Bridge to 5th Dimension

Are you ready to leverage the power of the Star within you?

  • Are you aware that according to NASA and ancient spiritual teachings, we ALL come from the stars?

  • Are you looking for the next step in your spiritual quest and return to your Wholeness?

  • Do you want to manifest your desires by using the energy of the stars?

  • Are you ready to Ascend to a multidimensional cosmic environment and connect with Oneness?

  • Are you willing to explore the hidden messages you carry from the stars?

After many thousands of years of silence,
we are ready to Awaken the Star Chakras

We are experiencing the most important time of our history on earth. It is extremely important for us to rise above fear and judgment. Our collective inner harmony plays a major part in determining the state of our global harmony.

Transitioning to the 5th Dimension and ascending to a multidimensional existence is a process.  From ancient spiritual teachings to modern Quantum Physics – we are decoding a lot of information and understanding that as we raise our vibration and expand our consciousness, we can reach a point that is beyond our current lifestyle and state of being.  From this state we can manifest easily, maintain youth and vitality, be in perfect health, embody pure love and live from a state of joy and bliss.  Ascending to this higher realm and state of existence is generally seen as the 5th Dimensional space. In this package, you will begin to gradually integrate cosmic vibrations and new holographic matrices from different stellar consciousness that will help you to transform and redefine your life, your vision, your purpose and move into a multidimensional existence. The Bridge to 5th Dimension series helps you to gradually access your ascension blueprint and integrate ascension vibration in this lifetime.

The goal of any personal development or spiritual path is to bring us into connection with our own divinity and truth and into the awareness of our own creative genius. All of us have a great creative potential. You can utilize the Bridge to 5th Dimension series to work with the cosmic energy to unlock your hidden potentials.

The Bridge to 5th Dimension series is designed to:
  • Help you expand your consciousness and awaken your Star Chakras
  • Integrate energy of the stars Maia, Alcyone, Orion (the stars on Orion’s Belt), energy of our sun and the Great Central Sun
  • Awaken your hidden potentials and unlock messages that you carry from the stars
  • Integrate multidimensional sacred geometry and stellar matrices that are essential for the new planetary matrix and evolution of humanity
  • Help you transmute dense energy blockages to resolve unwanted patterns and expand consciousness, opening the doors to new possibilities
  • Allow you to integrate the Golden Frequencies and utilize them in your personal life
  • Help you connect with the stars in a new way and tap into a unified consciousness to expedite your personal and spiritual growth
  • Rise above judgment and limitations
Manifest With the Energy of the Stars

As you integrate energy matrix from different stars, your body and energy field gradually get used to operating from a higher vibration.  You can align with your vision and purpose more easily.  You can hold an intention in your heart and work with the energy of a star to radiate out your desires from a higher level of consciousness to attract solutions faster.  You will begin to awaken your intuition and you can interact and understand how the Cosmic energy is guiding you.  Allow your harmful old patterns to fade away and operate from a state of joy.

Why it is important to work with the stars

In the Stellar World we can access the wisdom of the stars who provide valuable insight into areas of our life that we may not be able to see with ordinary 3D perception. When we shift patterns energetically in the cosmic world and receive assistance and guidance, the results often show up immediately in our waking lives. Manifesting from these spaces is much more powerful than manifesting from “regular” life. Using the holographic tools and programs to work with the Cosmic World, we can transform patterns with speed and ease due to being outside of duality and the 3d time-space continuum. 2014 and 2015 are two very important years for humanity’s awakening. Earth is receiving new light matrices from a number of stars and humanity will go through a deep cleansing and releasing process. As you prepare yourself, your energy field and your life by integrating light matrices from the stars, you can expedite your journey into a multidimensional cosmic environment and lead others to do the same.

Stellar Alchemy – how can you utilize cosmic energy on a daily basis by using this series

By awakening to new ways of connecting and working with the stars such as Maia, Alcyone, Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka, you are tuning in to a wider frequency bandwidth and you will be deeply connected to the vibration of the stars. By initiating contact, your relationship will continue to unfold and you can ask for guidance, wisdom and solutions from the stars at any time and receive valuable answers. You know that your reality is a reflection of your inner vibration.


Bridge to 5th Dimension
Total package value: $1190
Special Offer: $144


Here’s what you receive with the Bridge to 5th Dimension package:

Item 1:  Solar Matrix Integration

solar-integrationThe guided processing has been created to integrate information from the Sun for our planetary shift and for the new multidimensional earth matrix that is being created. You will receive a PDF and an audio MP3 recording with layers of encoded holographic matrices from the sun. Each time you listen to this recording, you will integrate more information from the sun for yourself and the planet.

  • Learn to gradually operate from complete neutrality and non-judgment
  • Learn to expand the light of your heart to allow unconditional love
  • Release fear, judgment and limitations
  • Integrate a 5th dimensional light matrix for a gradual process of ascension
  • Learn to become one with cosmic beings
  • Learn to manifest using the consciousness of the sun

Item 2:  Maia Matrix Integration

maia-integrationThe guided processing has been created to integrate information matrices from Maia for your conscious expansion and healing. You will receive a PDF and an audio MP3 recording with layers of encoded holographic matrices from Maia. Each time you listen to this recording, you will integrate more light and information from Maia for yourself and the planet.

  • Maia is a star in the constellation Taurus.
  • Maia is one of the brightest stars in the Pleiades open star cluster
  • The light matrix of Maia provides guidance and helps us to recognize the next steps in life
  • The cosmic energy of Maia helps to create solutions, ideas, new options and more
  • Integrate the energy from Maia for healing and radiate this light to others
  • Integrate the light matrix from Maia for rejuvenation, youth and vitality

Item 3:  Alcyone Matrix Integration

alcyone-integrationThe guided processing has been created to integrate information matrices from Alcyone for your personal and planetary transformation. You will receive a PDF and an audio MP3 recording with layers of encoded holographic matrices from Alcyone. Each time you listen to this recording, you will gradually integrate more information for yourself and the planet.

  • Alcyone is a star system in the constellation Taurus
  • It is the brightest star in the Pleiades open star cluster
  • Learn to work with Alcyone to align with your long term vision and purpose
  • Integrate a stronger light for rapid transformation and manifestation
  • Help your clients transform unwanted patterns and resistance by calling in Alcyone’s light
  • Encode a new holographic blueprint for yourself, humanity and the planet
  • Gradually move toward love and joy with Alcyone’s playful energy and transform density
  • Learn to manifest with Alcyone’s playful energy

Item 4:  Orion Matrix Integration

orion-integrationThe guided processing has been created to integrate information matrices from Orion for individual and planetary ascension. You will receive a PDF and an audio MP3 recording with layers of encoded holographic matrices from Orion. Each time you listen to this recording, you will gradually integrate more information for yourself and the planet.

  • Integrate Orion matrix to rise above disharmony
  • Gradually unlock the history of your soul’s journey and connect with unity consciousness
  • Integrate your 5th dimensional aspects and move beyond time
  • Use Orion’s light to heal the separation of your soul from your soul group
  • Work with Orion’s light to unlock the purity of magic and miracles in your life
  • Start to integrate pure crystalline vibration from Orion’s Belt
  • Integrate the vibration of abundance consciousness

Item 5:  Great Central Sun Matrix Integration

great-central-sun-integrationThe guided processing has been created to integrate Golden Grid and Oneness vibration from the Great Central Sun. You will receive a PDF and an audio MP3 recording with layers of encoded holographic matrices from the Great Central Sun. Each time you listen to this recording, you will gradually integrate more information for yourself, the planet, our solar system and the Milky Way galaxy.

  • Encode a new Golden Grid for humanity and the planet
  • Gradually begin to work with multidimensional vibration
  • Integrate Golden Alpha frequency
  • Integrate Golden Phi frequency
  • Integrate Golden Omega frequency
  • Integrate Golden Infinity frequency
  • Manifest using the golden frequencies of creation

Item 6:  Three – 2 Hour Pre-Recorded Coaching Calls

With your purchase of the Bridge to 5th Dimension series, you will also receive 3 pre-recorded coaching calls.

  • You will receive over 6 hours of pre-recorded coaching calls
  • Additional guided processing and integration in each of the 3 coaching calls
  • Q&A from the participants about the Bridge to 5th Dimension series and holographic programs
  • How to utilize the energy of the stars in your everyday life

 “I wanted to describe why I love the Bridge to 5th Dimension series from a practical standpoint because it really is a package for everyone. My father worked on the “Stardust” project with NASA and I remember him telling me years ago that the matter they collected from this project was organic in nature and was in actuality the same organic matter that makes up our human structure. I thought that was a little far-out at the time, but now upon working with the matrices in this series, it goes far beyond my father’s description.


The main thing I would like to express is the true depth of this series. It brings human evolution full circle when you realize where you came from and get the big picture from space rather than from the frantic 3D world. I personally have been given wonderful advice from the Alcyone Matrix and have worked with the Maia Matrix and its light beings for healing; as you work with each Matrix, the information makes profound sense and starts become magical. Whether you are a cautious soul or an adventurous soul, I feel you will find working with these matrices an experience unlike any other, gaining much needed clarity, volumes of wisdom and the essential information regarding your soul’s passion and what you came here to do.”
~ Teresa L., California, United States


“I would like to share that the Bridge to 5th Dimension series connected me to my star family and I began opening to light, light language and stellar beings. The integration even opened up my other family members I placed in a container to experience my journeys without them consciously listening. This is an amazing series for intergalactic journeys. I love the series and listen in a loop once a week with stellar bridge and interchanging with Mashhurs’s other programs like Redesign Your Reality.”
~ Gigi R., Vancouver, Canada


“I love the “Bridge to 5th Dimension” series! I’ve been at a personal crossroads and listening to these integrations have guided me and inspired to a successful and promising life! Thank you, Mashhur.”
~ Anna N., New York, United States


“The Bridge to 5th Dimension series was so fascinating, powerful and fun for lack of better words. Each session is like a virtual space tour except in the consciousness it is actually real. The journeys do reach profound destinies, purging the Heart for the mysteries of creation within along the way. During each journey, Mashhur like a tour guide, explains where we are going and/or describes and what is happening, what amenities are available etc at every stop….and the sound of every word he says scans through every cell of the body…I just knew we were in the Sacred zones of divine creation; deep, deep, deep…


Ever since I integrated the energies and frequencies of these Beings of Light (i.e our Sun, Maia, Alcyone, Orion and the Great Central Sun) my life has never been the same, my whole perception of reality has shifted completely in a way that helps me to distinguish between the truth from the daily illusions that used to seem so real all along. The cosmic energies of these Beings of Light expanded my consciousness within a couple of months…I am now more open to my intuitive senses and it’s like wow, I am safe and protected!! There are no problems, all is well no matter what shows up. Thank you so much Mashhur, I am magickally privileged to be involved with your works.”
~ Anne H., Lancashire, United Kingdom


Bridge to 5th Dimension
Total package value: $1190
Special Offer: $144



About Mashhur Anam

Mashhur-Anam-Web-188portMashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives.

Mashhur is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years, curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it.

He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.

Although these tools and programs are complex in nature, Mashhur’s programs allow anyone from any background to incorporate them into their daily lives.

He founded Life Harmonized so that all people could access these powerful technologies to raise the consciousness and vibration of the world. He and his team of fellow manifestors, dreamers and reality-benders love to serve their clients in achieving their desires.