Welcome to Manifesting with the Stars!  The Cosmic Creation classes to manifest with the stars infuse the wisdom of the stars with science, technology and spirituality to help you learn, grow, transform and create a life that you desire. The guided journeys are designed to help you deepen your cosmic and spiritual connections, align with your life’s vision and higher purpose and design your life from a higher level of awareness from your heart-space with peace, love, joy, abundance and collaboration.

Your final frontier is your inner universe. Self-realization and self-mastery are your keys to rise above limitations and redesign your reality. When you create harmony within and embody love, healing, and abundance, your external universe reflects that and life becomes magical.

When you combine the knowledge from science, technology and spirituality, you understand that the atoms in your body were created at the heart of different stars. As the stars become supernovas and ascend, the physical energy burst comes together to form galaxies, solar systems, planets and rocks, which form the building blocks of all living beings.

2025 is a year of profound inner shift and expansion.  It is also a year of getting out of your comfort zone to achieve success, abundance, prosperity in new ways with creative ideas.  As the energies on the planet continue to rapidly change, 2024 brings you the flow of new actions with collaboration for new possibilities.  It is important to unplug from the old that no longer work.  Instead, the energies are here to help you start a new journey to align more with your cosmic vision and mission.

Which reality of Earth will you choose?

Each month, you will explore Cosmic Creation with a particular star, nebula, cosmic gas cloud or planet based on the cosmic alignments and the energy and information that is beneficial for you.  Your focus in to rise above personal and global challenges, align more with your higher vision and purpose, help each other and the planet and take actions to create a healthy, joyful and abundant life.


Video Classes for 2025 and Music Encoded Audio Meditation:  The Cosmic Creation audio journeys for your regular practice will be energized with background music programmed with star energies for deeper integration, healing, awakening and aligning with your higher purpose.


Design Your Reality with the Frequencies of the Power-Stars

Reprogram your mindset and belief system with the power stars and cosmic energies.  Unlock a new level of creative power.

Begin Cosmic Creation Series 10 with some Power Stars that are influencing us in big ways.  Connect with them and learn to harness their energy for a deeper awakening, dissolving old programming and limitations, expand consciousness and activate your inner power for unconditional love, healing, abundance and cosmic magic.

Rapid Transform Rebirth with the power-star Ankaa (Alpha Phoenix/Phoenicis):
Brings you the energies of rebirth and transforming the old for a new beginning.  Turn your old challenges into ashes and dust with the help of the power-star Ankaa, the mind of Phoenix (constellation).

Royal Star Regulus – Infuse Fame, Strength, Courage and Wisdom in Your Life:
The personal empowerment energy of the Royal Star Regulus helps you to rule your life with courage and rise above challenges and influence others to help support a higher cause.  Regulus is connected to awakening the Lion’s Heart energy inside you.

Inner Detox and Spiritual Awakening with the Andromeda Galaxy:
The light of Andromeda Galaxy is also very strong and helps you to experience a deep detox and re-alignment.  It helps to clear your field and connect with your true nature.  The spiritual consciousness of Andromeda Galaxy helps you to reconnect with your “lost” mission for your Soul-journey.  Empower yourself.  Re-awaken your purpose and life’s mission.

The Power Star Vega for knowledge, ideas and future possibilities:
Vega has been considered to be one of the most important stars by many civilizations.  Journey into the Power Star Vega and infuse frequency from Vega.  Bring in an expanded level of solutions and possibilities into your reality for yourself, your vision, your life-journey and your path and purpose.



“How can I think beyond myself, focus on my world and envision creative solutions?  This is a powerful question that everyone needs to ask in our transitional world.  The simplest way to initiate a change is to raise your vibration with stellar energies and allow the world to catch up to you.”  Mashhur Anam



The Cosmic Creation Classes are designed to help you:

  • Explore and expand your consciousness
  • Achieve a higher level of brain function
  • Increase your intuition
  • Receive guidance from the universe more easily
  • Rise above day-to-day challenges
  • Attract solutions and new ways of doing things
  • Work with the energy of different stars for healing
  • Transform core blocks
  • Manifest your desires
  • Use the knowledge and information you receive to design a life of your choice

Learn to harness the power of the stars to design an enhanced life and manifest faster!


The live classes are held monthly with weekly group-replays. They are designed to help you learn, grow, play, create and manifest by using star frequencies and a stronger cosmic alignment!

Date and Time:

The Live class:  Sunday, January 5th, 2025 at 8:00 am Pacific / 11:00 am Eastern / 4:00 pm UTC

Classes are generally an hour.  You will receive instant access to the recordings after the live class.

On January 12th, 19th and 26th, there will be global group replays of the journey from the live class.  You can receive additional group energies and support and deepen your connection and alignment.  The monthly group repeats will help you to align with stronger cosmic forces, create new options and take actions to align more with your higher vision.


Registration for Design Your Reality with the Frequencies of the Power-Stars is Now Open.

  • Join us to explore spirituality, consciousness, life-purpose, creation and manifestation with cosmic energies
  • Private Facebook group access – be supported by Mashhur and the community
  • Guided journeys, meditations and integrations to help you raise your vibration
  • Work toward accomplishing your vision and align more with your Soul-vibration
  • Maintain constant flow of higher vibration and be empowered to take action to enhance your life
  • Help yourself, help your family and loved ones, help your clients and help Earth



The Cosmic Creation Classes include teaching, guidance, participant Q&A, activations, meditations, journeys and more.  Bring your curiosity, questions, awareness, observations and playful spirit to these transformational stellar calls.


Download and Replay:

Audio and video replays and music encoded audio meditation/journey are available to download after the class.


Register for $68 $48


Cosmic Creation with Mashhur Anam