Activate Cellular Healing for Vibrant Health

Receive a Brand New Holographic Program to Activate Cellular Healing

Access an Emerald Healing Lake – Infuse Your Cells with Healing Vibration

Learn to Steam-Wash, Detox and Energize Your Mitochondria for Deep Healing


Human body, on an average, has 37 trillions cells.  Some modern research talk about a lot more than 37 trillion cells.  Imagine these are parts of a vehicle – YOU!  In order to maintain optimum health, your cells need to be nourished, repaired and healed.

Cellular health matters greatly since it directly affects how your body functions, repairs itself, how well it produces new body tissue, and much more.  Also, as we age, our cells age, too. Over time our cells become more fragile and don’t work as efficiently. This breakdown in our cells causes aging, and this process can leave us feeling tired or like we’re not quite at our best.

Releasing old and dense energy on a cellular level can help improve not only your physical body but as well your emotional and spiritual self.  By bringing healing into your cells, you will energize them and give them the frequency based nutrition they need to repair and nourish themselves.

The 3-part program includes many processes that you can continue to use on a regular basis for inner healing, boosting your energy, transmitting instructions to your cells and organs, receive light frequencies for nourishment, become more youthful and vibrant and more.


​Brand New Holographic Program to Activate Your Cellular Healing

Activate Cellular Healing for Vibrant HealthYou will receive a brand new Holographic program to activate your cellular healing for vibrant health.  It will be integrated during the class to help repair, heal and regenerate cellular energy.

What is a Holographic program?  They are similar to computer programs or software, however, they are integrated in your consciousness and human operating system.  Once you have the integration, you can launch or activate it any time by using an activation command, just like activating a computer software with a click or touch of a finger.

The Holographic program to activate cellular healing for vibrant health includes:

  • Cleansing and detoxing your cells to improve their functionality and heal
  • Help your cells release trauma and trapped emotions and old programming that prevent healing
  • Generating healing frequencies from the Sun to nourish your cells:  You have a solar body.  Sunlight is needed by your cells to perform their functions.  When you are in the Sun, your body absorbs and uses Sunlight.  You also receive processed Sunlight from healthy food.
  • Generating healing frequencies from the healing star Maia (in Pleiades open cluster) to repair and heal your cells:  The healing star Maia is a powerful cosmic source for cellular healing.
  • Integrating healing frequencies from nature for cellular healing, repairing and restoration of functionality
  • Infusion of healing frequencies from healing crystals
  • Strengthening cellular energy for a stronger immune system
  • Connecting to a state of vibrant health


Frequency Infused Healing Crystal – Receive Healing for Your Body

You will receive access to an massive Emerald Healing Crystal through a special gateway.  The Emerald Healing Crystal and the surrounding mountains and trees are programmed to transmit and amplify healing energy to you.  Learn to connect and receive the Emerald Healing Crystal  frequencies to help repair, heal and restore the cells in your organs and body.

Learn to transmit healing messages into your whole body or parts of your body that need healing by using the Emerald Healing Crystal.  Connect with the vibration of the healing frequencies to rejuvenate your body.

Learn to use the Emerald Healing Crystal to super-charge your food and drinks and program them to receive more cellular healing.  You will receive the full-version programmed Matrix Imprint image with healing frequencies as a part of the program.

Connect with the energies of rapid healing, regeneration and vibrant health.


Healing Vibration Infused Emerald Lake – Cellular Regeneration

You will receive access to an Emerald Healing Lake through a special gateway.  The Emerald Healing Lake and the healing crystals in and around the lake are infused with the energies to help repair, heal and regenerate your cells.

You are 70% water.  Allow your body, your organs and your cells to absorb energy of the healing water from the Emerald Lake.  Detox your issues.  Transform them in the energy of the Emerald Healing Lake.  Learn to reprogram your cells to initiate healing.

Learn to transmit healing messages into your whole body or parts of your body.  Give yourself an energetic tune-up with healing frequencies from nature, the Sun, the healing crystal, the healing flowers and other cosmic energies.

Connect with the energies of longevity and youthfulness using the frequency encoded Emerald Healing Lake.


Detox and Repair the Energy of Mitochondria – Your Cellular Powerhouse

Mitochondria are considered to be the powerhouse of the cell because they generate most of the cell’s supply of energy.

The image of damaged and healthy mitochondria to the right is from Harvard Medical School.

They also coordinate different functions and send out signals and information when there is lack, immunity or dysfunction. Errors or ignorance in cellular signal processing can result in many diseases some of which are life threatening.

Mitochondria are also involved in other tasks such as Cellular Differentiation (how cells change from one type to another or how they become more specialized during cell growth), signaling cell status and maintaining the control of cell cycle and cell growth. In addition, the Mitochondrion has its own independent DNA (mDNA) that converts chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use.

During the program, you will experience and learn to use energetic and holographic processes to steam-wash mitochondria in your cells with healing frequencies.  Detox unhealthy or damaged mitochondria.  Help repair and regenerate them for vibrant health and cellular healing.


What are the Benefits of the Activate Cellular Healing Program?

The Activate Cellular Healing for Vibrant Health program is designed to help you detox, repair and heal your cellular energy.  You have many types of cells.  They create your organs and the whole body.  Learn to transmit instructions to repair, heal and regenerate your body.

After you receive the integration, begin using the Holographic program for Cellular Healing on a regular basis.  Infuse your cells with healing vibration.  Dive into the Emerald Healing Lake.  Nourish your cells and your body.

In today’s world, you are constantly exposed to toxins through food, water, products you use, the environment and more.  Take actions to help your cells detox and heal for vibrant health and longevity.


What Will You Receive?

Activate Cellular Healing and Vibrant Health program includes:

  • 3 classes with introductions, deep healing and processing meditations/journeys and Q&A
  • Streaming and downloadable audio tracks and videos
  • Integration and activation of a Brand New Holographic Program for Cellular Healing – you will learn to activate the frequencies anytime
  • Many detoxing, repairing and deep healing processes for the mitochondria, cells and body
  • Energized background music encoded meditation/journey segments for your regular practice and integration
  • Access to member page with all the information and streaming or downloadable audio/video tracks



Preview with Healing Crystal Energy Integration

Live Date: Friday, June 21st, 2024

Introduction includes information about Mitochondria detox, energizing your cells, Omega 7 for cell repairing, Emerald Healing Crystal usage, Emerald Lake with healing frequency infusion, cellular healing Holographic program and more.

Video Timestamp:  Solar Vortex and Emerald Healing Crystal Transmission begin at 24:44 minutes



Join the 3-Part Live Program:

Part 1:  Saturday, June 29th, 2024 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET / 3 pm UTC
Part 2:  Sunday, June 30th, 2024 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET / 3 pm UTC
Part 3:  Saturday, July 13th, 2024 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET / 3 pm UTC (giving you time to practice, experience the power of the processes, get results and come back to go deeper with your specific needs)

After each class, you will receive instant access to the audio and video modules.

Use the journey/activation and integration tracks with energized background music on a regular basis after the class to repair, heal and energize your body.  Recalibrate your energy to vibrant health.


Are You Ready to Deepen Your Connection to Healing Frequencies?

Join us and explore cellular healing for vibrant health!


Activate Cellular Healing for Vibrant Health class is $297.
Sign up for an introductory offer of $144 using the coupon code:  VIBRANTHEALTH
You will receive $153 off!