Join us as we become
When we give from the heart, the ripples of these energies spread through the planet and touch others. It is our desire to help humanity reach a level of consciousness where we have never gone before. We also want to make sure we can maintain that level so future generations can continue to make Earth and this Universe an even more magical place to be.
Our vision is to live in a world of creativity, exploration, possibilities, being aligned with our full potentials, igniting our inner passion, helping each other and experiencing peace and harmony among people of all faiths and beliefs. It is each of our responsibilities to do our part and help others do the same.
In a world of almost 8 billion people, we must focus on the impact of our products, services, and ideas on the collective human consciousness, individuals, families, the environment as a whole, the plants, the animals, the oceans and water bodies, the land and air we breathe in…you name it.
Our Partners in Creation are individuals, companies or organizations who have a vision to help, to heal, to unite, to collaborate, to empower and to make Earth a magical place to live.
The Life Harmonized community is full of magical beings who are focusing on inner transformation, Soul-alignment, consciousness expansion, helping others (clients, patients, family, friends, etc.), healing the Earth and going beyond possibilities that we can currently think of.
As we empower more individuals, companies and organizations to contribute and invest in the success of others, we help those who are helping the planet.
Together as a community, we often focus on helping the Earth and different parts of the planet and those who live there. We bring in the energies of rain where it is needed, harmonize forces of nature, help Earth’s natural resources, raise the level of our collective consciousness on Earth, heal ourselves, heal the planet and more.
Focusing our giving energy toward harmonizing the planet will create faster global change, making the Earth even more magical.
Abundance is a flow of all things in harmony. Often we think about abundance as money, however, money is only one part of abundance. Since it is a flow, it needs constant movement. This flow cannot end by simply going into a bank account – then the cycle breaks. As we give and help support individuals, companies, causes and the planet, we will keep the flow of abundance in motion—empowering others and empowering ourselves.
When we receive abundance that can be used to teach and empower others to align with their Soul-vision, it is also a responsibility to take that abundance and help others.
“As we contribute more to global projects, it will help the Life Harmonized company, the team and the Life Harmonized community to expand consciousness and become more magical and aware of our global needs. Together we can help more individuals, causes and our current home – Earth.”
~Mashhur Anam
There are so many areas to choose from – so many companies and individuals taking actions to help create a magical place on Earth.
At Life Harmonized, our focus is always to stand for what we believe in – not against what we don’t. Why?
Sending our energy, attention and focus toward causes and organizations that do their work in opposition instead of creation actually empowers what we do not want to attract. We partner with organizations who work to create the world they want to live in.
As we focus on the current state of Earth, certain energies come forward as priorities at this time. That’s why we have chosen to launch Partners in Creation to support the following causes.
We have chosen to launch
Partners in Creation
to support the following causes.
Do you know that bees are one of the few organisms on Earth that are constantly helping to repair, heal and regenerate the planetary grid? As bees make their hives, they also repair and rebuild the Earth’s grid in the hologram. Bees bring in structures of sacred geometry into the environment, which helps others to expand consciousness.
Besides this little known fact, bees also play a vital role in cross-pollination. That’s why we wish to empower bee organizations that are helping to empower bee populations. Without bees to spread seeds, many plants—including food crops—would die off.
We (yes, you too) are made up of about 70% or more of water. Earth has the same proportions as us. We represent a part of the planet. As we pollute Earth’s waters, we also pollute our internal systems. When we pollute the habitats of fish and other sea animals and plant life and then we consume them directly or indirectly, our health degrades.
In order to have a healthly personal and planetary ecosystem, the water energy (which is 70% or more) must be healed. That’s why we have chosen to help organizations that are helping the Earth’s Oceans.
Relief and Rebuilding:
We all know that the forces of Nature (earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, forest fire, etc.) come in fast and they can take everything from us in a moment. As we focus on helping heal Earth and harmonizing the forces of Nature, it is important to help rebuild areas that are affected.
We cannot just look at our local areas. Just think about yourself – you are a collection of trillions of cells. If you have an ache in one part of your body, you feel like your whole being hurts. Similarly, if a part of Earth is experiencing disharmony and hurting, we will all be affected by the ripples of those energies. We must look at global events and come together to help those who need help with relief, development and rebuilding.