The Cosmic Creation classes infuse the wisdom of the stars with science, technology and spirituality to help you learn, grow, transform and create a life that you desire.

The classes are designed to help you deepen your cosmic and spiritual connections, align with your life’s vision and higher purpose and design your life from a higher level of awareness from your heart-space with peace, love, joy, abundance and collaboration.

When you combine the knowledge from science, technology and spirituality, you understand that the atoms in your body were created at the heart of different stars. As the stars become supernovas and ascend, the physical energy burst comes together to form galaxies, solar systems, planets and rocks, which form the building blocks of all living beings.

Through the monthly Cosmic Creation program, you have the option to dive into a particular star, planet, nebula or other cosmic energy. Please choose what attracts you the most.

Life Detox with Antares B (Brand New this April):

The ancient civilizations didn’t classify Antares B as a Royal Star without reason. It is one of the most powerful stars directly influencing our consciousness evolution. Antares B can reach way deep into your cells and memories and find the “hidden files” or suppressed information you are holding onto.

This suppressed information can come from your own experiences or from your ancestors. It constantly pops up causing repeating patterns and challenges until are completely resolved. Let’s choose to change those patterns now.

Explore the Royal Star Antares B to:

  • Experience a bio-energetic detox of your body and your cellular memories with Antares B’s energy to extract and dissolve ancient memories and limiting beliefs that are currently holding you back
  • Learn to run Antares B’s energies for the planet, the planetary grid and the collective consciousness to help change global energies – help people to rise above global disharmony
  • Use Antares B’s light to detox all faiths and followers of different faiths to help diffuse their differences and transform and release the energies of hatred
  • Run a Bio-detox for 2019 with Antares B for your path, ideas, goals, visions and your life
  • Learn how to run a bio-energetic detox for your clients (or others) and help them diffuse major suppressed emotions or events from their lives

Rebirth with Phoenix

2019 is a year of major personal transformation to Re-evaluate, Renew and Rebirth.  It is your time to re-evaluate what is working, renew your commitment and priorities and experience your Personal Rebirth.  It’s time to free yourself and ignite the light of your Soul vibration to reach even greater heights.

It is time for your inner Phoenix energies to rise.  If you have felt a deep desire to change and have a calling to step into something bigger, 2019 is the year to make those changes and align with your heart’s desires.

Explore the Constellation Phoenix to:

  • Awaken you higher vision and reconstruct your reality
  • Transform your existing energy, path and reality to renew your commitment and help align with your heart’s desires
  • Turn your limitations and restrictions into ashes
  • Learn to recycle the flow of energy and reconstruct your new world
  • Reawaken your inner light, joy and creativity
  • Re-ignite your soul-vision
  • Help bring in the energies of rebirth for the collective consciousness
  • Dream bigger and bring freedom, joy and creativity into your life and career

Innovative Uranus 1 – In Transit for Your Greatness

If you didn’t start playing with Uranus yet – now is your perfect opportunity. 

As rebellious Uranus began its 8-year journey by moving into grounding Taurus (May 2018 – April 2026), it is shaking up how we do things globally.  It is a powerful time to work on your personal freedom and a deeper awakening.

Uranus stands for forward-looking and forward-moving energies.  The energies of Uranus are electric and filled with initiating changes.

The Uranian consciousness defies tradition and celebrates originality and individuality. Uranus is associated with technology, innovation, discovery and information and ideas that are progressive.

During the Cosmic Creation with Uranus, you will:

  • Integrate and tune-into the energies of Uranus, which influences you to change, innovate, invent, break traditions and awaken
  • Interrupt the traditional patterns in all areas of your life to have a breakthrough with the energy flow of Uranus
  • Learn to tune-into and use the Uranian vertical spin to break up and redirect what is not working in your life for your current flow of abundance
  • Tune-into and use the Uranian vertical spin to break up and redirect what is not working in your life around your love and relationship patterns
  • Allow the transiting energies of Uranus in Taurus to help you ground moving-forward energies
  • Strengthen your Soul-alignment with the awakening energies of Uranus
  • Begin to take actions in your life to move forward faster

(Please note:  Uranus 1 and Uranus 2 are not co-dependent)

Uranus 2 – Rebellion for Your Inner Freedom & Soul Expression

With major changes in the cosmic flow of unfolding events, Uranus is in a great position to help bring out the uniqueness and freedom of your heart.

Click here to watch the unique rotation and the energy flow of Uranus.

Uranus is associated with enlightenment, progressiveness, objectivity, novelty, speed and ingenuity.

Uranus, the planet of revolution, technology and rebellion, has astrologically recently moved from fiery Aries into conservative and grounding Taurus.

Transiting Uranus acts to disrupt traditional flows, and when we take advantage of the energy, it helps to create a renewed sense of hope and possibilities by creating new pathways and ways of doing things.

Uranus frees us from thinking inside the box and offers us opportunities for something completely new.

During the Cosmic Creation with Uranus, you will:

  • Integrate and tune-into a more expanded flow of Uranus that influences you to radically change restrictions and limitations that constantly show up in your life
  • Tune-into and use the vertical spin of Uranus to bring your unique gifts to the surface
  • Learn to explore an expanded energy-state of Uranus-consciousness that’s connected to personal enlightenment
  • Use the vertical spinning effect of Uranus to bring out more of your Soul-expression
  • Use the energy of Uranus to break your non-beneficial or harmful past habits and change your personal energy flow to invite in new ways of doing things
  • Explore “future timeline traversing” (selecting the next 8-years of your Soul-journey) and use the vertical spin of Uranus to change limitations and road-blocks and bring in new opportunities
  • Free yourself from past limitations and setup a new vision for your future

(Please note:  Uranus 1 and Uranus 2 are not co-dependent)

Venus – the Planet of Love

Venus is known as the planet of Love, Romance and Passion.  The energy of the planet Venus is powerful for creating harmony in emotional attachments, in love and romance, in marriage, in business partnerships and in friendships.

During the Cosmic Creation with Venus, you will:

  • Awaken your inner passion to experience more love and creativity in your life
  • Infuse love into your creations and everyday living by bringing in the energies from Venus (your products, services, books, programs, website, design, artwork, food, water, cooking, etc.)
  • Learn to create a passion vortex in your heart and amplify its effects with the energy of Venus
  • Send out a love vortex from Venus to others for creating or healing relationships
  • Learn to focus on manifesting your desires by tuning into a love vortex from Venus
  • Create a Venus-Love-Bridge to attract your ideal romantic relationship or enhance your existing one
  • Allow your life to be more loving and joyful by integrating energy matrix from Venus

Arcturus – the Star of Empowerment & Communication

Arcturus is a red giant star and also the fourth brightest star in the night sky. 

Throughout Earth’s history, Arcturus played an important role in many civilizations. In ancient Greece, this star was known as “the watcher or the guardian”. In many Asian and European civilizations, Arcturus has been known as “the keeper of heaven”, “the keeper of the north”, “the great horn”, “the beneficent one”, “pillars of the sky”, “the star of joy” and more.

For thousands of years groups focusing on spirituality and expansion of consciousness have been connecting with Arcturus to receive messages and guidance.

Arcturus is a powerful star that helps to open up a higher level of communication with spiritual guides and cosmic forces.

During the Cosmic Creation with Arcturus, you will:

  • Integrate the energy matrix of the Empowerment Star Arcturus
  • Create a bridge between your ego and your higher consciousness with the help of Arcturian consciousness so that your ego-self aligns with and serves your higher vision
  • Connect with the Arcturian council of higher consciousness for wisdom and guidance to help you on your path
  • Dissolve ancient emotional and mental illusions and conditioning from your soul’s journey with the energy matrix from Arcturus
  • Diffuse the energies of war and oppression that you may have experienced in your soul’s journey that are still encoded in you
  • By diffusing these energies, you will create a ripple effect through time for your own consciousness evolution and help to anchor and higher vibration or form of wisdom and spiritual truth for humanity

Jupiter, the Planet of Luck & Fortune (New for 2019)

Jupiter is known to be the planet of prosperity, luck, fortune, knowledge, wisdom and intellect. The energy of Jupiter is also known to be helpful to find your sense of purpose.

From ancient times, Jupiter has been known as the planet of prosperity, luck, fortune, knowledge, wisdom and intellect. It also has the highest number of known moons (79) of any planet in our solar system, making Jupiter even luckier.

During the Cosmic Creation with Jupiter, you will:

  • Use Jupiter’s energy matrix to dissolve your resistance to allowing luck and good fortune in your life
  • Learn to communicate with Jupiter for a personal boost of luck around money, abundance, success, creativity, opportunities, relationships and more
  • Bring in and embody the energies of luck to attract more money and prosperity into your life
  • Tune-in to Jupiter’s luck energies to allow your life-journey to become easier
  • Learn to use Jupiter’s high-spinning energies to give yourself a boost of luck and abundance whenever you desire
  • Experience the entire Jupiter-system (with 79 known moons) as they interact with you and send you bursts of spinning energies while you hold a focus or a vision in your heart – bringing lucky solutions to you
  • Learn to use open-ended luck questions to play with the energies of luck in any situation

The North Star Polaris for Hope and Guidance

Polaris is commonly known as the North Star as it is very close to the northern pole. It is the brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Minor.

Polaris is a multiple star system. The main star Polaris A is a yellow supergiant and is in orbit with a companion star Polaris Ab and a third star Polaris B.

Polaris is a star of direction, hope and guidance. Through Earth’s history, sailors and others have used this star as it looks fixed in the night sky close to the North Pole.

It is known to show you the way when you feel lost or need hope or direction.

Explore the North Star Polaris to:

  • Integrate a Polaris Compass Matrix for direction and guidance for your path, ideas, visions and your projects
  • Learn to use a Polaris Cocoon to nurture your wishes
    Communicate with Polaris-consciousness for assistance with manifestation
  • Uninstall old vows, contracts and agreements with Polaris to enhance your life
  • Dissolve non-beneficial and limiting options with the Polaris
  • Guidance Energy Matrix
  • Enhance your ideas with Polaris and expand your reach for a bigger impact
  • Allow Polaris to help you find or enhance your path and be a North Star for your own Universe

Order Cosmic Creation Special Offers Here:

To place an order for Cosmic Creation, please click here and select one or more Cosmic Creation classes

After you listen to the full class, you can continue to listen to the separated meditation/journey/processing track with the star/planet/nebula on a regular basis.

If you have any questions, please email