Crystalline Matrix Activation and Enhancements – Special Registration Offer

Welcome!  Since you have participated in at least one previous Crystalline Matrix class, you receive a special registration price for you and up to 5 family members who live in the same home with you.


What is the Crystalline Matrix?  Consider the Crystalline Matrix Your Spiritual Skeleton

Much like our skeleton supports all our systems and serves as the foundation for our physical life, the Crystalline Matrix is the foundation for our next level of existence.

This matrix is formed using a Fibonacci sequence (similar to the spirals you see in nature – the ratio that creates the natural spirals is a part of the Universal creation and expansion energy) and sacred geometry. There are major crystal points on our head, heart, hands, feet, Chakras and meridians. Each cell of your body has a central crystal structure and around it forms your personal crystalline matrix using the Fibonacci geometric ratio.

As you go through the process, you will experience releasing of deep core suppressed and non-beneficial information from your crystals.  Layer-by-layer, you continue to enhance your crystals as you go through the Crystalline Matrix classes.

The next big breakthrough on your spiritual quest is YOU.  Enhance your spiritual foundation, allow your consciousness to expand and lay the groundwork for your transformation to a higher plane of existence with no holding back.


Dragon and Phoenix Frequency Infused Crystalline Matrix – Enlightened Awakening and a New Vibration of Abundance

2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon energies.  We are also in the Age of Phoenix as the brand new 20-year Fire element energy infused global cycle is now influencing us in a big way. 

The Dragon and the Phoenix are seen as 2 very powerful, yet harmonious energies that can bring rapid inner growth, healing, enlightened awakening, prosperity, transforming the old and inviting new options and possibilities and more.

Immerse yourself in a unified vortex of Dragon and Phoenix energies.  Expand your spiritual growth.  Unlock your ability to harness spiritual and higher dimensional frequencies connected to your Soul-Path and higher purpose. Witness the positive impact on your life, career, business, purpose, and more as you tune-in and receive.


Join the Crystalline Matrix + Crystalline Projection with the 2 Powerful Cosmic Energies – the Phoenix and the Dragon

Tune into new options and solutions based on your cosmic vision.  Integrate the Dragon-Phoenix energies in your Crystalline Matrix.  Use the unified energies of the powerful cosmic forces to project your vision.


The Importance of Crystalline Matrix and Crystalline Projection

When your vibration is high enough, you can rise above a lot of personal and global issues more easily.  When more people on the planet can raise their vibration just by 3%-6%, we will see a lot more changes that will benefit us and the planet.

That’s why Crystalline Matrix has always been a very important class.  It’s very different than everything else you have experienced.  By connecting with the frequencies of abundance, prosperity, magic and miracles, you can raise your vibration and help raise the global vibration to attract empowering solution for our and humanity’s future.

During the 8-days of Crystalline Matrix, plus a Crystalline Projection practice day, you will focus on integrating and using the energies of the Dragon and the Phoenix for your consciousness expansion and tuning into higher vibrational energies for projecting a future filled with possibilities.

Learn to generate and hold a stronger field of abundance using the unified energy matrix of the Dragon and the Phoenix.  Recalibrate with the changing flow of abundance, prosperity and global awakening.  Spend a week running the energies to connect with your Soul-Path and your cosmic mission for a deeper awakening, abundance and inner harmony.


Dates of the Crystalline Matrix Activation, Healing and Enhancements:

Part 1 – Saturday, April 13th, 2024 at 8:00 am Pacific / 11 am Eastern / 3 pm UTC
Part 2 – Saturday, April 20th, 2024 at 8:00 am Pacific / 11 am Eastern / 3 pm UTC
Part 3 (Crystalline Projection) – Sunday, April 21st, 2024 at 8:00 am PT / 11 am ET / 3 pm UTC


Learn and Practice Crystalline Projection with the Unified Energies of the Phoenix and the Dragon!

Crystalline Projection is a new way to manifest with speed.  When you involve your crystals to transmit your heart’s desire, you interact with the crystalline grid of Earth to find and attract solutions faster.

“Turn on” your entire Crystalline Matrix to project energy waves for specific ideas, feelings and your vision.  Practice using Crystalline Projection to manifesting your ideas, goals and priorities.  Learn to give yourself regular vibration tune-up to align with your heart’s desires and speed up the cosmic process of manifestation.

You will learn about using your Crystalline Matrix to send out your vision of reality.  As you begin to use Crystalline Projection, you will have stronger influence on shaping the world around you.

Learn to use the yin-yang energies of the Phoenix and the Dragon to transmit your ideas/vision.  Hold the vibration of the unified cosmic energies for rapid growth, inner awakening, healing, rebirth, awakening to a new level of consciousness and more.


Experience Energy Infused Liquid Crystal Frequency Bath for Crystalline Detox!

During the program, you will experience an integration of cosmic frequencies in your Crystalline Chamber for rapid growth and expansion of consciousness.  You will also enter a liquid crystal sphere for frequency bath infused with the cosmic energies representing the Dragon and the Phoenix.

Enhance your cellular vibration to hold a stronger flow of abundance, prosperity and alignment energies.  Tune into the energies using your Crystalline Matrix. 

Join the new Crystalline Matrix for a New Pathway to Elevated Consciousness.


A Crossroad of Our Consciousness Evolution

We are at a crossroads of our consciousness evolution. Changes are happening rapidly and we need to stay ahead of the cosmic wave bringing in massive transformation to allow the next phase of our life on Earth to unfold.

But how will it unfold?  With ease or with great difficulties?  That option depends on our personal and global vibration.

Focus on inner healing, global healing, raising your vibration and fine-tuning your lifestyle to make better choices to help yourself, help your family and help Earth.  Empower yourself. Energize yourself. Re-awaken yourself. Prepare for your new journey.

Join the April 2024 Crystalline Matrix with Crystalline Projection for Elevated Consciousness, vision alignment and projecting abundance frequencies for the new global energies.

Choose the payment plan that is right for you – now with a new 2-payment option!

Crystalline Matrix registration is now closed.
We will notify our community via email when the class is available again in September, 2024.