Re-Awaken Your Global Mission

Detox, Heal and Energize Your Life and Future with the Light and Frequency from the Andromeda Galaxy.

Sign-up for FREE – Receive 5 Days of Inner Detox, Healing, Global Detox, Frequency Tune-Up and More.

Andromeda Galaxy, home to over 1 trillion stars, plays a big role in your Soul-journey and shaping your path and events that brought you to explore Earth consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness of Andromeda Galaxy helps you to reconnect with your “lost” mission for your Soul-journey. The light of Andromeda Galaxy is also very strong and helps you to experience a deep detox and re-alignment. It helps to clear your field and connect with your true nature.

Empower yourself. Re-awaken your purpose and life’s mission. Energize your being with sacred geometry torus vortex activation with the Andromeda Galaxy to help you refine your path, reawaken your vision and focus on your new mission moving forward with changing global energies.


Sign-up Today – Give yourself a boost of Andromeda’s light and energy for spiritual awakening and alignment with your global purpose now.

Signup for the FREE Re-Awaken Your Global Mission with Andromeda series.  Expand consciousness.  Raise your vibration.  Help Earth and humanity rise.

Join 5 daily LIVE video classes.  They include short introduction to a topic and powerful meditation and processing with light and frequency from the Andromeda Galaxy, Twin-Soul of our Milky Way Galaxy.

LIVE Date and Time:  Monday, September 23rd to Friday, September 27th at 3pm PT / 6pm ET / 10pm UTC (daily)

Please invite others to join you to enhance their lives.  Amplify the energies and manifest your vision faster.


A new world is emerging.  Humanity is changing.  An evolution of consciousness is no longer a “nice-thing to do” but it is a “must-thing to do”.

Begin a journey of a deeper inner detox, healing and awakening.  Explore peace.  Choose to consciously design your future.  Help yourself and help humanity and Earth.

Build a life of passion and purpose.  Re-calibrate your vibrational resonance to reshape your world.

~ Mashhur Anam

Invite your friends and join the free classes:


Tune into higher frequencies of the majestic Andromeda Galaxy – create a stronger spiritual connection


Experience deep inner detox, healing and awakening toward your global purpose


Learn to use Andromeda’s Vortex energy for global detox, healing and awakening


Change your upper and lower limit range with Andromeda’s frequency

Spiritual Alchemy - Awakening - Mashhur Anam,

What would you like to attract in your life?

Experience inner healing, awakening and vision alignment to fulfill your dreams.  Re-awaken your global purpose!

About your facilitator:


Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.