Rise above the global fear of pandemic, heal your heart, focus on a new beginning and a new mission in your life.

At the moment, the world is experiencing a massive dose of uncertainty and anxiety. People are afraid of catching the coronavirus. One after another, major cities that never sleep have shut down, closed businesses and asked people to stay home. Overnight, many major cities turned into ghost-towns.

Use your time creatively to reshape your mind.  It is time for a deeper inner healing, spiritual awakening and rising above fear and anxiety of the future.

Join us and experience a powerful and FREE 10-day inner and global healing meditation and holographic healing to diffuse fear, anxiety, worry and suppressed emotions.  Focus on healing yourself, healing your loved ones and healing Earth.

Register for the special Heal Yourself, Heal the World series to receive your access to the daily classes.  You can join via audio or video.  If you are unable to join us live, a replay will be available after each healing meditation.

Each day’s healing journey will be 20-30 minutes.

Please invite others to register for the 10-day healing series.  Especially if you are home, join us, raise your vibration, focus on new solutions and possibilities and heal your world for a better future.  Help yourself, help others and help our planet.


This is not the time to constantly tune into the collective energies of uncertainty or media. Be aware, take precaution but don’t get plugged into fear.

It is the time for you to go deep inside you, detach from the world and receive information, guidance and inspiration for your future to help yourself, help others and help the planet. It is important to take steps to overcome the energies of fear and rise above your surroundings. 

You will experience healing frequencies of nature, the healing stars and Holographic processes to reprogram your world.

~ Mashhur Anam

Experience powerful group healing, rise above social isolation and bring new hope for your future.

Join the live classes to:


Dissolve your inner fear around health and wellbeing.


Unplug from fear and plug into the field of wellness.


Bring in healing energies for your respiratory system.


Heal your heart and heal your life.


Tune into your new mission for your future.


Receive healing frequency tune-up of your Chakras.

Spiritual Alchemy - Awakening - Mashhur Anam, www.LifeHarmonized.com

Dissolve your suppressed fear and anxiety and focus on a spiritual rebirth.

Empower yourself to move forward and create prosperity in your life

Receive Healing Support from Our Community:

Many of our community members and healers will support you by joining me to amplify healing energies by using their Holographic Healing Gloves.  If you don’t know what those are, register for the global free event and learn more.  You can experience the energies and receive all the benefits.

About your facilitator:


Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.