know about the experiences your parents had when you were in the womb?
  • What if you could go back in time and heal some of the wounds and reprogram yourself for success?
  • How fast would your life change if you could attract a stronger flow of love, joy and abundance in the womb so now, in your present life, you can achieve financial success faster?
  • Would you like to go beyond your limitations and experiences of lack by bringing in a stronger cosmic flow and integrating an enhanced abundance matrix in the womb?

The Generational Healing for Money, Abundance and Financial Success program is designed to help you dissolve your negative core beliefs and interpretation of memories. These beliefs cause you to experience blocks around achieving success, increasing income and bringing out your gifts and talents. Many of your core programming, blueprints and beliefs also created fears around success as you may have experienced arguments and fighting around money.


Transforming Your Financial Future

During the Generational Healing for Money, Abundance and Financial Success program, you will transform,  heal and reprogram many life-experiences.  You will also dissolve many inherited financial challenges and beliefs.  As a result, it will be easier for you to attract more financial success and maintain a higher threshold of abundance.  In this life-changing 3-part program, you will experience guided processes to access conscious or subconscious memories and events that shaped your financial reality and diffuse what is not beneficial anymore.  

You will be able to apply solutions and bring in healing energy so new information can be encoded in your DNA. Moving forward, the reprogramming of your success and abundance blueprints will help you to break through deep core limitations, succeed more quickly, and attract abundance easily.


Memory Access Technique to Go Beyond What You Remember

You will experience and learn a memory access technique that will help you to access or remember memories associated with different experiences.  Using this process, you can even access memories that are a part of your subconscious beliefs.  You will then consciously apply holographic tools and run processes that you will experience during this program to dissolve pain, suffering and beliefs that are preventing your success.  


How Will Generational Healing for Money, Abundance and Financial Success Help You Enhance Your Future?

By taking part in this program you will:

  • Transform non-beneficial Generational, Parental, Environmental or Personal Financial Blueprints to create and attract success and abundance
  • Access suppressed or hidden memories of your past to dissolve and heal them
  • Isolate and diffuse anger, judgment, shame, guilt, betrayal and abuse around money, success and finances that your parents may have experienced when you were in the womb
  • Transform some of your core subconscious abundance blocks to create financial success now
  • Reprogram limiting beliefs that you accepted to be true and valid in the first 7 years of your life and add beneficial instructions to your childhood timeline
  • Experience going back to 2 years before you were born to help reprogram your financial success through your parents
  • Integrate a stronger matrix of abundance in the womb during your physical, emotional and mental development
  • As you reprogram the womb, you create a ripple effect in time to enhance your life now
  • Experience guided processes to access your past timeline to create rapid changes for your life now
  • Learn to continue the process on your own to keep reshaping your reality
  • Receive instructions on how to use holographic tools and an energy matrix of the stars to change your past and enhance your life


What is Included in the Package?

The Generational Healing for Money, Abundance & Financial Success program is a three part program and includes:

  • A preview, preparation and processing MP3 with live group questions
  • Three 65-75 minute deep abundance transformation and experiential processes in MP3 format
  • A PDF guide of the program
  • A Dream State Activation Sequence to help you integrate abundance when you sleep
  • A 2-hour group coaching call with Q&A and guided processing to help you go deeper
  • Access to your membership portal


Are you ready to change your Financial Blueprints and create abundance?


Regular Price:  $697

“I shifted from lack and limitations to all options are available. This class helped me become aware of the areas I needed to shift then options and solutions appear like magic for me to act and attract.   Thank you.”
~ Abigail S., Trinidad and Tobago

“After taking this series I am not stressing as much over my finances. I am now using the program to attract an even greater inflow of money so that I can retire debt-free in 4 years (when I’m 70) and live a comfortable, financially stress free life.”
~ Nancy L., Garrison, USA

“I am noticing lots of fun synchronicities like, whatever I need to buy is on sale, a new tax credit that I am eligible for, and a couple of my utility bills have been lowered! Yay! Thank you Mashhur!”
~ Rose W., Portland, USA

“Financially, things are falling into place easily and joyfully and I’m accepting that as a normal occurrence now.”
~ Leslie U., Boston, USA



About your facilitator:


Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.