Detox Your Energetic Foundation for Manifestation


Receive Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Energy Detox for Manifestation

Dissolve Suppressed Blocks and Limitations to Increase Abundance Energy

Change Your Existing Frequency – Work with the New Global Energy

Includes 5 Concentrated Energy Shifting Tracks for Regular Use 


Change the energy of your foundation that helps you attract and design your life.  Using the 5 energy shifting processes, you will go deeper into connecting with the enhanced energetic flow of manifestation.  Detox, dissolve and release the old energies from your physical, emotional and mental fields and your spiritual connections to attract something new.  Keep up with the rapid changing energies on Earth and excel in the coming years.

Each powerful and concentrated energy shifting track will be approximately 10 minutes.  There will also be an energy shifting track combining all 4.  You can continue using them on a daily basis since they are super-short.  Layer-by-layer, you will reprogram your energy field to maintain higher vibration which will allow you to manifest faster with ease and grace without all the anxiety. 

Recalibrate the flow of abundance and prosperity in your life.  Run energetic detox of your abundance vibration.  Let go of your past.  Focus on an influx of abundance energies in your life, career or business.  As you continue to strengthen your abundance vibration by repeatedly going through different holographic process and holographic programs, you can invite new options with ease and grace.


Your vibration determines everything.  What are you attracting in your life?

Increasing your abundance and prosperity vibration translates into manifesting faster and being able to receive more. Otherwise you can work hard but money goes out, things fall apart, opportunities are lost or you struggle to maintain the same flow of abundance in your life.  Let’s change it by changing your energetic frequency.  Enhance your reality and the options that you attract.


Change Your 4 Foundational Energetic Frequencies to Manifest Faster

The energy on Earth is rapidly changing to help awaken humanity to the next phase of our consciousness evolution, lifestyle changes and more.  During the phase of rapid transformation, we can notice sudden fluctuation of energy which can lead to a period of challenges and chaos that collectively humanity needs to overcome.

Your energy field containing your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual connections to the flow of energy and information plays a big role in what you attract, how fast you manifest and how long you can maintain the energy.  In order to make rapid changes in your life, career, relationships, business and more, your calibration needs to change.

Detox and recalibrate your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual energies to keep up with global changes and excel.  Manifest faster and maintain a higher vibration to receive your heart’s desires.


Below are the 5 processes you will experience as you go through the program.  Use them on a regular basis to redesign your reality.

Energy Shifting Process #1 – Physical Energy Detox and Frequency Calibration:

Your physical energy determines the results you can attract, receive and maintain in your everyday life.  A deep detox of your physical energy field will help you to raise your vibration, integrate a stronger flow of manifestation energies, keep up with the changing global frequencies and receive the end-results your heart desires.  If you do not raise your Physical Energy Threshold, you will not be able to receive and maintain the abundance, finances and the end-results you desire.

Recalibrate your physical field to receive, integrate and maintain the energies of manifestation.


Energy Shifting Process #2 – Emotional Energy Detox and Frequency Calibration:

Your emotional energy determines your connections and the feelings of worthiness about manifesting your vision.  Unless you change your Emotional Energy Threshold, you will not feel good about yourself or manifesting your vision and you can push away abundance.  When that happens, you will subconsciously keep connecting with old programming and challenges and feel stuck.

Recalibrate your emotional field to feel good, manifest with your heart vibration and maintain the new vibration.


Energy Shifting Process #3 – Mental Energy Detox and Frequency Calibration:

Your mental energy determines the vibration your thoughts are constantly transmitting.  Are your thoughts empowering or are they pushing away the results you desire?  Without raising your Mental Energy Threshold, you will repel success, abundance, finances, inner healing, aligning with your higher purpose and more.  You may experience going 1 step forward and 2 steps back with lack of clarity.  Thoughts about manifesting your heart’s desires may trigger subconscious anxiety and fear.

Recalibrate your mental field to manifest with strength and clarity.


Energy Shifting Process #4 – Spiritual Energy Detox and Frequency Calibration:

Your spiritual energy determines your cosmic connections and connections to your purpose and deep inside if you feel you are worthy of manifesting your ideas/vision.  If you have a low Spiritual Energy Threshold, you can get comfortable in experiencing lack or limitations around abundance and create resistance in receiving and manifesting. You may do a lot of work on yourself to attract your vision, but experience difficulty in bringing out your gifts & talents and creating success in your life.

Recalibrate your spiritual connections to align with your life-purpose and Soul-vision.


Energy Shifting Process #5 – Combined Energy Field Detox and Frequency Calibration:

The combined process included simultaneous detoxing, releasing, energy shifting and frequency healing for your entire bio-energetic field.  Each process is powerful to help you make changes in your reality.  When you strengthen your energy field and change the frequency you maintain, you will transmit different information into the cosmos to attract options that are more joyful, healing, abundant and fulfilling in your life.


Change the Energies of Your Foundation to Attract Different Results

By changing your 4 foundational energetic frequencies, you can clear your mind, body and feelings and attract solutions and new options faster.  During the program and the specially designed journey and processing segments, you will release the energies and connections to many old events from your physical, emotional and mental fields and spiritual connections.


Specially Formulated Frequency Based Detoxing and Energy Shifting Mixtures

During the detoxing and healing journey and processing segments, you will experience the power of specially formulated Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual detoxing and energy shifting frequency mixture.  Each mixture is designed to interact with one of your energetic foundations.

The energy shifting mixtures are applied to different parts of your bio-energetic field to detox, absorb and dissolve limitations, restrictions and stuck energy and information for resolutions, healing and raising the threshold and vibration of your energetic foundations.

Experience a cosmic spa for your energy bodies for growth and manifestation.


How Will the Program Benefit You?

  • Release the stuck patterns disrupting your energetic foundation
  • Raise your overall abundance vibration to tune into the manifestation energies of your heart’s desires
  • Experience a deep detox for your energy field to transform limitations around receiving abundance, healing, prosperity, unconditional love, vision alignment and more
  • Learn to maintain the new vibration in your field and attract new options more easily
  • Tune into the frequencies of abundance and prosperity energies anchoring on the planet now
  • Immerse yourself with frequencies to increase the flow of success, abundance and prosperity
  • Learn to use the processing tracks for specific ideas/vision


What is Included in the Program?

  • Video class with 5 short journey/processing segments
  • Physical Energetic Detox Track
  • Emotional Energetic Detox Track
  • Mental Energetic Detox Track
  • Spiritual Energetic Detox Track
  • Overall Bio-Energetic Field Detox, Healing and Vibration Tune-Up for Manifestation
  • Downloadable music encoded audio tracks for each journey & processing for regular listening


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You will receive instant access to the program and all audio-video files immediately after you sign-up.



Are You Ready to Detox and Raise the Vibration of Your Energetic Foundation to Manifest Faster?


SPECIAL OFFER:  The Detox Your Energetic Foundation for Manifestation program is $197.  The special introductory rate is $97.


About Mashhur Anam

Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives.

Mashhur is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years, curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it.

He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.

Although these tools and programs are complex in nature, Mashhur’s programs allow anyone from any background to incorporate them into their daily lives.

He founded Life Harmonized so that all people could access these powerful technologies to raise the consciousness and vibration of the world. He and his team of fellow manifestors, dreamers and reality-benders love to serve their clients in achieving their desires.