2023 Monthly Abundance Integration

Monthly Abundance Integration – December 2023

Join participants from all over the world to:

  • Become a part of a monthly group journeys for success, abundance, healing, vision alignment and creativity
  • Raise your vibration and focus on your vision and purpose
  • Learn about effectively using Holographic tools and processes to enhance your life and create magic this year
  • Transform resistance, limitations and old habits that prevent you from achieving success
  • Let go of your past and attract new solutions into your life
  • Align more with your higher vision and purpose
  • Help humanity, Earth and our collective consciousness evolution
  • Learn to take simple and powerful action steps to manifest faster

Date and Time:

The Next Special Live New Year’s Class:  Monday, January 1st, 2024 at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 5 pm UTC

You will find the recent replays from previous months below.


Action Steps for the Month:

For rapid growth, join the Amplify Abundance Series in starting February to focus on amplifying the energies of success, abundance, prosperity and healing in your life.

You will receive (all included):

  • Monthly Amplify Abundance Classes – each with different themes that you can always use
  • Monthly Manifest with the Stars Classes (Cosmic Creation)
  • Matrix Imprint – A Programmed Image for Raising Your Vibration with video explanation on how to use
  • Group replays – to go deeper with our global community
  • 15% discount from our online classes (excludes CM, personal sessions)

…And so much more!


The Replay:

Replay is posted after each live class.  Please invite others to join, receive benefits and help create new possibilities for the future.

December:  Detox 2023 Events and Energize 2024 with Abundance and Healing Frequencies


Explore the Following Programs to Enhance Your Life

Cosmic Creation - Manifest with Meissa

8th Dimensional Frequency Projection for Your Soul-Path

Learn to Project 8th Dimensional Crystalline Energy for Your Soul-Path

The 8th dimensional energies are connected to very high vibration of crystalline consciousness. Many physicists mathematically calculated that our 3- dimensional reality is a projection from the 8th dimensional crystalline energy.

Explore 8th Dimensional Crystalline Frequency Projection for Your Soul-Path:

  • Connect with the 8th dimensional crystal frequencies and the crystal garden
  • Turn-on 8-D crystalline energies
  • Transmit higher dimensional crystalline frequencies into your Soul-Path
  • Bring healing for your Soul-journey with crystalline energies
  • Raise the vibration of your Soul-Path for stronger cosmic alignment with your life-mission
  • Energize your life and career with 8-D crystal frequencies for healing, awakening, fulfillment, abundance and prosperity

Join the 8-Dimensional Soul-Path Frequency Projection – Learn More.


The Dream Seeder – Energize and Nurture Your Dreams

Dreams and imagination help you design and enhance your life. They help you plant seeds of possibilities.

And the possibilities are endless.  Place them in the Dream Seeder and nurture them into fruition.

Once you receive the “installation and activation” of the Dream Seeder, you can start using it for any of your ideas, goals, intentions and visions and allow the Dream Seeder to nurture your dreams and help you manifest them.

While you are busy living life, allow the Dream Seeder to be your manifestation manager and help you align with what you need to manifest it.

Find out how by clicking here.

About Mashhur Anam

Mashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives. Curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it. He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.