March 2021 Equinox Activation

Rebirth, Energize, Receive and Awaken New Possibilities for Your Future


The equinox is a time of transition, both of the seasons and of our internal journey.  Equinox is nature’s calibration of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres that happens every 6 months to shift and calibrate the energies for Earth and humanity.

In the Northern Hemisphere it is a time to focus on rebirth, starting fresh, letting go of the past and awakening a new vision to move forward.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it is a time to harvest – tune into cosmic energies to receive, align more with your higher vision and purpose, focus on gratitude, raise your vibration and prepare for inner growth to move forward.

Day and night are in equal balance.  It reminds us to seek balance in our own lives.


Similar to day and night, the male and female side of the body, the yang and yin energies, the left and right hemispheres of the brain – all receive an auto harmonization and synchronization.

Our global society is immersed in transition at this time.  We notice a lack of balance and harmony all around us.  It is nature’s indication to re-think balance and harmony both within us and on the planet for all.

Let’s explore the significance and the energies of this moment in the year.

Let’s take a breath and focus on harmony for your life.

Tune into a deeper awakening for your Soul journey through Earth.

With the Equinox energies your spirit wakes up with new ideas & new dreams for your life.  When you tune-in, it helps to make you feel alive & inspired.


The Benefits of Attending the Equinox Activation:

  • Harmonize the left and right hemispheres of your brain for clarity and focus
  • Circulate the yin and yang energies in your body to receive deep healing
  • Boost your vibration – let go of the past
  • Tune into the energies of rebirth to move forward
  • Open yourself to receiving from the Universe
  • Explore and focus on a big vision with the cosmic boost from the Equinox
  • Tune into new possibilities for your future
  • Amplify the energies with the group to help yourself, help humanity and help Earth
  • Raise your energetic vibrations to manifest your vision
  • Tune into the energies to align with your purpose
  • Synchronize your energetic flow with Earth’s energy matrix
  • And more…


Below are some approximate dates and information about Equinox and Solstice.


Re-think Possibilities with Cosmic “Software” Upgrades

You are familiar with regular upgrades to your phone and computer software. You receive a notification and upgrade to the latest version.

Similarly, there are many cosmic upgrades to our personal and collective consciousness software.  These upgrades come through different cosmic alignments, changes of energy cycles, solar flares, vibration from the stars and more.

With rapid changes on the planet and the collective consciousness, we need to upgrade our personal energetic software to stay up-to-date.

Equinox brings us one of those updates to the inner and global energetic software.

Your task?  Tune in, receive and integrate the enhanced matrix!

Is it time for you to rethink your world – job, career, business, lifestyle, products that you use, services that you provide and more?

We all need to become more responsible and learn, grow and expand our consciousness.  It is also our responsibility to help increase the flow of harmony and collaboration on Earth.

If collectively we hold onto the dysfunctional and controlling systems (like many governments, industries and organizations all over the world), we will interfere with the process and delay the next phase.

As you enhance life with each cosmic upgrade, focus on inner and global healing, eating and drinking healthy (to maintain your enhanced software), taking steps each day to raise your vibration (it helps you, your family, your environment and ripples out through your city, state, country and the planet) and tuning more into your higher purpose and life-vision.

That’s why it is extremely important to focus on inner healing, global healing, collaboration, letting go of the past, healing events that caused you disharmony and tune into a new world of love, healing, collaboration and abundance.



Instant Access to the Equinox Activation:

You will receive login details via email to access the audio and video.


What Seeds Will You Plant and Nurture for the Next 6 Months?

Focus on a vision to nurture for the next 6 months as you energize yourself with the Equinox energies.

After the activation, please continue to follow the steps to align with the manifestation energies of your vision.



Join me for the first Equinox activation of 2021!

Explore your heart’s desires with nature’s harmonizing energies.