Thank you for choosing to play with our holographic encoded sacred geometry products!

As you connect with them in your mind or physically touch them, think about them activating and creating a vortex filled with their sacred geometry along with encoded holographic programming.  Imagine the vortex rotating clockwise.

You can tune-in to your wish and focus on attracting magical solutions, empowerment, Soul-alignment, having things work out easily and for your benefit, allowing the next steps of your life to unfold magically with ease and grace and allow the powerful holographic programming encoded Manifestation Mala and the sacred geometry of the Torus Vortex and the Flower of Life to help you.

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Custom Designed Yellow Agate 108-Bead Financial Abundance Mala

Use the Yellow Agate Financial Abundance Malas for your vision and to increase the flow of success, abundance, prosperity and creativity in your life, career and business. The beads are 8mm. The threads are of different colors.

The 108-Beads Yellow Agate Malas are programmed to help you:

  • Energize your Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Increase the flow of creativity and happiness
  • Encoding the energy matrix of the yellow ray of the Sun
  • Energized with frequencies to attract a stronger flow of success, abundance and prosperity in your life
  • Strengthen your mental focus and concentration
  • Attract new options by raising your vibration
  • Use it to connect with your heart’s desires
  • Allow the empowering energies from the stone and programming to spiral through you. Slowly go through the beads with an empowering idea, wish, vision or affirmation

How Can You Use the Yellow Agate Financial Abundance Mala?

Hold the Yellow Agate Mala.  Tune into the energies of the stones. Choose to focus on ONE specific idea or vision for success, abundance and prosperity.  Begin to run your fingers through the Mala gently touching the stones one-by-one while you use your power statement or an empowering intention/affirmation. Imagine the energies of the Yellow Agate stones are spiraling around you, spinning and generating high vibration.

  • To begin the process, touch the top 4 stones, one-by-one and activate the following energies encoded in the top 4 stones:
    • Say “Activate Success” by touching the first stone – feel the energies spiral through you
    • Say “Activate Abundance” by touching the second stone – feel the energies spiral through you
    • Say “Activate Prosperity” by touching the third stone – feel the energies spiral through you
    • Say “Activate My Heart’s Desires” by touching the fourth stone – feel the energies spiral through you
    • Then run through the entire Yellow Agate Mala preferably 3 times repeating ONE focus or vision (Power statement, affirmation, etc.)
    • Allow the encoded financial abundance energies to keep spiraling through you
  • Power Statements (examples):
    • I manifest with ease and grace
    • I am increasing my income by 8% this year (something that stretches you but your system won’t push the energy away)
    • I am doubling my abundance vibration this year (any current year is always “this year” – so you are reprogramming your brain)
    • I am tripling my abundance vibration this year
    • I am doubling my income this year
    • I am tripling my income this year
    • Restore Inner Abundance
    • You can create your own Power Statement…make every word empowering


Custom Designed Royal Blue Tiger’s Eye 108-Bead Manifestation Mala

The beautiful Royal Blue Tiger’s Eye Malas are handmade by a master jeweler who specializes in designs of Nepal and Tibet.  These are custom-designed for the Life Harmonized community.

Use it for your vision, expansion of your inner and cosmic connections and generating possibilities.  The beads are 8mm.  The threads are of different colors.

Holographic and Energy Programming includes:

  • Activation of the 5 elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal)
  • Connecting with the ancient “White Tiger Super-Consciousness”
  • Infusion of frequencies from Andromeda, Aries, Taurus, Pleiades and Orion (the ancient White Tiger Super-Constellation)
  • Exceptionally powerful for connecting with your higher consciousness, life purpose, vision, spiritual alignment, open up a stronger flow of cosmic energies and more
  • Use it to connect with your SOUL VIBRATION
  • The Manifestation Mala is infused with the Frequencies of Miracles
  • The Manifestation Mala is great for bringing in a stronger flow of beneficial energies (blue stones are connected to water energies of prosperity)

How Can You Use the Royal Blue Tiger’s Eye Manifestation Mala?

Hold the Manifestation Mala.  Tune into the energies. Choose to focus on ONE specific idea or vision for yourself, your family, humanity or Earth.  Otherwise focus on the next level of your awakening and aligning more with your Soul vibration.  Begin to run your fingers through the Mala gently touching the stones one-by-one while you use your power statement. Imagine the energies of the Blue Tiger’s Eye stones are spiraling around you, spinning and generating high vibration.

Change your energy and give your environment, career, life and business a boost with the Royal Blue Tiger’s Eye Manifestation Mala.

  • To begin the process, touch the top 5 stones, one-by-one, for energy activation.
    • Say “Activate Water, Activate Wood, Activate Fire, Activate Earth, Activate Metal
    • Then run through the entire Royal Blue Tiger’s Eye Manifestation Mala preferably 3 times repeating ONE focus or vision (Power statement, affirmation, etc.)
    • Allow the manifestation energies or alignment energies to keep spiraling through you
  • Power Statements (examples):
    • I am aligned with my Soul vision
    • I am one with my Soul vibration
    • I attract Miracles everyday
    • I manifest with ease and grace
    • I am one with the White Tiger Super-Consciousness (the alignment will take you many levels higher than your current state of being)
    • I am one with the Cosmic Super-Consciousness
    • You can create your own…make every word empowering


How Can You Use the Encoded Tiger’s Eye Bracelet?

Each individual Tiger’s Eye stone is programmed with the energy matrix of the planet Jupiter for abundance and prosperity.  They are also infused with the network of 79 moons of Jupiter.  You can run your fingers and tune-in to the energies of Jupiter.  Focus on allowing a spiraling vortex of abundance and prosperity energies from the encoded bracelet into your cells.

Imagine, visualize or focus on spiraling abundance, luck and prosperity energies from your Tiger’s Eye bracelet flowing through you, your bank accounts, you ideas and projects and your initiatives.

Make a Wish for Manifestation:  You can wear the encoded bracelet or hold it and focus on an idea or a wish. Allow the manifestation energies to flow through the programmed Tiger’s Eye bracelet and through you.  Open up your heart to receive your wish.

On Your Desk:  Keep one on your desk to be energized by it and tune-in to have creative energies flow through you.

Energize Objects:  Place your bracelet around your logo or your message, on your business card or around objects that you wish to energize with Jupiter’s abundance and luck.  Focus on having abundance and prosperity energies from the bracelet to flow through the items

Create an Uplifting Space:  Imagine waves of Jupiter’s luck and abundance radiating out of the bracelet into your office, home and/or meditation area.  Allow your personal space to be creative and prosperous.

Meditation:  Hold or wear your bracelet when you meditate and raise your vibration to attract and receive more abundance and prosperity.

Feng Shui:  You can place the bracelet in the #6 Positive Metal Flying Star area for luck and prosperity.  Run your fingers through the stones gently and focus on amplifying the flow of abundance and prosperity (by 8%, 12%, 2 times, …) in your life.

Sacred Geometry Flower of Life Vortex:

The beautiful gold plated Flower of Life Vortex is a powerful sacred geometry for expansion and possibilities. This ancient symbol of expansion of life has been found at sacred sites all over the world.

Holographic Programming and Encoding Information:

Special for Spiritual Alchemy – The 9th Wave Holographic Programming and Encoding Information:

The SA-9W batch of the Flower of Life has thicker flower pattern (as seen in the picture).  These specific Flower of Life Vortex plates are programmed with some of the star energies from the Spiritual Alchemy – The 9th Wave.  They are encoded with patterns of fractal waves.  As you use your fingers on the plate in a clockwise circular motion, you will generate waves of star energies shaped in the form of the sacred geometry.

The special batch of Flower of Life has many layers of programming embedded on it.

  • The energy waves from the balancing scale of the constellation Libra is encoded into the Flower of Life.  It is important as the new cosmic waves support the flow of information with the qualities of honesty, integrity, balance, harmony, equality and justice for all.  If you move away from these energies, you will have a difficult time moving forward.
  • Programmed with the high vibration of gold to bring in the energies of abundance for the next phase of your life.  Also, gold is a very powerful conductor and the vibration of gold can help transmit information throughout your body easily.
  • Encoded with a gentle (as gentle as possible) waves of the Royal Star Fomalhaut to help you break down and recycle dysfunctional and outdated beliefs and make room for new waves of cosmic energy integration.
  • Programmed with a layer of waves from the Royal Star Aldebaran.  The sound harmonics of Aldebaran is nourishment for your Soul.  As you use the Flower of Life, you will generate these energies to spiral through you and your environment.
  • The SA-9W Flower of Life batch is also encoded with a layer of energy waves from the Orion Nebula – one of the greatest stellar nurseries around us, constantly giving birth of new stars and creating raw materials for new planets and galaxies

How Can You Play with the Sacred Geometry Flower of Life Vortex?

You can use the Flower of Life and the Torus vortex plates in a similar fashion.

Make a Wish for Manifestation:  You can take an idea or a wish and drop it onto the Flower of Life Vortex and allow the holographic programming and the sacred geometry motion of the Flower of Life field to help you create the momentum and manifest your vision.​​​​​​​

On Your Desk – Amplify Your Ideas:  Keep one on your desk to be energized by it and tune-in to have creative energies flow through you.  Focus on expanding you ideas and vision as the energies of the Flower of Life expands.

Energize Objects:  You can place or hold an object on top of the Flower of Live Vortex and energize it with the holographic programming and cosmic energies.  Allow the comic waves to energize your food, water, tea or healthy drinks with the vortex plate.

  • Use the Flower of Life vortex to energize your essential oils, healing stones or other healing products that you use for yourself or your clients.
  • Infuse the energies and help your clients receive more benefits with the encoded sacred geometry energies
  • Focus on expanding the waves of energy and intention to attract more abundance, ideas, solutions and clients to help as you energize your products for work/business


Meditation:  Create a strong personal space with the Flower of Life Vortex for stronger connections.


Please share your experiences by emailing “” or you can also post on one of our private Facebook groups.

Sacred Geometry Torus Vortex:

The beautiful Torus Vortex is an expression of the dynamic force of life.  Scientists are studying the self-sustaining toroid field generated by humans, planets, stars, galaxies and more. 

Holographic Programming and Encoding Information:

  • A Torus Vortex creates the energies of constant motion.  This particular Gold Plated Torus Vortex is programmed to generate the constant flow of abundance, luck, possibilities and solutions that you can use for your benefit
  • The Torus Vortex is programmed with a 3-dimensional holographic projection (imagine it is actually 3-D) that is constantly rotating and pumping a stronger flow of abundance, luck and prosperity into your reality
  • The items are programmed with the high vibration of gold to bring in the energies of global abundance
  • The Torus Vortex plate is also programmed with the sacred geometry structure for a continuous flow of higher vibrational energies
  • It is also encoded with the energies of abundance, magic, luck and generating options

How Can You Play with the Sacred Geometry Torus Vortex?

Imagine a Toroid field or to simplify, imagine the 4” Torus Vortex plate creating a 3-dimensional sphere and energies are always flowing through it.

Make a Wish for Manifestation:  You can take an idea or a wish and drop it into the Torus Vortex and allow the holographic programming and the sacred geometry motion of the toroid field to help you create the momentum and manifest that reality for you.​​​​​​​

On Your Desk:  Keep one on your desk to be energized by it and tune-in to have creative energies flow through you.

Energize Objects:  You can place or hold an object on top of the Torus Vortex and energize it with the holographic programming encoded toroid field.  Energize your food, water, tea or healthy drinks with the Torus Vortex plate.

  • Use the Torus Vortex to energize your essential oils, healing stones or other healing products that you use for yourself or your clients.
  • Infuse the energies and help your clients receive more benefits with the encoded Toroid field
  • Focus on attracting more abundance and clients to help as you energize your products for work/business

Creative Space:  When you work or explore creative ideas, “drag-and-drop” the Torus Vortex plate (imagine it or do it in the hologram) under you so you are sitting on top of the toroid field. Allow the sacred geometry field give you an energy and idea boost.

Meditation:  Create a strong personal space with the upward rising and spinning energies of the Torus Vortex for stronger connections.

Feng Shui:  The Torus Vortex is programmed with the constant flow of abundance, possibilities, creativity, generating new options, bringing solutions and more. You can also place the item in the #6 Positive Metal Flying Star area (metal and gold energize and empower #6 Flying Star for luck and abundance) or in the #1 Positive Water Flying Star area (metal energies empower water energies of flow and abundance).

Energize Your Relationships: 

  • Pick items that represent love, romance and empowering relationships – place or drag-and-drop the Torus Vortex under them and focus on amplifying the field of love/romance
  • Place your wedding rings and items on the Torus Vortex and focus on unconditional love, healing and heart connection
  • Allow/radiate out rose-love energies from your encoded Torus Vortex into your home and bedroom for love and joy (focus on the Torus creating a field of rose-love energies)

The Torus Vortex programming is full of creative energies, flow, personal empowerment, moving forward and attracting more abundance in your life.  Play with it while you focus on your vision.

Please share your experiences by emailing “” or you can also post on one of our private Facebook groups.