What is a Matrix Imprint?

Matrix Imprints are images where holographic technology is embedded within them. Each matrix imprint includes many layers of programming, beneficial information, life enhancement options and higher vibrational data to increase the flow of abundance, love, healing, possibilities, spiritual alignment and more.

Matrix Imprint images interact with you and your environment.  They are not just flat images that you just see on a screen or piece of paper.  They have their own environment and multidimensional connections.

Matrix Imprint images are similar to a highly advanced interactive computer program.
When you gently gaze at an image, you begin to tune into its energy matrix.

How Do You Use and Interact with the Matrix Imprints?

You can gently gaze at the Matrix Imprint and allow energy and encoded information to come toward you and flow through you.
You can also imagine yourself walking inside the Matrix Imprint and its multi-dimensional environment. Then look around and notice the energies with all of your senses.

Tune in to the energy – your brain may translate the information into colors, pictures, smell, sounds, feelings, sensations and more. As you tune-in, you give yourself a tune-up with the encoded information.

The holographic programming embedded on the image scans and analyzes your field and receives information about what options, energies and possibilities will be most helpful for you. Then it begins to interact with you step-by-step to fulfill its intended purpose.

When you continue to use it, step-by-step, you will integrate the information matrix to enhance your life and your world.

Where Do You Place the Printed Matrix Imprints?

In addition to using the Matrix Imprints on your phone, mobile device and computer, you can also print them out and keep them on your desk or put them on the wall so you can see them often. You can also place any of them on the wall behind your bed or on the headboard so they radiate out energies when you sleep.

How Much Time Should You Spend?

It is really up to you. You can keep a folder on your desktop with all of your Matrix Imprints and spend 1-3 minutes on each anytime throughout the day. The ones that are connected to your priorities, you can spend more time or play with them multiple times throughout the day. As you begin to use them and play with them, your connections will get stronger and your interaction faster.

What Will You Receive?

For each Matrix Imprint, you will receive a downloadable digital version of a color image with Holographic encoding to help you integrate energy and information. You can use them on your computer, mobile devices or print in color to use a physical copy. Size varies for each Matrix Imprint.

The Bridge of Hope & Possibilities – Move Beyond Fear Matrix Imprint

The Matrix Imprint “The Bridge of Hope and Possibilities” will help you to bring in more hope, possibilities and invite your next steps into your life.

What are you afraid of?  Focus on a solution and take a sacred journey to cross your river of challenges and move past them.

The swinging bridge, the water, the nature, the colors and the energies of the sun and the wind are programmed to help you transform current energies, thoughts, feelings and scenarios that are limiting for you and your path.  As you walk across the bridge, with each step, information gets transformed and you journey toward hope, possibilities and your greatness.

The full version download file has all the Holographic encoding.
Image Size:  1288 × 802 pixels

Available for the first time.

Last Updated:  The Matrix Imprint programming was last updated on 4/14/19

Increase the Flow of Financial Abundance in Your Life Matrix Imprint

With Spring Detox, condition yourself to increase the flow of Abundance and Prosperity in your life with this Matrix Imprint.

This particular image includes programming to help you transform financial limitations.  This is a very traditional image, however, the graph triggers memories of information you have seen in school, college and the media about financial ups and downs.  It has been programmed for you to identify and diffuse inner fear and resistance around financial success and increase your income and savings. 

The blank space also has programming to scan your field and gradually raise your threshold or upper limit bit-by-bit so your system allows it.

On your member page, you will receive power statements to Create the Laws of Your New Reality.

The full version download file has all the Holographic encoding.
Image Size:  2000 × 1500 pixels

Available for the first time.

Last Updated:  The Matrix Imprint programming was last updated on 4/14/19

Going Beyond Your Thresholds Matrix Imprint

Gaze at the Going Beyond Your Thresholds Matrix Imprint and focus on breaking your upper limits to receive a stronger flow of abundance and new possibilities in all areas of your life.  As you gently gaze at the center, allow the WHOLE UNIVERSE to fine-tune itself to help you receive all the abundance and prosperity energies that you desire.

The set of the main 3 stars are programmed to help you raise your thresholds bit by bit as you look at the picture.  Think about these stars as steps on a staircase.  As you focus on the image and allow the star vortex energies to reprogram your thresholds, you go up one level.  As you continue to focus on the image, you continue to go up.

The full version download file has all the Holographic encoding.
Image Size:  1600 × 1065 pixels

Available for the first time.

Last Updated:  The Matrix Imprint programming was last updated on 4/14/19

Cosmic Downloads from the Whale Galaxy & Supernova Matrix Imprint

Gently gaze at this encoded Matrix Imprint image and allow the energies of these powerful stars to spiral down through you. Allow them to shower cosmic solutions, lessons, success and prosperity in your life.

The Cosmic Downloads Matrix Imprint is connected to multiple star systems deep inside the Whale Galaxy as many stars here went supernova.  As you go through 2019 detox and awakening, allow a stronger flow of cosmic gratitude, magic and miracles to shower you.

You can imagine and feel the vertical image as a vortex of cosmic energies coming down and spiraling through you.

The Matrix Imprint image acts as a gateway for these connections and programming to help you on your path and your Soul-journey.

The full version download file has all the Holographic encoding.
Image Size:  815 × 2100 pixels

Available for the first time.

Last Updated:  The Matrix Imprint programming was last updated on 4/14/19

Infuse Cosmic Love into Your Life Matrix Imprint

This particular large Rose Nebula image is encoded with a lot of rose frequencies infused with cosmic love from the Nebula.  Gaze at the Matrix Imprint and receive gentle rose and love energies through you and your environment repeatedly to increase the flow of alignment with love.

Focus on ONE priority around love/relationships.  Then imagine, visualize, notice or feel the ideal reality where your vision has come true.

Then imagine jumping inside the Nebula, a cosmic rose.  Allow the love and healing energies from the Rosette Nebula to gently spiral through you, going deep inside your cells, the nucleus within each cell and into your DNA.  Simply be in that energy and allow cosmic love to be infused into your body, your field and your being.

The full version download file has all the Holographic encoding.
Image Size:  1441 × 1441 pixels

Available for the first time.

Last Updated:  The Matrix Imprint programming was last updated on 4/14/19

Align with and Embody Your Inner Passion Matrix Imprint

Gaze at the full version of the Matrix Imprint and focus on aligning with your heart’s passion.  You can focus on the Laws of Your New Reality starting now (so these are true for you now and moving forward as you integrate the energy):

  • I align with my heart’s desire
  • I align with my Soul purpose
  • Everyday I step more into my personal power
  • I am the center and the creative power of my Universe
  • Every month, my cosmic alignment (with my higher purpose) is increasing
  • Every month, my life is becoming more magical, healthy, loving, joyful and prosperous
  • Bonus:  Every month, all life on Earth is collaborating for peace, harmony, joy and prosperity

The full version download file has all the Holographic encoding.
Image Size:  1280 × 1151 pixels

Available for the first time.

Last Updated:  The Matrix Imprint programming was last updated on 4/14/19

Golden Fractal of Roses Matrix Imprint

The Golden Fractal of Roses Matrix Imprint is programmed to generate the vibration of abundance and love for you and direct the energies toward you.  Imagine that each golden rose is spinning and sending you waves of love and abundance.  Then gradually they surround you and keep sending you waves of abundance and love from all directions to help raise your cellular vibration.

There are also binary strings of messages (abundance, wealth, prosperity and success) that go through the Matrix Imprint repeatedly.  Your brain understands the information as computer converts information into binary codes and we all are connected to the digital world.

Begin playing with the Golden Fractal of Roses Matrix Imprint with curiosity.  Open your mind and heart to absorb the energies, notice your sensations and wonder how much the flow of abundance may increase in your everyday life. 

The full version download file has all the Holographic encoding.
Image Size:  1200 × 888 pixels

Last Updated:  The Matrix Imprint programming was last updated on 12/26/18

Order Matrix Imprints Here:

To place an order, please click here and select one or more Matrix Imprints.

Please choose the Matrix Imprints that attract you the most.  You can save them on your computer, phone, iPad or other mobile devices and scroll through them daily.

If you have any questions, please email support@lifeharmonized.com.