Spring is a powerful time for rejuvenation.  In the Northern Hemisphere, we enter a time for a fresh new start/magical new beginning.  If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, our Earth balances its energies to enter fall. Much like the fall harvest – the natural culmination of the cycle of growth – it’s your time to receive.

No matter where you are, it’s time for a deep inner transformation, awakening to your Soul-vision and opening up to the next steps of your life journey.

2019 is a year of major inner/personal and global transformation, growth, re-evaluation and rebirth.  The Earth Pig grounds us while at the same time we have the Phoenix consciousness working at an etheric level.

It is important to re-evaluate everything and let go or change the things that are not working for you.  Only then can you open up to higher vibrations of love, healing, abundance, luck and possibilities.

Regardless of what the last 3 months have been like for you, it’s time to detox your energies, thoughts and feelings and move forward toward aligning with the magical solutions this Universe has to offer you.

To help with the process, we are launching a Spring Detox, Awakening and Renewal Enchanted Offerings for the first time.

How Does It Work?

We’ve put together a collection of our programs and tools for you, highlighting a few of our favorites for Spring Detoxing, Awakening and Renewal that are all available for 15% off until the end of April.
And for the first time ever we are offering two brand new products with special introductory savings!

Just click on any of the links here or on our various program pages to learn about anything that attracts you.
Please make sure to come back to this page when you’re ready to purchase – as we’ve made a special order form with all the included programs so it’s easier for you to get exactly what you want all at the same time.
The only items not included in the main form are the sacred geometry products as they have a special order form for shipping purposes.

These Enchanted Offerings discounts cannot be combined with any other discount and does not apply to any past purchases.


Heal Cellular Imprints of Your Second Brain (Foundation):

A very different type of program that helps you go deep into healing, detoxing and transforming the imprints, memories and energies you hold deep inside your cells and your entire Enteric Nervous System. This system is often referred to as your Second Brain as it contains 500 million neurons! 

You will receive the program in both audio and video formats.

Free up your system for awakening, renewal, letting go of the past and moving forward.

Heal Cellular Imprints of Your Second Brain for Abundance & Prosperity:

This program helps you dive deeper into your cellular imprints and the Enteric Nervous System memories.  Dissolve and eliminate energetic toxins stored in your cellular memories preventing abundance.  Seal “leaky holes” that prevent success, release generational trauma that prevents you from receiving abundance, dissolve lack of worthiness patterns and a lot more.

You will receive the program in audio and video formats with 6 separated mp3 processing tracks that you can play even while you sleep.

Life Detox with Antares B (Brand New this April):

The ancient civilizations didn’t classify Antares B as a Royal Star without reason.  It is one of the most powerful stars directly influencing our consciousness evolution.  Antares B can reach way deep into your cells and memories and find the “hidden files” or suppressed information you are holding onto. 

This suppressed information can come from your own experiences or from your ancestors.  It constantly pops up causing repeating patterns and challenges until are completely resolved.  Let’s choose to change those patterns now.

Bio-detox your year, help your clients and learn to play with the Antares B Star Bowl.

(SOLD OUT) Sacred Geometry Sri Yantra Pendant:

We also have 2 very special products for you.  Some of you at our live event in Bellevue, WA last year, experienced the power of the Sri Yantra pendant.  People in China fell in love with these 2 specially encoded sacred geometry products and they want more.

So we thought, why not make these available for you on our website?

The Sri Yantra sacred geometry pendant is made with silver and gold inside a stainless steel circle with a necklace chain.  Sri Yantra is a very powerful sacred geometry symbol that has been used for many thousands of years.

Learn more about this magical sacred geometry Sri Yantra pendant.

Sacred Geometry Torus Vortex:

The beautiful and powerful 18K gold plated Torus Vortex is 4”x4” in size.  This expression of the dynamic force of life is encoded with abundance, magic and luck programming.

The Torus Vortex is programmed with a 3-dimensional holographic projection (imagine it is actually 3-D) that is constantly rotating and pumping a stronger flow of abundance, luck and prosperity into your reality.  You can take an idea or a wish and drop it into the Torus Vortex and allow the holographic programming to help you manifest that reality for you.

You can place or hold an object on top of it and energize it with the holographic programming.

Learn more about the sacred geometry Torus Vortex.

15% OFF for Spring:

For almost all programs and classes on our website (excluding 2019 Feng Shui and personal sessions), you can receive 15% off for the rest of the month of April. You can choose any of our Harmony Toolkits, Holographic Tools and all of our classes. Detox your life and invite the energies of cosmic awakening and renewal to open up a stronger flow of love, healing, abundance and magic in your life.:

Click here for our special order form – Use the Special Coupon Code Spring15 when checking out.

The Enchanted Offerings are good now through April 30th, 2019.

Explore and Choose What Excites You

For more information about our other featured offers (including our special Cosmic Creation and Matrix Imprint Enchanted Spring Offerings), click the pages below to explore and choose what excites you!