2022 – Encoded Matrix Art for Home and Business

Use Nested Vortex Energies for Abundance and New Possibilities

Amplify the Beneficial Energies of the Year of the Water Tiger

Boost Your Vibration for Prosperity, Career and Purpose


The Encoded 2022 Water Tiger Matrix Art helps to enhance the energies of success, abundance and prosperity for your home, office, career and business.


How Will the Encoded Matrix Art Help You?

2022 is your year to be bold and adventurous. While all the fluctuation energies flow through the planet, it is important to develop a focused vision, filter out distractions and take charge to design and enhance your own success, abundance and prosperity.

By using the Water Tiger Matrix Art with encoded 2022 energies, you can break through obstacles and energize yourself and your company/business to move forward toward a stronger flow of success, abundance and prosperity.

Influence of the fast moving Water element, It is a year to be creative and explore new options and solutions that will help you and the planet.

As you continue to go through rapid inner and global transformation, you can use all the help you can get.  Use the nested vortex energies of the Matrix Art to generate stronger vibration in and around your property and amplify the beneficial energies from the Holographic Feng Shui (if you have the new holograms setup).     It is a year of fine-tuning your existing products, services and processes and enhance them with high-vibe new solutions and possibilities.

These energies of the year are encoded on the Feng Shui Residence and Business Matrix Art.  Also, the energies of the Positive Flying Stars for success, abundance, prosperity, love and luck are programmed on the Feng Shui Matrix Art to boost the energies of your home/business.


What is Encoded in the Water Tiger Matrix Art?

Each time you gaze at the Water Tiger Matrix Art, you will receive an energetic boost.  Since the Matrix Art is a physical object (when you print it out, frame it or create a canvas), you can connect easily.  You can touch the center of the physical Matrix Art and turn it on to create a stronger connection with the encoded energies.

Imagine your home, home-office, business or retail space is sitting on the Matrix Art.  Using your fingers, begin spinning the energies CLOCKWISE.  Allow the encoded energies to spiral through your property.   Focus on amplifying the energies in your home, office or business.


The Benefits of Using the 2022 Water Tiger Matrix Art:

  • Energize the address of the property with a stronger flow of success, abundance and prosperity
    • Encoded with the Restore Inner Abundance Holographic program
    • Encoded with the Liquid Luck Holographic program
    • Encoded with the Restore Inner Magic Holographic program
  • The background layer of the Matrix Art has nested Fibonacci spirals
    • The Fibonacci Vortex energies help to give you a mega boost as you use the Matrix Art
  • Use it regularly to build up the energies – allow the waves to create a stronger flow for the next few years
  • Help you to visually imprint vortex energies by using the printed version (you can also use the digital version)
  • Boost the beneficial energies of the Flying Star 1 for success and abundance
  • Boost the beneficial energies of the Flying Star 4 for love, family, wisdom and growth
  • Boost the beneficial energies of the Flying Star 6 for luck, career, new solutions and good fortune
  • Boost the beneficial energies of the Flying Star 8 for long term relationship, wealth, prosperity, success and happiness
  • Boost the beneficial energies of the Flying Star 9 for passion, fortune, new prospects, benefit your personal and business relationships
  • Energize with the 5 elements to harmonize the flow in your favor
  • Infuse higher dimensional energies to raise the vibration of the property and the area



Quarterly Enhancements to the Matrix Art are Included!

Each Water Tiger Matrix Art has a serial number.  Any future updates and enhancements to the Matrix Art for the WATER TIGER year will be automatically added to your version.  Use the Matrix Art for 3-5 minutes, one or more times a day to build up the energies and create a big impact in your life and receive new inspiration.

Based on the changing energies the Water Tiger Matrix Art will receive quarterly enhancements and calibration.  You do not need to re-print or change anything.  Enhancements will be received by all versions of the Water Tiger Matrix Art.



What is a Good Way to Use the Water Tiger Matrix Art?

You can use the high resolution large image for canvas printing to place on the wall.

You can print a smaller version of the Matrix Art and frame it or place it on your desk.

It’s best to place the Matrix Art in the South-East, North-East, North or North-West area of your home, office and business when possible.  Otherwise choose a different area.  Why?  The positive Feng Shui Flying Stars in 2022 are in those areas of your property.

Use it for Residential and Business:  You can use the Water Tiger Matrix Art for home, office or business.  Focus on your vision and create spiraling vortex energies using your fingers.


Digital Matrix Art Sizes: 

You will receive 3 sizes.  The large size is 3600 x 2700 pixels at 300 dpi. The medium size is 2100 x 1575 pixels. The small size is 1500 x 1125 pixels.

  • The large size prints excellent quality up to 48 inches x 32 inches.  The large image is best for canvas or professional quality printing to hang on your wall.  You can print smaller sizes too – you choose!
  • You can use the medium image to print a smaller size.
  • Use the small image to print a desktop size or to use it on your phone/computer.



Activating Your Address(es):  After you print the Matrix Art, please touch the center and say/think “Activate the Water Tiger Matrix Art” to “turn on” the Holographic programming for your property.  The Water Tiger Matrix Art also gets activated by Mashhur for your specified address (the one you enter during placing your order) the same day.  If your address is different from your entry, or if you have multiple personal home and business locations (your residences and business location), please email support@lifeharmonized.com with your full address(es).


Does it Require You to Setup 2022 Holographic Feng Shui First?

The Water Tiger Matrix Art is not dependent on Holographic Feng Shui setup.

You can focus on running a CLOCKWISE Vortex using your finger on the Matrix Art and allow the energies to spiral through your entire home, office or business.


Does the Matrix Art Replace Holographic Feng Shui?

No, the Water Tiger Matrix Art is a different technology to generate vortex energies with encoded programming for success, abundance, prosperity, healing and more.  The Holographic Feng Shui setup is a very detailed process of Space Feng Shui, Yearly Time Feng Shui, 20-Year Cycle, Direction and KUA number harmonization, different types of stress lines, negative vortex, interference lines, temple lines, entity healing and a lot more.

You can learn more about 2022 Holographic Feng Shui here.


Amplify the Energies of Abundance and Prosperity in 2022

Use the Water Tiger Matrix Art in your home and office.   Gaze at it and time-to-time daily for 3-5 minutes and spin the vortex energies.  Focus on receiving new possibilities and give yourself vibration tune-ups throughout the year.