Generational Healing for Spirituality
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
~ Albert Einstein
As a species, we have advanced more technologically in the last 100 years than in the entirety of human history up to this point. Our world is now infinitely connected – from the most densely populated metropolitan sprawls to the most remote, desolate landscapes barely touched by man.
And yet, with all our hyper-connectivity we are more disconnected than we’ve ever been. From our own humanity. From each other. From the Divine.
Science has given us the omniscience of a god – we can quite literally see all and know all with just the tiny devices we carry in our pockets – but if Einstein is correct, we’ve also let it divide us from our souls.
We are in an age of unlimited possibility.
In a time when we can choose to plug in to the infinite resources of human knowledge and higher consciousness, so many people are unplugged from Divine truth and love.
So much of humanity’s only experience of spirituality leaves them immersed in fear, judgment, abuse, and limiting ideologies. Groups of people all over the world go to extreme measures – creating cycles of violence and abuse – in order to prove their way is right and others are wrong.
In his book Strength to Love, Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”
What do we need to change to get back on track?
It begins with you and your awareness.
Restore Your Connection Between Science and Spirituality
- Have you experienced religious or spiritual teachings around fear, lack and limitations?
- Did you grow up hearing about punishments, sins and judgments toward others (people, groups, faiths, countries, etc.)?
- Do you realize that you inherited many of these beliefs, which are simply misinterpretations and about connecting to Divine love through fear?
- Are you ready to begin or enhance your journey toward spiritual evolution by dissolving conscious and subconscious anger, judgment, fear, guilt and abuse that occurs in the name of the Divine?
Healing your conscious and subconscious inner thoughts and feelings creates a ripple effect. It begins with you, and extends outward bringing global shifts toward heart-centered and love based spiritual connections.
Are You Ready to Heal Inherited Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
that are based in Fear and Judgment?
The Generational Healing for Spirituality program is designed to help you dissolve the limiting core beliefs and memories causing you to experience blocks around divine connection, living your full potential, achieving success, increasing income, experiencing more love and healing and attracting personal and global collaboration.
- Change your point of view about the world outside of you
- Detach from thinking that promotes separation and instead attract unity
- Be fulfilled in what you do – your job, business, and career
- Attract more fun and excitement in your life as you evolve beyond past teachings around lack and limitations
- Release generational and parental burdens of suffering and punishments
- Operate from a higher level of consciousness
- Increase your inner peace
- Break free from limitations placed by your previous generations and misinterpretations of Divine connection to attract global harmony and collaboration
Why is this Program Offered as a Special Gift, Free of Charge?
One of my missions on the planet is to transform outdated systems and help restore harmony. We need to break down systems based on fear and greed to transform them into heart-based systems. It is my vision for humanity to operate from a level of consciousness that is above and beyond any type of religious or spiritual doctrine or ideology that creates judgment and separation.
That’s why the Generational Healing for Spirituality is offered to you as a special gift from my heart to yours. Together we will begin a new Spiritual Evolution that starts deep inside our hearts and creates a ripple effect throughout the whole planet.
It is time to heal limiting beliefs that got passed down from generations. It is time to end fighting in the name of Divine love. It is time to build bridges among cultures, races, genders and faiths so we can all collaborate from our hearts, create with love and go where humanity has never gone before.
The Generational Healing for Spirituality program is a 3-part class.
Each class is approximately 75 minutes in duration.
How Will Generational Healing for Spirituality Help You
Enhance Your Life?
By taking part in this program you will:
- Dissolve religious and spiritual teachings around fear, judgment and separation to attract love, joy, inner peace and success without guilt
- Transform inherited beliefs to create a stronger alignment with the divine, your higher vision and purpose
- Diffuse experiences of anger, shame, guilt, betrayal and abuse around religions, divinity and spirituality to attract a blissful life
- Transform subconscious fear-based blocks around income and success and achieve what you desire without regrets
- Reprogram limiting beliefs that you accepted to be true in your childhood and reprogram your “operating system”
- Learn to continue the process on your own to keep reshaping your reality
Are you ready to redesign your life from a new level of spiritual awareness?
What Creates Your External World?
As we explore consciousness, the energy of creation, vibration, resonance, and more, we know that our reality – the external world that we see and experience – is directly connected to the vibrational resonance deep within us.
We might ask ourselves what we are holding deep inside us that shows us fear, judgment, anger, betrayal, hatred and suffering? It is quite easy to point a finger at someone else and blame them, yet when we do that, 3 other fingers point back at us!
It is time for us to really look at ourselves first from a different level of consciousness and with a different mindset to dissolve what creates inner disharmony and separation.
If you are on a more spiritual path and focusing on global healing and harmony, you have already created major shifts in your life. Let’s go even deeper to create the ripple effect that is needed for a large-scale global shift in consciousness.
Reconnect Humanity with Divinity
Traditional religious and spiritual interpretations around lack, limitations, separation, and punishment sustain fear-based systems and ironically separate us from Divine truth.
People are taught how they will be punished by most traditional religious teachings, and how most things they do offend the Divine Creator. In many cases, people are taught that they are born sinners.
Is that true or are those simply human interpretations, often done hundreds or thousands of years ago by those few who were in power and aiming to keep it from the masses who had none?
If this type of belief, teaching, or ideology unplugged humanity from Divine truth and love at some point, how can we plug back in again?
Divine Consciousness and Connection as Love
When we look at Divine consciousness as pure love, joy, healing and abundance, and when we know that Divine energy or consciousness or power has no lack or limitation, we transcend the ideology of the Divine consciousness associated with anger, judgment, hatred, betrayal, burning, suffering and violence.
As you go through the powerful Generational Healing for Spirituality, you will explore:
- Transforming deep core fear and judgment that is a part of your system to allow a stronger flow of Divine Love
- Dissolving inner anger, judgment, hatred, betrayal and violence energies that are a part of our global connection and help raise the vibration of humanity
- Letting go of old doctrines that are based on judgment and creating a ripple effect on the planet to help others dissolve their fear-based connections
Religions as Systems for Divine Connection
“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest-as a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” – Albert Einstein
Systems are powerful in creating step-by-step methods to accomplish tasks. When we look at religions as systems and acknowledge that in an infinite universe, there can be many systems and models to accomplish the same task, we can detach from the need to justify that there is only one possibility.
What if there are an infinite number of ways to reach the Divine connection, alignment and awareness that you are looking for?
In today’s world, many people judge religions as one of the causes of separation and global conflicts as many are fighting to prove that their way is the Divine way. Deep within us, regardless of the path we follow, we have generational, social, cultural, ethnic and other types of belief imprints. They are a part of our consciousness. In order to create a massive global shift, we need to create a massive inner shift.
Create an inner shift of your points of view around ALL RELIGIONS AND FAITH BASED SYSTEMS to attract and embody inner harmony and reflect the energy of global harmony.
The way we have different web browsers to connect to the Internet, can we look at different religions as different systems to connect to the same Divine energy?
- You are a part of the global network and connected to all life on earth
- As you transcend your own subconscious inner limitations or imposed beliefs of others, you can help update the global consciousness network to focus on love and healing instead of punishment and violence
- As you go through the program, you will begin a process of creating a massive consciousness shift in your life and then for others that you connect with
The change that we are looking for outside of us on the planet has to come from within first.
Detach from Old Doctrines
Traditional fear based teachings no longer work to create the global harmony, collaboration, love, joy, and abundance that we are looking for. As you go through Generational Healing for Spirituality, you will begin a process to:
- Dissolve old doctrines about punishment and fear
- Heal the divisions around race, religion, gender and culture and focus on unity and collaboration
- Transform inner conscious or subconscious resistance or judgment around religions, spirituality and Divine connections and attract love and healing
- Heal your inner world and you will create a ripple effect to heal your external world as all things are connected in a Holographic Universe
- Begin to see the qualities of humanity in each person and hold the space for others to come into their own alignment
- Detach from media influences around groups, faiths, races and cultures and rise above blanket judgments toward any group because a few created disharmony or violence
- Shift the energy of global violence and abuse and attract love and prosperity
Spiritual Awareness and Expansion of Consciousness
Spirituality is not another form of religion or belief system that you must follow to be rewarded. Even though some forms of spiritual teaching have turned into traditional religions where you need to wear certain types of clothes, eat and drink in certain ways, live in certain places, connect with specific types of people, and perform different rituals, those systems are about restrictions and judgments that ultimately create disharmony.
Spirituality is about you exploring options and creating your own path to connect with the Divine flow or the Cosmic flow of love, joy, harmony, abundance, healing, and other experiences that you desire to enrich your life, your loved ones, the lives of others that you connect with, and even the world.
After all, you live in a world where all is connected. As you have certain experiences, you send out the vibration of those experiences throughout the global network.
Break Down Old Systems for Yourself and for the World
The Spiritual and Religious beliefs and points of view that you currently have come from 4 major types of imprints. As you heal and transform them, you can create a stronger alignment with Divine or Cosmic consciousness to attract inner and global harmony and new systems and models that are heart-centered and based on love and healing.
Experience the healing and transformation of these beliefs and imprints to create a stronger alignment with your path and purpose.
Your Generational or Family Spiritual and Religious Beliefs
You inherit Family or Generational Spiritual and Religious Belief Imprints through your parents. Your direct lineage of 3-5 generations before you have the strongest influence for setting up your Family or Generational Spiritual and Religious Belief Imprints. This particular imprint, encoded in you is a result of their thoughts, feelings, beliefs and life experiences around faith, ideology, divine connection and points of view about other paths.
Many of these imprints are based on fear, judgment and punishment. Often that’s how connection to the divine is taught through many religious and spiritual organizations and systems. Especially a few generations ago, the majority of your ancestors connected with teachings around fear and suffering and passed these down to future generations.
Dissolve these old beliefs and imprints for your own spiritual evolution.
Your Parental Spiritual and Religious Beliefs
Your Parental Spiritual and Religious Belief Imprints and points of view are a direct result of what your parents experienced, believed in and passed down to you through your genes. It contains their thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, fears, worries, life experiences, and the teachings they received about divine connection, religion, and spirituality.
Begin a process to transform these DNA-level belief imprints that are holding you back from living a life of freedom, peace, and prosperity.
Your Environmental Spiritual and Religious Beliefs
Your Environmental Spiritual and Religious Belief Imprints were created during your childhood based on your experiences, what you heard consciously or in the background during other people’s conversations, listening to teachings about religions, rewards, and punishments, experiencing judgments from others, etc.
Based on what you saw around you, you formed your own judgment about self-value, worthiness, your path, about good and bad, about rewards and punishments, and also about other faiths and belief systems. If you had unpleasant experiences with anyone following a different system, your brain analyzed the information and helped you form your own point of view about certain groups, cultures, races or faiths.
Let’s dissolve these inner judgments that limit you so that you can operate more from your heart knowing that a few do not represent the whole.
Your Personal Spiritual and Religious Beliefs
Your Personal Spiritual and Religious Belief Imprints are created based on your own life experience, education, what works for you, what doesn’t, and your point of view. You continue to change and reshape your personal beliefs as you go through your daily life.
If you were brought up with a lot of fear and judgment based teachings, they also shaped a big part of your Spiritual and Religious points of view.
How will your life change:
- When you rewrite these outdated imprints and subconscious core belief systems that are no longer serving you?
- As you let go of some of your non-beneficial or harmful memories or beliefs imposing limitations on you?
Are You Ready to Heal Inherited Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
that are based in Fear and Judgment?
Your experiences shape your world. Your beliefs help you to create your reality on an ongoing basis.
Your memories of what happened, how things happened, what you have been taught and what you have observed while growing up provide you with information that shapes your experiences and creates the path you are currently following.
When you change your relationship to these experiences, heal your memories, change your thought process and rewrite your belief imprints, you can align with your heart and purpose and achieve success faster in all areas of your life.
The Generational Healing for Spirituality program is designed to help you dissolve the limiting core beliefs and memories causing you to experience blocks around divine connection, living your full potential, achieving success, increasing income, experiencing more love and healing and attracting personal and global collaboration.
- Change your point of view about the world outside of you
- Detach from thinking that promotes separation and instead attract unity
- Be fulfilled in what you do – your job, business, and career
- Attract more fun and excitement in your life as you evolve beyond past teachings around lack and limitations
- Release generational and parental burdens of suffering and punishment
- Operate from a higher level of consciousness
- Increase your inner peace
- Break free from limitations placed by your previous generations and misinterpretations of Divine connection to attract global harmony and collaboration
Why is this Program Offered as a Special Gift, Free of Charge?
One of my missions on the planet is to transform outdated systems and help restore harmony. We need to break down systems based on fear and greed to transform them into heart-based systems. It is my vision for humanity to operate from a level of consciousness that is above and beyond any type of religious or spiritual doctrine or ideology that creates judgment and separation.
That’s why the Generational Healing for Spirituality is offered to you as a special gift from my heart to yours. Together we will begin a new Spiritual Evolution that starts deep inside our hearts and creates a ripple effect throughout the whole planet.
It is time to heal limiting beliefs that got passed down from generations. It is time to end fighting in the name of Divine love. It is time to build bridges among cultures, races, genders and faiths so we can all collaborate from our hearts, create with love and go where humanity has never gone before.
The Generational Healing for Spirituality program is a three part program and includes:
- Three ~75 minute experiential processes
- A PDF guide
Are you ready to redesign your life from a new level of spiritual awareness?
About your facilitator:
Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.